NA Rift Hunters, Converge on a Challenge!
One convergence CM. Fifteen rifts (6xT3, 6xT2, 3xT1). Every week.
We form at Reset +1, and start by Reset +1:25. To join in-game, type `/sqjoin on caer` (be sure to copy this text exactly, _including_ the word `on`).
We start with a private convergence CM, then visit all three non-SotO rift maps, opening 2xT3, 2xT2, and 1xT1 on each map.
_Let's dance with some demons._
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NA Rift Hunters, Converge on a Challenge!
One convergence CM. Fifteen rifts (6xT3, 6xT2, 3xT1). Every week. We form at Reset +1, and start by…