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    Power Chrono
    September 2024


    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Berserker Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Superior Rune of the Scholar
    Relic icon
    Relic of Fireworks

    Weapons & Sigils

    Greatsword icon Sigil of Exploitation icon Sigil of Opportunity icon
    GreatswordSigil of ExploitationSigil of Opportunity
    Sword icon Superior Sigil of Cleansing icon
    SwordSuperior Sigil of Cleansing
    Shield icon Superior Sigil of Energy icon
    ShieldSuperior Sigil of Energy

    Utility Skills


    Power Chronomancer  is one of the highest damage spec. Power Chrono is unique in its ability to ‘oneshot’ multiple opponents in a row with Continuum Split.

    Build Fundamentals

    Power Chronomancer is played as a high-damage Roamer, meaning your job is to +1 a duelist or to get quick kills in teamfights. Avoid taking 1v1s or staying in extended fights, once Chrono starts running out of cooldowns its lack of defensive utility and condition cleanse makes it easy to focus. Always have a priority target in mind before you engage in any fight, and be proactive about leaving before you feed and die.

    Chronomancer changes the standard mesmer shatters and gains new ones. The relevant changes for us are Split Second and Continuum Split . Split Second  splits the damage from Mind Wrack into 2 parts; Continuum Split lets you set up a Continuum Rift. You can use all your dps skills then take Continuum Shift for a COMPLETE RESET on all skills used. While any damage taken in Continuum Split is reverted after the skill ends, conditions applied to you will persist.

    Your  utility for teamfights comes from Power Block and Echo of Memory . Power Block allows you to put skills on an increased cooldown by interrupting their cast with skills like Mantra of Distraction . The increased timer is invaluable if you interrupt important defensives like a heal skill, elite skill, or revive utility such as Glyph of Renewal or Signet of Mercy. Echo of Memory on the other hand will give to every ally around you when you use a shatter skill, meaning that on your main bursts any ally on the same target as you will get a valuable amount of .

    Make sure you’re holding a charge of Mantra of Distraction at all times to be ready to commit for a kill given an opportunity.


    The single thing Chronmancer does better than any other class is burst damage. See the CS Burst in the Rotation section for an idea of how to do this. Where does Chrono’s damage come from?

    Power Chronomancer is one variation of Shatter Mesmer, a build type which has existed for years. Broadly speaking, all shatter mesmer builds revolve around the same 3 skill combo: Mirror Blade  Blink  Mind Wrack . These skills for the core of a shatter burst, and Chrono is no exception; all the other shatters, interrupts, and skills only add damage onto the core combo.

    With Power Chrono, we add a sequence of skills such as Mind Stab and a precast of Phantasmal Berserker which should all align for a massive damage spike. Coordinating this spike with your team is vital, either by using the target system ingame or using voice communication.

    Chronomancer’s incredible damage is enabled by its access to and . Seize the Moment gives you on every shatter, while the combination of Seize the Moment and Improved Alacrity gives you 50% skill recharge and a 10% critical damage buff.

    Crowd Control

    Chronomancer has good access to area-of-effect CC from a number of sources. Your best CC comes from Gravity Well . Gravity Well (usually shortened to grav well) is a pulsing knockdown, pull, and float which gathers enemies together and keeps them controlled. Gravity Well can be used in conjunction with Continuum Split in two ways: either in sequence to keep a cc chain going on a target or group of targets.

    You also have access to daze on Mantra of Distraction and Time Sink as well as a stun from Tides of Time and a knockback on Illusionary Wave . Managing your CC is vital to your sustain and survivability as well as your damage.

    Mantra is your best source of interrupts which proc Power BlockPower Block has several uses outside of the increased cooldown. It can also be used as an excellent defensive tool into power-based classes since it also applies . You can use this either for yourself or to peel for a pressured teammate.

    Always catch the return of Tides of Time the cooldown reduction is massive since this skill has a fairly long recharge.

    Time Sink is a very strong defensive ability since it’s an instant-cast AOE daze, meaning if you’re CCd you can interrupt whatever damage your opponent tries to unload and wait out the stun duration.


    The biggest drawback of chronomancer is its complete lack of sustain. Echo of Memory and Distortion are your only strong ways to stay alive while being focused.

    Tip: Using Signet of the Ether heals you but it also partially recharges Echo of Memory and Phantasmal Berserker. Since mesmer shares offensive and defensive cooldowns, you need to manage them carefully and know when to go all-in.

    Your best defense comes from Distortion . Distortion allows you to ignore power and condition damage, letting you trade with other classes safely or wait for conditions to tick out while invulnerable. Remember that while it is a powerful defensive, Distortion is also used offensively, especially during Continuum Split for an extra layer of safety.

    Signet of Illusions reset all of your shatter cooldowns except for Continuum Split . This is excellent for getting another Distortion and Time Sink , but don’t make the mistake of thinking you can CS again.


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