Condition Alacrity Scourge
Weapons & Sigils
Skill Priority
- Maintain at least one
.Manifest Sand Shade
Blood Is Power
Sandstorm Shroud
Devouring Darkness
Grasping Dead
(Make sure your target won’t move out of this, it’s a 10-second pulsing area attack!)Plaguelands
Harrowing Wave
Oppressive Collapse
- Shade skills to activate
whenever possible.Dhuumfire
Target Stats

Condition Alacrity Scourge has a similar rotation to Condition Scourge, but trades damage output for
Build Fundamentals
The key interaction that powers Condition Alacrity Scourge is that Desert Empowerment
Manifest Sand Shade
Sandstorm Shroud
Shade abilities affect up to three players. Since you also count as a shade, this means it's important to have at least one Manifest Sand Shade
Manifest Sand Shade
Manifest Sand Shade
Sandstorm Shroud
Build Specifics
Use Sand Cascade
Sandstorm Shroud
Fell Beacon
Abrasive Grit
Shade skills are instant cast, so try to use them while casting/channeling other abilities to maximize damage. Hitting an enemy with a shade skill once every two seconds will give you the most value from Dhuumfire
Cast Sandstorm Shroud
Blood Is Power
Most of your damaging abilities along with Signet of Undeath
Signet of Undeath
Locust Swarm
Spectral Grasp
Signet of Undeath
You can pay Signet of Undeath
Crowd Control
Condition Alacrity Scourge has a flexible utility slot (represented here with Spectral Grasp
stunbreak andTrail of Anguish
application. Make sure to walk over allies to apply . Defiance damage, life force generation, and long-range multitarget pull. Standing inside the hitbox of an enemy while other enemies are nearby will cause all projectiles from this skill to hit a single enemy, doing up to six times more defiance damage!Spectral Grasp
Additional area damage. Useful for killing weaker enemies such as Tormented Dead in Soulless Horror.Epidemic
Life force generation and single target damage. Use when no additional utility is necessary.Summon Shadow Fiend
Highly spammable single target boon corruption.Corrupt Boon
Area boon corruption.Well of Corruption
A medium range shadowstep with a cast time that spawns a portal allies can go through.Sand Swell
and generation. Also generates life force. Serpent Siphon
and . Useful for additional uptime.
Your healing skill is also flexible:
restores health for both you and nearby alliesWell of Blood
active mitigation viaSand Flare
. Also applies more to nearby allies passively deals lifesteal damage while standing in melee range of an enemy. Can also be used for on-demand squadwide sustain.Signet of Vampirism