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    Heal Alacrity Scourge
    June 2024

    Group PvE
    Defensive Support
    Weapon Mastery icon Weapon Mastery


    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's HelmSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's ShouldersSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's ChestSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's GlovesSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's LegsSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's BootsSuperior Rune of the Monk

    Weapons & Sigils

    Pistol icon Superior Sigil of Transference icon
    Harrier's PistolSuperior Sigil of Transference
    Torch icon Superior Sigil of Water icon
    Harrier's TorchSuperior Sigil of Water
    Dagger icon Superior Sigil of Transference icon
    Harrier's DaggerSuperior Sigil of Transference
    Warhorn icon Superior Sigil of Water icon
    Harrier's WarhornSuperior Sigil of Water


    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Backpiece
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Accessory
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Accessory
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Amulet
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Ring
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Ring
    Relic icon
    Relic of Mercy


    Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint Garnish icon Bountiful Maintenance Oil icon
    Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint GarnishBountiful Maintenance Oil


    20 x Healing Infusions icon
    20 x Healing Infusions

    Utility Skills


    Target Stats



    Heal Alacrity Scourge provides , , , , , potential , massive crowd control, very powerful revive utility, solid healing, and unmatched application for your squad!

    Build Fundamentals

    Boon application for Heal Alacrity Scourge is straightforward. You are likely to end up overcapping on key boons such as and , allowing you to be flexible with your Sand Cascade and Sandstorm Shroud usage to protect your team!

    is generated by applying to your allies. Sources of include:

    Other important boons are generated relatively passively:

    Most of the time and generation won’t be a problem as other builds will usually fill out any missing uptime. However, if you find that you are missing or , take Desiccate and be sure to cast Oppressive Collapse as often as possible.

    Build Specifics

    Heal Scourge excels at preventing damage with . As such, learning encounters and predicting damage will increase your effectiveness. Use Sand Cascade and Manifest Sand Shade when you know damage is incoming to absorb it. will also remove a condition from affected targets thanks to Abrasive Grit, which combined with the very short cooldown of Nefarious Favor will be more than capable of handling even extreme condition pressure on your team!

    Have at least one Manifest Sand Shade active at all times, or you won’t fully apply and to your entire subgroup since each Shade (including yourself) only affects 3 targets. Having a Shade up also grants you a 15% damage reduction and 15% extra boon duration from Blood as Sand and Sand Sage respectively. While you can’t maintain 3 Shades permanently, you can spike up to three for short periods of time. This means that you can occasionally apply massive to your entire squad if you manage your shade count carefully.

    Your key sources of healing are Well of Blood and Transfusion. Use these carefully as they are also your highly potent revive abilities. Use them to heal allies when you do not expect anyone to enter downstate in the immediate future. Be careful with Transfusion as the ability to pull downstate allies to you is extremely good at recovering bad situations. While Life from Death also consistently heals allies during your rotation, it heals on a delay after Sandstorm Shroud finishes which can make it difficult to use actively but will provide solid passive sustain regardless.

    Transfusion is incredible for reviving allies. When activating Garish Pillar you will pull all nearby downstate players to you and slowly revive them. Combined with Garish Pillar and Well of Blood this could revive entire squads! Be careful though – don’t pull players into worse situations than they were already in. Encounter knowledge and understanding when to use this ability is key with Heal Scourge!

    You have nearly infinite Life Force thanks to Eternal Life. As such, you can use all Shade skills with complete freedom and never fear running out of fuel. If you somehow manage to run dry, both of your weapon-set auto attacks are powerful Life Force generators!

    This build can effectively sustain allies at range by placing a Shade on them and using Sand Cascade. These two skills combined should very easily keep them alive!

    Crowd Control


    Utility Skills

    The order for swapping skills will somewhat depend on the encounter and what utility is required but in general the order is the following:

    1. Serpent Siphon
    2. Spectral Grasp
    3. Signet of Undeath

    You can swap any of those out for many skills depending on what you need:


    You can tank on this build effectively by swapping Harrier’s gear for Giver’s gear instead. Celestial gear will also work just fine.


    Many combinations of weapons can work with this build:

    • Consider bringing Staff for even more condition cleanse, , and generation.
    • You can switch the weapons to Dagger/Torch and Pistol/Warhorn if you are almost-always in melee range, and save Pistol/Warhorn for CC.


    You can change Relic of the Monk for Relic of Febe for better coverage.

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