Sidenode Virtuoso
Target Stats
Virtuoso is a sidenoder heavily based on projectiles. As mesmer it has access to a potentially game-breaking elite:
Build Fundamentals
Virtuoso doesn’t have clones, instead, it stores up to 5 blades. Every core Mesmer skill that would usually give you a clone now gives you a blade, you also have access to
Blocking not only stocks up 3 blades but gives you
Your main sources of damage are your Shatters (Bladesongs)
When you can’t use Bladesongs, cycle through your weapon skills.
On Scepter, you should spam
On Axe,
Virtuoso survivability is based on blocks, a lot of them. Every Bladesong gives you
Target Stats
Virtuoso is a sidenoder heavily based on projectiles. As mesmer it has access to a potentially game-breaking elite:
Build Fundamentals
Virtuoso doesn’t have clones, instead, it stores up to 5 blades. Every core Mesmer skill that would usually give you a clone now gives you a blade, you also have access to
Blocking not only stocks up 3 blades but gives you
Your main sources of damage are your Shatters (Bladesongs)
When you can’t use Bladesongs, cycle through your weapon skills.
On Scepter, you should spam
On Axe,
Virtuoso survivability is based on blocks, a lot of them. Every Bladesong gives you
On top of their effects and damage, all your Bladesongs will also heal and cleanse you because of