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About Us

Who We Are

Hardstuck is the biggest social and gameplay-oriented community in Guild Wars 2. We strive to create a fun, dynamic and inclusive environment, where all players can feel welcome and find resources to upgrade their in-game experience.

Our Mission

We believe in the power of a proactive, social approach to the game and we work hard to help that spirit grow within the Guild Wars 2 community. Whatever we do, the key-word at Hardstuck is “together”; after all, Guild Wars 2 is not a single-player MMO – despite popular belief –.

We provide a platform where players can engage socially, access valuable information and find support and/or funding for organising events. Our ultimate goal is to have fun, but that does not mean we do not like to take ourselves seriously. We also focus on offering resources to educate the playerbase and help it achieve a deeper understanding of the game on a mechanical level. We likewise aim to make the entry level to the Guild Wars 2 end-game more accessible to everyone.

Whether you enjoy try-harding or simply chilling, there is surely a place for you at Hardstuck!

Our Story

Our journey under the “Hardstuck” banner began in late 2020, but our roots in Guild Wars 2 are deeper. Some might even recall the dark times of “Mystic Builds [SALT]”, although it is perhaps for the best that such ancient lore has been forgotten. According to remnants of that forbidden knowledge, it all started with a very mighty teapot (Mightyteapot – the man behind it all). After many years of obstinacy, Mightyteapot’s shoulders finally crumbled under the sheer weight of trying to carry the entire Guild Wars 2 community alone and that is when he realised, he needed help(ers).

The project has seen several iterations ever since. We changed our name –formerly “Delusional Elitists”– but never our mission. We continue honouring the wishes and the legacy of Mightyteapot, who has long passed due to overworking.

Joking, he’s alive and kicking and he streams every day at

With the release of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, we have experienced a massive increase of members and we continue growing to this day. We cannot wait to see what the future has in store for all of us, but we are sure it is bound to be amazing!  

Our Values

To ensure Hardstuck is a good match for everyone, all of our Team representatives and our members must adhere to the following values:

  • Empathy
  • Integrity
  • Cooperation
  • Equity
  • Inclusivity
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Communication

We invite all our members to read our Code of Conduct for further information.

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