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    Heal Alacrity Willbender
    February 2025

    Group PvE
    Weapon Mastery icon Weapon Mastery


    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's HelmSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's ShouldersSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's ChestSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's GlovesSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's LegsSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's BootsSuperior Rune of the Monk

    Weapons & Sigils

    Staff icon Superior Sigil of Transference icon Superior Sigil of Concentration icon
    Harrier's StaffSuperior Sigil of TransferenceSuperior Sigil of Concentration
    Spear icon Superior Sigil of Transference icon Superior Sigil of Concentration icon
    Harrier's SpearSuperior Sigil of TransferenceSuperior Sigil of Concentration


    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Backpiece
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Accessory
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Accessory
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Amulet
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Ring
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Ring
    Relic icon
    Relic of Karakosa


    Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint Garnish icon Bountiful Maintenance Oil icon
    Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint GarnishBountiful Maintenance Oil


    20 x Healing Infusions icon
    20 x Healing Infusions

    Utility Skills


    Skill Priority


    1. Symbol of Luminance
    2. Gleaming Disc
    3. Solar Storm
    4. Helio Rush
    5. Fill with Daybreaking Slash between skills until Weapon Swap


    1. Symbol of Swiftness Holy Strike
    2. Empower
    3. Fill with autos
    4. Symbol of Swiftness Holy Strike
    5. Weapon Swap


    1. "Hold the Line!" when off CD
    2. Flowing Resolve and Rushing Justice when off CD


    Target Stats



    Heal Alacrity Willbender offers plenty of utilities, CC, and boons, similar to its brother Heal Quickness Firebrand. It provides permanent , , , , and 25 stacks of . On demand and in rotation you can provide , and for your squad. You have access to all the Guardian utility skills, which make you able to choose what would be best in any fight.

    It’s important to remember that this build has a lot of movement skills and animation locks, so it’s less recommended for tanking roles, unless you’re very experienced with the fight.

    Build Fundamentals

    This build’s loop is quite simple. Start in Spear in order to start giving alongside with , ,  and , then swap to Staff to give additional and . Below is what specifically generates the boons, starting with Spear:

    • Flowing Resolve and Rushing Justice to immediately give , and 3 stacks of .
    • "Hold the Line!" use this off cooldown and at the start of the opener to give and . This skill is insta cast, meaning that it won’t interrupt other skills when it’s casted.
    • Symbol of Luminance places a Symbol on the ground, giving and the Illuminated effect. This last effect is very important as it empowers your other Spear skills for the next 6 seconds, which both boosts your output and provides additional uptime from Gleaming Disc.
    • Gleaming Disc to provide 6 stacks of and if under the effect of Illuminated it provides .
    • Crashing Courage to provide additional protection and self mobility.

    While on Staff, you should follow this priority:

    TheIlluminated buff empowers your Spear skills. You can get this buff through using either Solar Storm, Gleaming Disc or Helio Rush, and it will work on one of them on the next use. These empowers provide:

    Build Specifics

    Important note on Flowing Resolve: once activated, you gain a personal buff for the next 6 seconds. While affected by this buff, every 5 attacks on the target will increase the duration of and on you.

    Crashing Courage can be used to gain self boons and provide and to nearby allies. As this skill is also a shadowstep, it can additionally be used this skill to reposition yourself in a fight.

    Consider taking Empowering Might instead of Honorable Staff if your squad needs extra .

    Honorable Staff reduces the recharge of Staff skills, gives120 concentration, and gives 50 endurance to your team while casting Empower.


    Your healing comes from Symbols you place on the ground (due to Writ of Persistence), some Spear skills, some Staff skills and Combo Fields plus Blast Finishers. Here’s some healing combos starting with Spear:

    • Symbol of Luminance to empower Spear skills, then use Helio Rush through allies or close to them. Helio Rush can be stacked and used twice.
    • Daybreaking Slash is your autoattack and heals allies in front of you on each strike. This skill can’t be empowered, but it’s still good to use to keep your team topped up.
    • Solar Storm heals and provide condition cleanses on allies. If empowered with Illuminated, it will also heal allies for each condition cleansed.

    When on Staff, you have even more options:

    • Symbol of Swiftness and Holy Strike always use these skills together, as both skills provide healing themselves, and in addition you proc Relic of Karakosa for a bigger amount of healing via executing combos. You could use this combo twice per loop.
    • Empower provides healing on each pulse, and a final healing burst at the end for allies around you. You can also use your dodges before casting this skill to provide healing around you through Selfless Daring and then cast Empower to heal and recharge Endurance via the Honorable Staff trait, allowing you to dodge again afterwards.
    • Bow of Truth you can pick this skill if additional healing is needed. This skill can stack and be used twice.
    • Signet of Courage consider this option to grant additional passive/active sustain to your team. It heals allies every three seconds, and when you cast it, it provides , and while giving an huge amount of healing around you.

    "Receive the Light!" is your biggest healing skill. It heals allies in front of you, and at the end of the cast it places a Lesser Symbol of Protection on the ground, giving and more healing through Writ of Persistence.

    Selfless Daring heals allies around you at the end of Dodge.

    Signet of Mercy is a good pick if you like to have something to insta revive a downed ally when you target it.

    Condition Cleanses

    You have multiple ways to cleanse conditions from allies:

    • Solar Storm cleanses 2 conditions from allies around you.
    • Flowing Resolve cleanses 3 conditions from allies around you thanks to Absolute Resolve.
    • Pure of Voice if you equip this trait instead of Writ of Persistence, take some Shout skills with a low cooldown ("Advance!" and "Hold the Line!" can be stacked and used twice in a row without interrupting other skills), and on each activation you will convert one condition into a boon for your allies.
    • Relic of the Trooper consider this option if extra cleanses are necessary. You need to use a Shout skill to make this work.
    • Purging Flames cleanses multiple conditions from allies inside the ring.
    • Almost all the fields made by Guardians are Light Fields, meaning that Combo Finishers such as Blast and Whirl will cleanse the conditions from allies.

    Crowd Control

    "Hold the Line!" is the only skill you should not replace unless necessary, then you can take any of these CC skills:



    Feel free to swap any skill except "Hold the Line!", unless absolutely necessary, with one of the following:

    • "Stand Your Ground!" to apply 5 stacks of to allies around you. This last for 12 seconds with 100% boon duration.
    • "Advance!" to apply and to allies around you.
    • Wall of Reflection anytime you need projectile reflection, such as Matthias encounter.
    • Sanctuary for projectile block and a huge amount of CC – but its cooldown is quite high.
    • Hallowed Ground to apply on each pulse. Remember that each stack of doesn’t last particularly long so it’s better to stay inside it during all this time when you need it.
    • Signet of Courage for more passive healing sustain and providing additional around when cast. The passive effect is lost when the skill is on cooldown.
    • Purging Flames for extra condition cleanses.
    • Hammer of Wisdom for extra CC and a Blast Finisher.
    • "Feel My Wrath!" for additional , and uptime.


    Feel free to add Magi’s gear instead of Harrier’s if you need more Healing Power. As long as you have more than 80% boon duration with this build, your boon uptime will be pretty good.

    For Tank setups, It’s enough to swap Harrier’s to Giver’s. Minstrel’s is also a good option, but it lowers your boon duration, so try to find a good balance with your Healing Power and high boon duration.


    Superior Sigil of Paralyzation is a good option to increase your CC power if needed.


    You can swap Relic of Karakosa for any of the following Relics if necessary:

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