Heal Alacrity Scourge
Weapons & Sigils
Skill Priority
Boons Uptime Loop
(always have at least 1 active)Manifest Sand Shade
Sandstorm Shroud
Sand Cascade
for extraSerpent Siphon
, and (delay a bit if target has no conditions for betterOppressive Collapse
generation) Locust Swarm
forTrail of Anguish
Condition Cleanses
Remember each barrier you provide will cleanse 1 condition from an ally.
Nefarious Favor
(this is 5 pulses of barrier)Sandstorm Shroud
Sand Cascade
Manifest Sand Shade
if equippedWell of Power
Serpent Siphon
Healing Loop
Note: Precast barrier before incoming damage everytime is possible
for 600 range healing over time.Garish Pillar
andSandstorm Shroud
for precastingSand Cascade
and healing burst at the end for massive area healingWell of Blood
forSerpent Siphon
and Locust Swarm
Target Stats

Heal Alacrity Scourge provides
Build Fundamentals
Boon application for Heal Alacrity Scourge is straightforward. You are likely to end up overcapping on key boons such as Sand Cascade
Manifest Sand Shade
Sandstorm Shroud
single very high application ofSand Cascade
. pulsingSandstorm Shroud
and . Manifest Sand Shade
causes summoning a shade to apply a strongDesert Empowerment
to five nearby targets when summoned. strong utility skill that also appliesSerpent Siphon
and .
Other important boons are generated relatively passively:
also applies thanks to Abrasive Grit
generatesSandstorm Shroud
,Mark of Evasion
, andMark of Blood
apply large amounts ofSerpent Siphon
. appliesLocust Swarm
to nearby allies. providesTrail of Anguish
and in 600 units range from your character.
Most of the time Desiccate
Oppressive Collapse
Build Specifics
Heal Scourge excels at preventing damage with Sand Cascade
Manifest Sand Shade
Abrasive Grit
Nefarious Favor
Have at least one Manifest Sand Shade
Blood as Sand
Sand Sage
Your key sources of healing are Well of Blood
Life from Death
Sandstorm Shroud
You have nearly infinite Life Force thanks to Eternal Life
This build can effectively sustain allies at range by placing a Shade on them and using Sand Cascade
Important Note: each
Revive Allies Concept
Garish Pillar
Well of Blood
Lesser Well of Blood
Ritual of Life
Signet of Undeath
Conditions Cleanse Concept
Duo trait Abrasive Grit
Well of Power
Nefarious Favor
cast this when you’re about to cleanse multiple conditions if possible, since it will pulse barrier up to 5 times.Sandstorm Shroud
andWell of Power
skills that convert condition into boons. Prefer to use them first in those encounters where there’s a lot of conditions to deal with, and increasing your team boons uptime.Nefarious Favor
one of them should be always stay active to keep the uptime ofManifest Sand Shade
, and you can use the rest for extra condi cleansing if needed.Sand Sage
can be used either as condition cleanse or for bigSand Cascade
provide. Unless you really need, use this skill for helping in condi cleansing. Serpent Siphon
and condi cleanse provider. Keep in mind this also gives and you might want to keep it for when it’s needed! It’s a Light Field, meaning that everyone inside it will get condi cleanses upon using their Finishers. If you have equipped Staff, you can useWell of Blood
inside this field while an enemy is in range, to cleanse one condition to nearby allies.Putrid Mark
Crowd Control
Summon Flesh Golem
Spectral Grasp
Vile Blast
Garish Pillar
Oppressive Collapse
Wail of Doom
(if bringing Staff)Reaper's Mark
Utility Skills
The order for swapping skills will somewhat depend on the encounter and what utility is required but in general the order is the following:
You can swap any of those out for many skills depending on what you need:
and generation. for extra CC power. Make sure you don’t pull targets you’re not supposed to pull like in Vale Guardian and Desmina raid encounters.Spectral Grasp
orWell of Corruption
for boon corruption.Corrupt Boon
projectile block.Corrosive Poison Cloud
mobility and a short-range portal for allies.Sand Swell
for converting conditions into boons and granting might.Well of Power
You can tank on this build effectively by swapping Harrier’s gear for Giver’s gear instead. Celestial gear will also work just fine.
Replace Superior Sigil of Water
Superior Sigil of Paralyzation
If you run full Minstrel’s gear, you need Superior Sigil of Concentration
- Swap
withSuperior Sigil of Transference
if you want to keepSuperior Sigil of Concentration
on the other slot and if the fight doesn’t require extra healing.Superior Sigil of Paralyzation
- If you don’t need extra CC Power, replace
withSuperior Sigil of Water
.Superior Sigil of Concentration
Many combinations of weapons can work with this build:
- Consider bringing Staff for even more condition cleanse,
, and generation. - You can switch the weapons to Dagger/Torch and Pistol/Warhorn if you are almost-always in melee range, and save Pistol/Warhorn for CC.
You can change Relic of Mercy
for betterRelic of Febe
coverage. for more conditions cleanse upon using Healing Skill.Relic of the Water
for better general healing.Relic of the Monk
for extra Barrier upon using Healing Skill.Relic of the Flock