Power Virtuoso
Weapons & Sigils
- After Rotation Opener, follow this Priority
Dagger/Sword Loop
Fill with autos and Bladesongs
Phantasmal Swordsman
Unstable Bladestorm
Phantasmal Disenchanter
- Continue to use skills off CD until
Phantasmal Swordsman
Unstable Bladestorm
Weapon Swap
Greatsword Loop
Fill with autos and Bladesongs
Phantasmal Berserker
Signet of the Ether
Phantasmal Berserker
Mind Stab
Mirror Blade
Phantasmal Disenchanter
- Continue to use off CD skills until
Phantasmal Berserker
Mirror Blade
Weapon Swap
Note: Use Power Spike
Thousand Cuts
Phantasmal Berserker
Signet of the Ether
Phantasmal Berserker
Mind Stab
Mirror Blade
Bladesong Harmony
Rain of Swords
Phantasmal Disenchanter
From this point fill with autos, skills and the rest of Bladesongs off CD until you cast Phantasmal Berserker
Mirror Blade
Weapon Swap
Target Stats

Power Virtuoso is a powerful ranged DPS with high burst potential. This build is recommended for new players due to defensive skills Distortion
Illusionary Riposte
When mastered, the player can provide great damage and support your team with an arsenal of CC, boonstrip, and other utility skills.
Build Fundamentals
Upkeep Deadly Blades
Bladesong Harmony
Bladesong Sorrow
Bladeturn Requiem
Deadly Blades
When in Dagger/Sword use Phantasmal Swordsman
Weapon Swap
Fencer's Finesse
Relic of Fireworks
Bladesong Harmony
Build Specifics
Use Bladesongs whenever possible once you have 5 blades available. Due to Infinite Forge
Use Signet of the Ether
Phantasmal Berserker
Phantasmal Disenchanter
Deadly Blades
Relic of Fireworks
Illusionary Riposte
Use Power Spike
Thousand Cuts
Deadly Blades
Fencer's Finesse
Power Spike
Signet of the Ether
Virtuoso is also a good provider of Master Fencer
Crowd Control
Illusionary Riposte
Counter Blade
Illusionary Wave
preferably with 5 Blades.Bladesong Dissonance
if you replaceSignet of Humility
, for a massive CC Power.Thousand Cuts
Utility Skills
Replace Mantra of Pain
Rain of Swords
– Reflecting ProjectilesFeedback
– Group MobilityPortal Entre
– Self MobilityBlink
– GroupMantra of Concentration
Weapons & Sigils
Target Stats

Power Virtuoso is a powerful ranged DPS with high burst potential. This build is recommended for new players due to defensive skills Distortion
Illusionary Riposte
When mastered, the player can provide great damage and support your team with an arsenal of CC, boonstrip, and other utility skills.
Build Fundamentals
Upkeep Deadly Blades
Bladesong Harmony
Bladesong Sorrow
Bladeturn Requiem
Deadly Blades
When in Dagger/Sword use Phantasmal Swordsman
Weapon Swap
Fencer's Finesse
Relic of Fireworks
Bladesong Harmony
Build Specifics
Use Bladesongs whenever possible once you have 5 blades available. Due to Infinite Forge
Use Signet of the Ether
Phantasmal Berserker
Phantasmal Disenchanter
Deadly Blades
Relic of Fireworks
Illusionary Riposte
Use Power Spike
Thousand Cuts
Deadly Blades
Fencer's Finesse
Power Spike
Signet of the Ether
Virtuoso is also a good provider of Master Fencer
Crowd Control
Illusionary Riposte
Counter Blade
Illusionary Wave
preferably with 5 Blades.Bladesong Dissonance
if you replaceSignet of Humility
, for a massive CC Power.Thousand Cuts
Utility Skills
Replace Mantra of Pain
Rain of Swords
– Reflecting ProjectilesFeedback
– Group MobilityPortal Entre
– Self MobilityBlink
– GroupMantra of Concentration