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    Power Dragonhunter
    October 2024

    WvW - Zerg


    Marauder icon Superior Rune of the Scholar icon
    Marauder HelmSuperior Rune of the Scholar
    Marauder icon Superior Rune of the Scholar icon
    Marauder ShouldersSuperior Rune of the Scholar
    Marauder icon Superior Rune of the Scholar icon
    Marauder ChestSuperior Rune of the Scholar
    Marauder icon Superior Rune of the Scholar icon
    Marauder GlovesSuperior Rune of the Scholar
    Marauder icon Superior Rune of the Scholar icon
    Marauder LegsSuperior Rune of the Scholar
    Marauder icon Superior Rune of the Scholar icon
    Marauder BootsSuperior Rune of the Scholar

    Weapons & Sigils

    Greatsword icon Superior Sigil of Hydromancy icon Superior Sigil of Fire icon
    Marauder GreatswordSuperior Sigil of HydromancySuperior Sigil of Fire
    Spear icon Superior Sigil of Hydromancy icon Superior Sigil of Bloodlust icon
    Marauder SpearSuperior Sigil of HydromancySuperior Sigil of Bloodlust


    Marauder icon
    Marauder Backpiece
    Marauder icon
    Marauder Accessory
    Marauder icon
    Marauder Accessory
    Marauder icon
    Marauder Amulet
    Marauder icon
    Marauder Ring
    Marauder icon
    Marauder Ring
    Relic icon
    Relic of the Thief


    Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide Steak icon Potent Superior Sharpening Stone icon
    Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide SteakPotent Superior Sharpening Stone


    20 x Mighty WvW Infusions icon
    20 x Mighty WvW Infusions

    Utility Skills


    Target Stats



    Power Dragonhunter is still a great option for providing damage in World vs World. This Guardian elite specialization turns their virtues into extremely powerful tools that provide sustain, mobility and crowd control.

    Build Fundamentals

    Your Guardian Virtues have new powers:

    • Spear of Justice Tether to enemies, apply and . Once tethered, Hunter's Verdict becomes available and can be used to pull the target towards you. If the target moves past the maximum range, the tether breaks.
    • Wings of Resolve Heal yourself and allies, cleanse conditions and remove .
    • Shield of Courage Grants personal periodically. Activating this skill will give and Shield of Courage to you and nearby allies while also creating a conal shield effect, blocking all attacks that hit you and your allies from the front.

    Good usage of your Virtues along with good timing on your skills to burst enemies is the key to playing Dragonhunter well.

    Most organized groups will coordinate your main damage skills with Necromancer’s Well of Corruption, so make sure to listen to your Commander’s calls. Your main role is to combo-burst your skills in sequence to output as much damage as possible, spiking groups of enemies and cleaving the downed targets.

    Use your Traps Procession of Blades and Test of Faith, followed up by Gleaming Disc, gaining Illuminated.

    Continue your burst with Symbol of Luminance and Solar Storm, Weapon Swap to Greatsword and use Symbol of Resolution and Whirling Wrath.

    You can use Binding Blade either for pulsing damage or Pull to pull enemies into your traps or allied AoEs. Remember to also use Hunter's Verdict to pull!

    Use "Stand Your Ground!" whenever you feel necessary. You most likely will not be the main source of for your party, but it’s always great to have the option available.

    Build Specifics

    Place Procession of Blades before Test of Faith, it will reduce the risk of being interrupted.

    Test of Faith is an unblockable trap that deals high damage to enemies when they attempt to cross it. Use Hunter's Verdict or Binding Blade Pull to pull enemies through it.

    Save Renewed Focus when you need your Virtues back or are in a dire situation and about to die. The invunerability gained from this skill along with its Virtues cooldown reset makes it an extremely powerful elite skill.



    Hunter's Determination This trait may be taken to turn your Elite into a stun break


    Litany of Wrath can be changed to Shelter for a channeled block.

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