Power Willbender
Weapons & Sigils
Off-cooldownRushing Justice
Symbol of Resolution
Whirling Wrath
- Repeat x3, fill with
andSword of Justice
Purging Flames
after the 3rdWeapon Swap
Whirling Wrath
Ray of Judgment
Symbol of Blades
Zealot's Defense
- Fill with auto-attacks and use any skill as soon as it is off cooldown
as soon as it’s availableWeapon Swap
x2Flowing Resolve
Crashing Courage
Shield of Wrath
Sword of Justice
Ray of Judgment
Symbol of Blades
Weapon Swap
Symbol of Resolution
Whirling Wrath
Rushing Justice
Purging Flames
Binding Blade
Leap of Faith
Symbol of Resolution
Whirling Wrath
Loop Concepts:
- Always finish
Auto-attack chains on Greatsword and Sword/Focus - On Greatsword, use:
- On Sword, use:
- Use
off-cooldown, or save it for when you needCrashing Courage
or . - Use
andPurging Flames
off-cooldown.Rushing Justice
Filler options:
Leap of Faith
Binding Blade
Sword of Justice
Auto-attack chains
Target Stats

Power Willbender is a powerful, fast-paced DPS build with a free-flowing rotation. This build can be easy to pick up but difficult to master, as optimization requires avoiding as many hits as possible to upkeep Unscathed Contender
Build Fundamentals
Always maintain the effect of a Virtue skill to reduce the cooldowns of your weapon skills via Restorative Virtues
- Use
off-cooldown.Rushing Justice
andFlowing Resolve
can also be used, howeverCrashing Courage
should be kept available to refreshCrashing Courage
if necessary.
The main damaging skills are Whirling Wrath
Symbol of Resolution
Maintain Symbols under enemies at all times (Symbol of Resolution
Symbol of Blades
Symbolic Avenger
Build Specifics
Instead of a strict rotation, this build uses the main damage skills in each weapon set and fills in the gaps with the remaining skills or
Willbender is very mobile thanks to its Virtues. Rushing Justice
Flowing Resolve
Crashing Courage
Crashing Courage
Shield of Wrath
Crowd Control
Heaven's Palm
"Feel My Wrath!"
Bane Signet
–"Stand Your Ground!"
orHammer of Wisdom
– more CC.Sanctuary
– for projectile reflects.Wall of Reflection
If you don’t own the Secrets of the Obscure expansion, you can change the Relic of Peitha
Relic of Fireworks
Weapons & Sigils
Spear Loop
Symbol of Luminance
Solar Storm
Gleaming Disc
Helio Rush
Flowing Resolve
Sword of Justice
Flash Combo
Helio Rush
- Fill with
Daybreaking Slash
Rushing Justice
Helio Rush
- Fill with
Daybreaking Slash
Gleaming Disc
Crashing Courage
Solar Storm
Greatsword Loop
- Precast
x2 andFlowing Resolve
Crashing Courage
Sword of Justice
Symbol of Luminance
Gleaming Disc
Solar Storm
Weapon Swap
Symbol of Resolution
Whirling Wrath
Rushing Justice
Sword of Justice
Flash Combo
Binding Blade
Sword of Justice
Symbol of Resolution
Whirling Wrath
- Autochain x2
Rushing Justice
Symbol of Resolution
Whirling Wrath
Weapon Swap
Gleaming Disc
Solar Storm
Helio Rush
Sword of Justice
Symbol of Luminance
Flowing Resolve
Helio Rush
- Fill with
Daybreaking Slash
Rushing Justice
Helio Rush
Flash Combo
Gleaming Disc
Crashing Courage
Solar Storm
and follow Greatsword PriorityWeapon Swap
Target Stats

Power Spear Willbender is a powerful high burst build with cleave damage and a good amount of CC. This build also additional
Note that this build has a plenty of movement skills and animation locks. Watch out where you dash!
Build Fundamentals
Keep your uptime of Inspiring Virtue
Flowing Resolve
Crashing Courage
Lethal Tempo
Inspiring Virtue
Flowing Resolve
Crashing Courage
Inspiring Virtue
Flowing Resolve
Helio Rush
Flash Combo
Crashing Courage
Inspiring Virtue
After your opener, your Loop is not going to change. The idea at the beginning is to use all your charges of Sword of Justice
Symbol of Luminance
- Start in Spear and use
Sword of Justice
Symbol of Luminance
Gleaming Disc
, thenSolar Storm
to Greatsword.Weapon Swap
- Once in Greatsword, use
Symbol of Resolution
first, and thenWhirling Wrath
to keepRushing Justice
active.Inspiring Virtue
Sword of Justice
Flash Combo
Binding Blade
. With this combo, you can activate all charges ofSword of Justice
with very little downtime.Sword of Justice
- Follow your normal Greatsword Loop and
to Spear.Weapon Swap
- Your first Spear Loop is also slightly different due to
being on cooldown from the previous rotation. Instead, skip this skill at the beginning, and prioritizeSymbol of Luminance
Gleaming Disc
Solar Storm
, then useHelio Rush
Sword of Justice
.Symbol of Luminance
- At this point, to keep
active, useInspiring Virtue
and go back to the boss withFlowing Resolve
. After this, the ending of your Spear Loop will no longer change.Helio Rush
Avoid delaying using Rushing Justice
Inspiring Virtue
Helio Rush
Daybreaking Slash
Symbol of Luminance
Symbol of Luminance
Build Specifics
Along with its damage, Power Willbender also helps the team with plenty of boons.
– grants 3 stacks ofRushing Justice
to allies. – grantsFlowing Resolve
to allies. – grantsCrashing Courage
to allies.
– providesSymbol of Luminance
to allies. – provides 6 stacks ofGleaming Disc
to allies. If this skill is used whilst affected by , you also provideIlluminated
. – providesHelio Rush
under the effect of and if the allies are not full life.Illuminated
– providesSymbol of Resolution
to allies.
Willbender has plenty of Light Fields and Whirl Finishers, making you able to help with conditions cleanse for allies. Solar Storm
Crowd Control
CC skills in your current set:
– your biggest CC that is not in your rotation but always availableHeaven's Palm
Binding Blade
– while in GreatswordPull
– if necessary. Bear in mind that using this will negatively impact your DPS.Bane Signet
– low CC during your Spear Loop.Symbol of Luminance
Replace Flash Combo
– short CD and can be used twice.Heel Crack
Roiling Light
Quick Retribution
– insane amount of CC over time.Sanctuary
Utility Skills
If needed feel free to replace Flash Combo
– for projectile reflect.Wall of Reflection
– for strong CC and projectiles block.Sanctuary
– for group"Stand Your Ground!"
– for group"Advance!"
Heaven's Palm
– for precasting boons before the fight."Feel My Wrath!"
– for passive group healing.Signet of Courage