Bruiser Soulbeast
Skill Priority
Target Stats
Bruiser Soulbeast is a flexible build, capable of team fighting and duelling, as it has decent sustain and good damage.
Build Fundamentals
On your maces you have access to
Build Specifics
Mainhand Sword hits extremely hard, both
Mace / Mace has great damage and sustain, use
Bear Stance is an extremely strong healing skill and excellent condi removal. It can be used either defensively for the cleanse or offensively to remove movement-impairing conditions and secure a kill.Dolyak Stance is your only stunbreak, but it gives you 6 stacks ofand a flat 33% incoming damage reduction (condi and power) . Griffon Stance is a great defensive since it provides a free evade while giving you tons of endurance regeneration for extra dodges and stacking. Your three utility stances are all flexible and can be used offensively or defensively, just be mindful that you aren’t wasting important CDs and overextending or you’ll end up dead.
Tip: Keep track of your
Smokescale[s] when not inBeastmode .Smoke Cloud activates on the pet, not on you, so you need to be nearby to get.
While merged with
- If you’re struggling into impairing conditions, consider taking
Superior Rune[s] of the Revenant foruptime. - Swap in a
Sigil[s] of Stagnation on sword to ensure you havewhen you swap and can land Serpent's Strike . - Replace
"Protect Me!" with"Sic 'Em!" for an additional damage modifier, movement speed and reveal a target, preventing them from stealthing. Always equipRune[s] of Vampirism if you swap out"Protect Me!" . Storm Spirit is another option over"Protect Me!" , and remember to equipRune[s] of Vampirism .