Side Mirage
Target Stats
Side Mirage is a duelist build based on
Build fundamentals
Side mirage is a duelist build. It has decent impact in a teamfight however it has much more value on a sidenode. Most of your damage comes from
Below is the perfect burst, a few abilities can be skipped but
Phantasmal Warlock - precast
Chaos Vortex (use the following skills at the end of the cast) Jaunt Mirror Images Cry of Frustration Chaos Armor
Note that you can also use
Between bursts you can use every other cooldown to survive and slightly pressure the enemy.
Be really careful when using
It is VERY important you spam
Other shatter skill usage:
Mind Wrack should only be used forfrom Bountiful Disillusionment .Diversion can be used offensively or defensively. You can interrupt a heal, or your opponent’s burst. It also procsIneptitude so it can help a bit with the offensive but it’s not a major source of damage.Distortion gets longer the more clones you have and lets you use ambush skills as well.
As this build is based on