Support Guardian
Build offers good sustain for allies and self with lots of
Build fundamentals
Your main role as a support is to heal, sustain and revive your allies, either in team fights or when a sidenoder is under pressure. During fights, avoid standing in the center of the fight or on the node, as you are rather squishy. Try to stand at ~600 range and heal from a safe distance.
Both your weapon sets offer a good amount of healing, Holy Strike
Shield of Absorption
Shield of Absorption
Holy Strike
Shield of Absorption
Additionally Virtue of Resolve
"Receive the Light!"
You should also be aware of the “passive” healing your build offers, and use it more actively. Selfless Daring
Pure of Heart
Shield of Judgment
On top of the healing you provide to others, you will also heal yourself with Altruistic Healing
Condition cleansing
You can cleanse directly with Virtue of Resolve
The combination of Pure of Voice
Relic of the Trooper
Holy Strike
Symbol of Swiftness
Note: while "Stand Your Ground!"
Gameplay tips
Your main panic button is Renewed Focus
Symbol of Blades
Symbol of Swiftness
Line of Warding
While reviving or using Signet of Mercy
"Stand Your Ground!"
Virtue of Courage
Signet of Mercy
Protective Reviver
Aside from boons, use Virtue of Justice
If you find yourself not using shield much, you can switch your Stalwart Defender
Despite having a lot of sources of condition cleanse, this build actually struggles against condition builds.
is a viable option.Rune of the Guardian
is good self-sustain if there’s very little condition pressure from the enemy team.Relic of the Defender