Condition Firebrand
Weapons & Sigils
Use Flame Rush
Detonate Jurisdiction
Symbol of Ignition
Purging Flames
Weapon Swap
Symbol of Vengeance
Zealot's Flame
- Enter
Tome of Justice
Axe Priority
Symbol of Vengeance
- 2x
Zealot's Flame
Zealot's Fire
Blazing Edge
- Enter
Tome of Justice
andPurging Flames
Flame Rush
Auto-attack chains
Pistol Priority
Target Stats

Condition Firebrand is a powerful, self-sufficient DPS build with flexible built-in utilities via Tome Skills. and powerful optional Guardian utility skills.
Build Fundamentals
Damage foes with Axe/Torch and Pistol/Pistol before entering Tome of Justice
Use the flexibility of Tome Skills to adapt to the situation and provide damage, support, or utility as needed.
Build Specifics
Mantra skills are cast in a cone in front of you, so position yourself appropriately to deal damage or apply boons to allies. Mantra charges cast instantly and do not interrupt other skills, so use them while casting other skills to maximize efficiency.
- Spam
off-cooldown to maximize damage.Flame Rush
- Use
to heal yourself if needed. The final charge,Restoring Reprieve
, can be used to applyRejuvenating Respite
to yourself and allies to block important attacks or mechanics. - Use
as needed forPortent of Freedom
. Its final charge, , also providesUnhindered Delivery
but should be saved for emergencies due to this skill’s long recharge time.
You can open Tome of Justice
Stow Tome
Dealing damage revolves around regularly switching weapons, to cycle through skills as often as possible. Pay attention to charges of the fourth skill on Torch and Pistol. Both can hold up to two charges and you want both to be charging almost all of the time. This is achieved by using one charge immediately when swapping to a weapon, a second time when a charge becomes available, and a third time before swapping to the other weapon.
Crowd Control
Being a Firebrand has the incredible upside of being a Guardian, which has lots of quite useful utility skills to choose from, depending on the encounter and what is needed to fill gaps in your group or personal kit.
- Replace
with:Signet of Wrath
– for more"Stand Your Ground!"
access. – for"Advance!"
and . – for CC, projectile block, and healing.Sanctuary
– for projectile reflect.Wall of Reflection
- Replace
with:Restoring Reprieve
– in encounters with Retaliation, like Gorseval.Litany of Wrath
- Replace
with:Mantra of Liberation
– if your group lacks"Feel My Wrath!"
uptime. – to ignore high-damaging mechanics like Vale Guardian Greens, or to recharge your Tome pages for more utility.Renewed Focus
Food Alternatives
- If you don’t have access to Ascended food:
- Use
instead.Plate of Beef Rendang
- Use
- You can use
, but only if you are desperately out of gold.Koi Cake
Weapons & Sigils
Weapon Skills
Purging Flames
Symbol of Vengeance
Zealot's Flame
Blazing Edge
- Axe
Auto-attack chain Cleansing Flame
Tome of Justice

Epilogue: Ashes of the Just
Chapter 2: Igniting Burst
Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath
Chapter 1: Searing Spell
Note: Always go into Tome of Justice
Tome of Resolve

Tome of Courage

Target Stats

Low Intensity Condition Firebrand is a powerful, self-sufficient DPS build with flexible built-in utilities via Tome Skills.
Build Fundamentals
Damage foes with Axe/Torch before entering Tome of Justice
Use the flexibility of Tome Skills to adapt to the situation and provide damage, support, or utility as needed.
Build Specifics
Mantra skills are cast in a cone in front of you, so position yourself appropriately to deal damage or apply boons to allies. Mantra charges cast instantly and do not interrupt other skills, so use them while casting other skills to maximize efficiency.
- Spam
off-cooldown to maximize damage.Flame Rush
- Use
to heal yourself if needed. The final charge,Restoring Reprieve
, can be used to applyRejuvenating Respite
to yourself and allies to block important attacks or mechanics. - Use
as needed forPortent of Freedom
. Its final charge, , also providesUnhindered Delivery
but should be saved for emergencies due to this skill’s long recharge time.
Radiant Fire
Zealot's Fire
Zealot's Flame
Radiant Fire
Zealot's Flame
You can open Tome of Justice
Stow Tome
Options for a second weapon set include:
- Scepter main-hand for
via and ranged damage.Chains of Light
- Greatsword to pull enemies with
and mobility fromBinding Blade
.Leap of Faith
- Sword main-hand for mobility via
.Symbol of Blades
- Hammer for extra CC from
via .Zealot's Embrace
Crowd Control
- Replace
with:Signet of Wrath
– for more"Stand Your Ground!"
access. – for"Advance!"
and . – for CC, projectile block, and healing.Sanctuary
– for projectile reflect.Wall of Reflection
- Replace
with:Restoring Reprieve
– in encounters with Retaliation, like Gorseval.Litany of Wrath
- Replace
with:Mantra of Liberation
– if your group lacks"Feel My Wrath!"
uptime. – to ignore high-damaging mechanics like Vale Guardian Greens, or to recharge your Tome pages for more utility.Renewed Focus
- If you don’t have access to Ascended food:
- Use
instead.Plate of Beef Rendang
- Use
- You can use
, but only if you are desperately out of gold.Koi Cake