Heal Boon Chronomancer
Weapons & Sigils
Skill Priority
Prioritize the following skills:
and clone generation forPhantasmal Sharpshooter
or . forInspiring Imagery
and forSingularity Shot
and barrier
Use these as soon as you have 3 clones:
Target Stats

Heal Boon Chronomancer is a flexible defensive support with solid healing, condition cleanse, and Crowd Control (CC) while providing permanent
Build Fundamentals
Select the trait Stretched Time
Seize the Moment
Summon Phantasms on both Rifle and Scepter/Shield and use Shatter skills to give
Build Specifics
summons one phantasm per charge. Each charge has a 20-second cooldown.Phantasmal Sharpshooter
summons one phantasm at the end of the cast. If you block an attack during the channel of this skill, you summon the phantasm immediately and unlockEcho of Memory
, which allows you to block again and summon another phantasm.Deja Vu
- Use Shatter skills when you have three clones to maximize boon uptime.
Boon Application
is generated by using ,Split Second
,Tides of Time
, and the first activation ofWell of Action
. UsingInspiring Imagery
will heal instead of providing boons fromAbstraction
.Inspiring Imagery
– Use your Shatters and . Use a Shatter with more clones to maximize uptime.Echo of Memory
– Use ,Journey
, a Combo Finisher inside an Ethereal Field, and also healing skills thanks toRewinder
.Metaphysical Rejuvenation
– Use . Consider usingTides of Time
for extraRelic of Febe
uptime upon using a healing skill. – Generated by . Using this skill with three clones active will reduce its cooldown, making it easier to permanently maintainRewinder
. – providesSingularity Shot
and on the target location. If reactivated, it opens a single-use portal that will teleport a player using it toward your location. Opening the portal will increase the cooldown of .Singularity Shot
provides 3 stacks ofDistortion
to yourself and other allies around you. Additionally, it provides but only to your allies. provides selfWell of Precognition
for a short time and pulses up to three times to you and allies inside the well. at the end of the channeling provides 4 stacksMantra of Concentration
and . Then you get two charges that you can use to provide 3 stacks of on each use, for a shorter duration
- Rifle skills heal consistently:
heals allies on each impactFriendly Fire
heals and generates a clone on impactJourney
Inspiring Imagery
grants a burst of healing on the target location instead of boons.Abstraction
– first activation and using charges from any mantra heals you and your allies. Also, If you need more condition cleanses you can takeMantra of Recovery
instead.Well of Eternity
- The last pulse of any Well skill heals everyone inside it.
- Each time you use a Shatter skill, you heal and cleanse conditions. The effect is increased if you have more clones active.
- Summon Illusions to heal allies. This healing is pretty low, so during high-pressure moments, prioritize shatters, mantras, and wells as those skills have more burst healing.
Continuum Split

After using Continuum Split
Continuum Split
Continuum Shift
Continuum Split
Note this is a Shatter skill, so you get stronger Continuum Shift
Continuum Split
Continuum Split
Phantasmal Sharpshooter
Echo of Memory
Time Sink
Continuum Split
Well of Action
Winds of Chaos
Crowd Control
– for good area CC and healing at the end. This skill has very high Crowd Control if the target stays in all of the pulses.Gravity Well
high CC on single targetSignet of Humility
high CC when used with 3 clones active.Time Sink
on each activationPhantasmal Sharpshooter
Tides of Time
Utility Skills
You can swap Well of Senility
Well of Precognition
– forMantra of Concentration
and . Note that you give and stronger only after the channeling. When you use your charges you give only stability for a shorter duration. – for Condi CleansesMantra of Resolve
– to teleport playersPortal Entre
– to reflect projectiles.Feedback
– fast and high breakbar damage.Signet of Humility
Depending on the encounter, you can consider taking the following weapons:
- Focus – for pulling enemies
- Staff – for more phantasms generating and random pulses of
, , or .
Change your gear stats into Giver’s or Minstrel’s if you want to tank. Full Giver’s is recommended to have the best toughness with the same healing power and boon duration as Harrier.
You can swap Superior Sigil of Concentration
Superior Sigil of Paralyzation
You can change Relic of the Monk
Relic of Febe
Weapons & Sigils
Skill Priority
Prioritize the following skills:
and clone generation forPhantasmal Sharpshooter
or . forInspiring Imagery
and forSingularity Shot
and barrier
Use these as soon as you have 3 clones:
Target Stats

Heal Boon Chronomancer is a flexible defensive support with solid healing, condition cleanse, and Crowd Control (CC) while providing permanent
Build Fundamentals
Select the trait Stretched Time
Seize the Moment
Summon Phantasms on both Rifle and Scepter/Shield and use Shatter skills to give
Build Specifics
summons one phantasm per charge. Each charge has a 20-second cooldown.Phantasmal Sharpshooter
summons one phantasm at the end of the cast. If you block an attack during the channel of this skill, you summon the phantasm immediately and unlockEcho of Memory
, which allows you to block again and summon another phantasm.Deja Vu
- Use Shatter skills when you have three clones to maximize boon uptime.
Boon Application
is generated by using ,Split Second
,Tides of Time
, and the first activation ofWell of Action
. UsingInspiring Imagery
will heal instead of providing boons fromAbstraction
.Inspiring Imagery
– Use your Shatters and . Use a Shatter with more clones to maximize uptime.Echo of Memory
– Use ,Journey
, a Combo Finisher inside an Ethereal Field, and also healing skills thanks toRewinder
.Metaphysical Rejuvenation
– Use . Consider usingTides of Time
for extraRelic of Febe
uptime upon using a healing skill. – Generated by . Using this skill with three clones active will reduce its cooldown, making it easier to permanently maintainRewinder
. – providesSingularity Shot
and on the target location. If reactivated, it opens a single-use portal that will teleport a player using it toward your location. Opening the portal will increase the cooldown of .Singularity Shot
provides 3 stacks ofDistortion
to yourself and other allies around you. Additionally, it provides but only to your allies. provides selfWell of Precognition
for a short time and pulses up to three times to you and allies inside the well. at the end of the channeling provides 4 stacksMantra of Concentration
and . Then you get two charges that you can use to provide 3 stacks of on each use, for a shorter duration
- Rifle skills heal consistently:
heals allies on each impactFriendly Fire
heals and generates a clone on impactJourney
Inspiring Imagery
grants a burst of healing on the target location instead of boons.Abstraction
– first activation and using charges from any mantra heals you and your allies. Also, If you need more condition cleanses you can takeMantra of Recovery
instead.Well of Eternity
- The last pulse of any Well skill heals everyone inside it.
- Each time you use a Shatter skill, you heal and cleanse conditions. The effect is increased if you have more clones active.
- Summon Illusions to heal allies. This healing is pretty low, so during high-pressure moments, prioritize shatters, mantras, and wells as those skills have more burst healing.
Continuum Split

After using Continuum Split
Continuum Split
Continuum Shift
Continuum Split
Note this is a Shatter skill, so you get stronger Continuum Shift
Continuum Split
Continuum Split
Phantasmal Sharpshooter
Echo of Memory
Time Sink
Continuum Split
Well of Action
Winds of Chaos
Crowd Control
– for good area CC and healing at the end. This skill has very high Crowd Control if the target stays in all of the pulses.Gravity Well
high CC on single targetSignet of Humility
high CC when used with 3 clones active.Time Sink
on each activationPhantasmal Sharpshooter
Tides of Time
Utility Skills
You can swap Well of Senility
Well of Precognition
– forMantra of Concentration
and . Note that you give and stronger only after the channeling. When you use your charges you give only stability for a shorter duration. – for Condi CleansesMantra of Resolve
– to teleport playersPortal Entre
– to reflect projectiles.Feedback
– fast and high breakbar damage.Signet of Humility
Depending on the encounter, you can consider taking the following weapons:
- Focus – for pulling enemies
- Staff – for more phantasms generating and random pulses of
, , or .
Change your gear stats into Giver’s or Minstrel’s if you want to tank. Full Giver’s is recommended to have the best toughness with the same healing power and boon duration as Harrier.
You can swap Superior Sigil of Concentration
Superior Sigil of Paralyzation
You can change Relic of the Monk
Relic of Febe