Condition Virtuoso
Weapons & Sigils
After Rotation Opener, follow this Priority
Dagger/Sword Loop
Fill with Autoattacks when is ineeded.
Phantasmal Swordsman
when off CD.Unstable Bladestorm
- Shatters when off CD:
- Fill
Bladesong Dissonance
WeaponswapPhantasmal Swordsman
Dagger/Focus Loop
Fill with Autoattacks when is ineeded.
Phantasmal Warden
as soon as it’s off CDSignet of the Ether
Phantasmal Warden
when off CD.Unstable Bladestorm
- Shatters when off CD:
- Fill
Bladesong Dissonance
- Weaponswap (do not delay this)
Unstable Bladestorm
+Phantasmal Swordsman
Bladeturn Requiem
- Weaponswap
Phantasmal Warden
Signet of the Ether
+Bladesong Harmony
Thousand Cuts
Phantasmal Warden
Autoattacks fillBladesong Sorrow
Bladesong Harmony
Signet of Illusions
Autoattacks fillBladesong Sorrow
Bladesong Harmony
Unstable Bladestorm
- Follow Priority after this
Target Stats

Condition Virtuoso is a relatively easy DPS build that deals consistent damage from range and cleaves enemies with its piercing attacks.
Additionally, Virtuoso has a good amount of built-in defensive utility thanks to Jagged Mind
Illusionary Riposte
Bladesong Distortion
Build Fundamentals
Stock up Blades by applying Jagged Mind
Bladesong Sorrow
Bladeturn Requiem
Bladesong Harmony
Use Phantasmal Swordsman
Phantasmal Warden
Build Specifics
Reset the cooldown of Phantasmal Warden
Signet of the Ether
Space your Shatters to keep Deadly Blades
Bladesong Harmony
Bladesong Sorrow
Bladeturn Requiem
Signet of Illusions
Avoid Bladesong Harmony
Bladesong Sorrow
Continuously generate Blades with Bladecall
Unstable Bladestorm
Thousand Cuts
Use Unstable Bladestorm
Bladesong Distortion
Deadly Blades
Illusionary Riposte
Counter Blade
Phantasmal Warden
Temporal Curtain
Into the Void
Crowd Control
Bladesong Dissonance
Illusionary Riposte
Counter Blade
Temporal Curtain
Into the Void
– replaceSignet of Humility
with this if you want more CC.Thousand Cuts
– lowest priority, as it results in a decent DPS loss.Signet of Domination
Signet of Illusions
– for personal mobilityBlink
– for group mobilityPortal Entre
– for boonstrip.Phantasmal Disenchanter
– for projectile reflectionFeedback
– if your group is lackingMantra of Concentration
– if your rotation is slow, or if the fight’s phases are very short.Rain of Swords
If you absolutely need to replace a second utility skill, replace Signet of Domination
Signet of Midnight
Bowl of Fancy Potato and Leek Soup
Weapons & Sigils
Shatter Priority
Shatter only if you have max blades.
Blade Generation skills
Shatters priority
Shatter only if you have max blades.
Blade generation skills
Target Stats

Low-Intensity Condition Virtuoso is a powerful DPS build that is perfect for players struggling with high APM (actions per minute). Since this build’s damage is almost exclusively ranged, it can sustain high damage uptime, even on mobile enemies.
It is difficult to min-max this build due to the rare combination of Precision and
Note: The downside of the Chaos variant is the fact it requires
for highest DPS due to bonuses from and Chaotic Persistence
. Make sure you are in a subgroup with a healer that can maintain this buff. Illusionary Membrane
Build Fundamentals
Stock up Blades by applying Bladesong Sorrow
Bladesong Harmony
Bladeturn Requiem
Build Specifics
Dagger doesn’t have Bladecall
Unstable Bladestorm
Thousand Cuts
Rain of Swords
Timing your Shatters carefully can increase damage. Space them out to keep Deadly Blades
To lower the stress and APM of this build, you don’t have to use any offhand skills, but having Focus and Sword are good choices for some utility and CC. As a default though, we recommend Torch for a small DPS increase from The Prestige
Bladesong Distortion
Deadly Blades
Crowd Control
CC lies in your offhand weapons: We strongly recommend bringing at least Focus as Temporal Curtain
Bladesong Dissonance
(Sword offhand)Illusionary Riposte
(Focus offhand)Temporal Curtain
(Torch offhand)Phantasmal Mage
– replaceSignet of Humility
with this if you want more CC.Thousand Cuts
– lowest priority, as it results in a decent DPS loss.Signet of Domination
This variant has some freedom when it comes to trait choices in the Chaos
Master of Manipulation
Bountiful Disillusionment
Phantasms are not improved by any traits and are not worth using. That makes your offhand almost optional, so choose whatever benefits you most in the current fight. If you need or want to, you can swap out both offhands, as losing The Prestige
- Sword: for block and CC from
Illusionary Riposte
- Focus: for ranged pull with
Temporal Curtain
- Pistol: for bouncing CC from
Magic Bullet
- Torch: if you need
, condition cleanse, or a blast finisher from with a small CC fromThe Prestige
Phantasmal Mage
Rain of Swords
– for personal mobilityBlink
– for group mobilityPortal Entre
– for projectile reflectionFeedback
– if your group is lackingMantra of Concentration
If you absolutely need to replace a second utility skill, replace Signet of Domination
Signet of Midnight