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    Condition Scourge
    February 2025

    Group PvE
    Recommended icon RecommendedWeapon Mastery icon Weapon Mastery


    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's HelmSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's ShouldersSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's ChestSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's GlovesSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's LegsSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's BootsSuperior Rune of the Trapper

    Weapons & Sigils

    Scepter icon Superior Sigil of Bursting icon
    Viper's ScepterSuperior Sigil of Bursting
    Torch icon Superior Sigil of Torment icon
    Viper's TorchSuperior Sigil of Torment
    Pistol icon Superior Sigil of Bursting icon
    Viper's PistolSuperior Sigil of Bursting


    Viper's icon
    Viper's Backpiece
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Accessory
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Accessory
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Amulet
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Ring
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Ring
    Relic icon
    Relic of the Fractal


    Meaty Asparagus Skewer icon Potent Master Tuning Crystal icon
    Meaty Asparagus SkewerPotent Master Tuning Crystal

    Utility Skills

    1. Summon and maintain at least one Manifest Sand Shade at all times.
    2. Cast these Shade skills off-cooldown to deal damage and activate Dhuumfire:
      1. Manifest Sand Shade
      2. Nefarious Favor
    3. Blood Is Power Desert Shroud at the end of the cast time.
    4. Plaguelands
    5. Devouring Darkness Grasping Dead twice per weapon swap
    6. Vile Blast Weeping Shots twice per weapon swap
    7. Harrowing Wave
    8. Oppressive Collapse


    Condition Scourge video

    Target Stats



    Condition Scourge is a flexible and durable ranged DPS build with a large amount of built-in, passive utility, including a lot of and . This Build is fairly easy for new players to pick up, as both main-hand weapons share similar rotation concepts, and all other cooldowns are visible at a glance.

    Build Fundamentals

    Maintain at least one Manifest Sand Shade up at all times to gain Expertise (via Sand Sage) and Damage Reduction (via Blood as Sand).

    Near the end of Blood Is Power cast time, use Desert Shroud to transfer the self-inflicted conditions onto your enemy thanks to Plague Sending.

    Always use Grasping Dead and Devouring Darkness together off-cooldown, as they will always be ready at the same time.

    Build Specifics

    As a Scourge, your character also counts as a Shade just like the Manifest Sand Shades. Because of this, you can position yourself on the boss to do damage with Shade skills while placing Manifest Sand Shade in the distance to kill adds, deal with mechanics, and/or support your team with condition cleanses and .

    Use Weeping Shots and Vile Blast, as well as Grasping Dead and Devouring Darkness twice per weapon swap.

    Make sure to never cancel Scepter Auto-attack chains since your last attack is the strongest. Try to use chain multiple skills together to avoid unnecessary Auto-attack chains which will end up being interrupted. This might not seem like much, but canceling Auto-attack chains will result in a very significant DPS loss. Placing a Shade (Manifest Sand Shade) does not interrupt Auto-attack chains.

    Dhuumfire has an internal cooldown of 1 second, and is activated whenever you use any Shade skill. Always use Nefarious Favor and Desert Shroud off-cooldown, and try to use Sand Cascade when you have extra life-force and can fit it in between casts of Nefarious Favor.

    Crowd Control





    This build can also tank, but to be able to survive, run the following defensive gear setup:


    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's HelmSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's ShouldersSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's ChestSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's GlovesSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's LegsSuperior Rune of the Trapper
    Viper's icon Superior Rune of the Trapper icon
    Viper's BootsSuperior Rune of the Trapper

    Weapons & Sigils

    Scepter icon Superior Sigil of Bursting icon
    Viper's ScepterSuperior Sigil of Bursting
    Torch icon Superior Sigil of Torment icon
    Viper's TorchSuperior Sigil of Torment
    Pistol icon Superior Sigil of Bursting icon
    Viper's PistolSuperior Sigil of Bursting


    Viper's icon
    Viper's Backpiece
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Accessory
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Accessory
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Amulet
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Ring
    Viper's icon
    Viper's Ring
    Relic icon
    Relic of the Fractal


    Meaty Asparagus Skewer icon Potent Master Tuning Crystal icon
    Meaty Asparagus SkewerPotent Master Tuning Crystal

    Utility Skills

    1. Summon and maintain at least one Manifest Sand Shades at all times.
    2. Alternate between these Shade skills every 1s to activate Dhuumfire:
      1. Manifest Sand Shade
      2. Nefarious Favor
      3. Sand Cascade
    3. Blood Is Power Desert Shroud at the end of the cast time.
    4. Plaguelands
    5. Grasping Dead
    6. Devouring Darkness
    7. Harrowing Wave
    8. Oppressive Collapse


    Condition Scourge video

    Target Stats



    Pylon Kiter Condition Scourge is a niche variant specifically designed for Qadim the Peerless in Wing 7. This flexible and durable ranged DPS has a large amount of built-in, passive utility, including a lot of , and Crowd Control. This Build is fairly easy for new players to pick up, as it doesn’t have a weapon swap and there are no cooldowns to keep track of.

    Build Fundamentals

    Maintain at least one Manifest Sand Shades up at all times to gain Expertise (via Sand Sage) and Damage Reduction (via Blood as Sand).

    At the end of Blood Is Power cast time, use Desert Shroud to transfer the self-inflicted conditions onto your enemy thanks to Plague Sending.

    Always use Grasping Dead and Devouring Darkness together off-cooldown, as they will always be ready at the same time.

    Do not use Harrowing Wave to damage the boss while kiting, as he will be out of range.

    Build Specifics

    Sustain your health while kiting with Sand Cascade, Manifest Sand Shade, Summon Blood Fiend, and Cilantro and Cured Meat Flatbread.

    Instantly swap to Warhorn as soon as you are lifted up at 80% and 60% to place Fires so that you can CC the Pylons and swap back to Torch when the boss is back. This will also give you the most value out of your Superior Sigil of Strength when hitting the boss. When you cannot attack the boss directly, the Warhorn’s Superior Sigil of Bursting will increase the damage of your conditions while they keep ticking.

    Make sure to never cancel Auto-attack chains since your last attack is the strongest. This might not seem like much, but canceling Auto-attack chains will result in a very significant DPS loss. Placing a Shade (Manifest Sand Shade) does not interrupt Auto-attack chains.

    Activate Dhuumfire constantly by using any Shade skills (Manifest Sand Shade, Nefarious Favor, Sand Cascade) in a 1-second interval. Count 1-second intervals by using a Shade skill after every full auto-attack chain, or after two weapon skills are used. Do not use Garish Pillar too often, as it consumes a large amount of life force.

    As a Scourge, your character also counts as a Shade just like the Manifest Sand Shades. Because of this, you can position yourself on the boss to do damage with Shade skills while placing Manifest Sand Shades in the distance to kill adds, deal with mechanics, and/or support your team with condition cleanses and ,

    Make sure to use the Crowd Control skill below to CC the Anomalies that are walking to the Pylons if there is no player assigned to this task, as it will not cause a big DPS loss.

    Crowd Control




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