EU Fridayish Metatrain
The time has come! Execute order Metatrain! Meetup at 2:50 pm UTC in the Wizard's Tower for a SotO CM Convergence. Schedule with all waypoints and times can be found here:
/sqjoin Platanium.4532
SotO CM Convergence
Janthit Wilds Convergence
Thunderhead Keep
Night Bosses
Ley-Line Anomaly
Chak Gerent
Of Mists and Monsters
Tarir / Octovine
Ooze Pits
Aetherblade Assault
Kaineng Blackout
Doomlore Shrine
The Oil Floes
Maws of Torment
Death Branded Shatterer
Sandswept Isles
Forged with Fire
Bounties + Piniata
Great Hall
Gang War
Unlocking the Wizard's Tower
Private Dragonstorm
Defense of Amnytas
Delve into the haze
You will need: Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, End of Dragons, Secrets of the Obscure, Janthir Wilds, Living World Season 4 and Icebrood Saga
NA [NA] After meta train Fashion contest Wednesday!
The after meta train Fashion contest wednesday is here! This will happen every wednesday after the meta train!…
- contest
- event
- fashion
- pve
EU Fridayish Metatrain
The time has come! Execute order Metatrain! Meetup at 2:50 pm UTC in the Wizard's Tower for a…
EU Fridayish Metatrain
The time has come! Execute order Metatrain! Meetup at 2:50 pm UTC in the Wizard's Tower for a…