Trapper Dragonhunter
Skill Priority
Test of Faith
>Spear of Justice
to pullHunter's Verdict
to knock in any direction (it can also be used defensively to destroy projectiles or knock people while running away)Deflecting Shot
to knock around youShield of Absorption
Mobile, very bursty build. This build thrives on exploiting mistakes from your opponent and bursting them down very quickly.
Our goal is to mostly be present in teamfights and focus squishy targets. This build enjoys really high range damage from longbow and traps. Coupled with tons of damage increases, try to tether them with Spear of Justice
Quick Tips
- Knock enemies in and out of
.Test of Faith
- Try to maintain
to keep up your high critical chance from Righteous Instincts
- Use
from your many sources to keep off the pressure and save for when you really need it.Shield of Courage
- Do not use
before you usedRenewed Focus
, unless you have no choice.Shield of Courage
- Avoid missing
. It’s a huge damage boost. Use weaponstow to cancel it if you estimate it’s going to miss.Spear of Justice
- You can charge
and useTrue Shot
near the end of the cast from behind a wall to make it harder to avoid.Judge's Intervention
We have a lot of modifiers to boost our damage significantly. Try to maintain as many of these as possible while using your bigger skills.
- Try to maintain
to keep up andRighteous Instincts
, giving you pulsingRetribution
, high crit chance and 10% damage boost. - Burst when you have
for extra damage from . You can useUnscathed Contender
mid-cast of any skill to applyTest of Faith
instantly from .Hunter's Premonition
- Also have
when you plan to burst. Mostly achieved by usingInspiring Virtue
.Spear of Justice
is also achieved by hittingBig Game Hunter
. Applies a massive damage boost andSpear of Justice
for extra on top. andSigil of Separation
will reward us for bursting from afar.Pure of Sight
andSigil of Opportunity
can be achieved with mostlyZealot's Aggression
, but alsoSpear of Justice
,Test of Faith
orHunter's Ward
.Puncture Shot
From your longbow skill, True Shot
Hunter's Ward
Symbol of Energy
Test of Faith
Also use it to zone your target, keeping them away and giving you space, maintaining extra damage modifiers from Sigil of Separation
Pure of Sight
Procession of Blades
Test of Faith
Spear of Justice
On sword, you can use Symbol of Blades
Zealot's Defense
Shield of Judgment
Our mobility is pretty poor without support, as we don’t have any
is our cheapest option. It has the lowest cooldown and can port through walls. Use it as often as possible outside of combat with a target to get faster to the fight. Can be used on a target far away to disengage.Symbol of Blades
is a very good movement skill, but it’s also one of our heals. Use with caution as this is an important cooldown for your survival if things go south.Wings of Resolve
is our best movement skill, but it is also one of our 2 stunbreaks. Use with caution ifJudge's Intervention
is on cooldown. Can be used on a target far away to disengage.Shield of Courage
Your Virtues and Sword set will be your defensive kit.
Utilize your swap to sword for Sigil of Cleansing
Sigil of Energy
Shield of Courage
Renewed Focus
Shield of Courage
Renewed Focus
Shield of Courage
Use Hunter's Premonition
Shield of Judgment
Try to utilize Symbol of Blades
Our main source of very limited condition cleanse you have is Wings of Resolve
You will also have access to good projectile defence with Shield of Absorption
Zealot's Defense
Use your traps to zone enemies away and scare them from jumping you.
Relic of the Defender
To take maximal advantage of this, If not at full HP, try to block attacks rather than dodge them if they’re not