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    Power Reaper
    September 2024


    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Berserker Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Rune of the Lynx
    Relic icon
    Relic of Fireworks

    Weapons & Sigils

    Sword icon Sigil of Exposure icon
    SwordSigil of Exposure
    Focus icon Sigil of Exploitation icon
    FocusSigil of Exploitation
    Staff icon Sigil of Energy icon Sigil of Cleansing icon
    StaffSigil of EnergySigil of Cleansing

    Utility Skills


    Reaper is the teamfighter with the highest damage potential, relying on to always be in range to hit its abilities.

    Build fundamentals

    The idea of this build is to use Reaper's Shroud to get kills. Therefore, you will first have to build up life force. You want to stay outside of fights until you have enough life-force.

    Start every fight on staff. Chillblains should be used first so hitting every other mark is either, then Reaper's Mark right before swapping to axe to make sure to hit Spinal Shivers and Ravenous Wave.

    Keep in mind that Dread gives you when you apply . That means Spectral Ring and Reaper's Mark can be used to speed up your combos out of shroud.

    Tip: Spectral Walk isn’t just a stunbreak… reactivate it if you’re being chased to teleport to your original location.

    Once you have enough life force, enter Reaper's Shroud . Keep in mind that it gives you permanent while in Reaper's Shroud thanks to Reaper's Onslaught . This is the moment to finish kills and hunt down enemies. Make sure to use Infusing Terror when entering the melee. Executioner's Scythe into Soul Spiral should be what you prioritize to kill a target, in case they get away from the cc Death's Charge and the applied before should let you catch up and use your main source of damage in shroud Life Rend aka your shroud autoattack.

    Defense and disengage potential

    When you swap back to staff, Putrid Mark deals a lot of damage as well as transferring conditions.
    Path of Gluttony is very good to use for mobility, rarely to engage but rather to disengage or get to a kiting spot.
    Spectral Walk is your best kiting option as it stunbreaks and lets you port back to the location you first used it at (up to 10 seconds). is also a stunbreak and will port you where you set up Summon Flesh Wurm. You can use it as a basic panic button but be careful to not isolate yourself from your team trying to survive, especially if facing burst based classes.

    This is a rather aggressive build so if you have a support such as Supprt Chrono or Core Guardian, make sure to always play with it.

    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Berserker Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Rune of the Lynx
    Relic icon
    Relic of Fireworks

    Weapons & Sigils

    Sword icon Sigil of Exposure icon
    SwordSigil of Exposure
    Focus icon Sigil of Exploitation icon
    FocusSigil of Exploitation
    Staff icon Sigil of Energy icon Sigil of Cleansing icon
    StaffSigil of EnergySigil of Cleansing

    Utility Skills


    Reaper is the teamfighter with the highest damage potential, relying on to always be in range to hit its abilities.

    Build fundamentals

    The idea of this build is to use Reaper's Shroud to get kills. Therefore, you will first have to build up life force. You want to stay outside of fights until you have enough life-force.

    Start every fight on staff. Chillblains should be used first so hitting every other mark is either, then Reaper's Mark right before swapping to axe to make sure to hit Spinal Shivers and Ravenous Wave.

    Tip: Spectral Walk isn’t just a stunbreak… reactivate it if you’re being chased to teleport to your original location.

    Once you have enough life force, enter Reaper's Shroud . Keep in mind that it gives you permanent while in Reaper's Shroud thanks to Reaper's Onslaught . This is the moment to finish kills and hunt down enemies. Make sure to use Infusing Terror when entering the melee. Executioner's Scythe into Soul Spiral should be what you prioritize to kill a target, in case they get away from the cc Death's Charge and the applied before should let you catch up and use your main source of damage in shroud Life Rend aka your shroud autoattack.

    Defense and disengage potential

    When you swap back to staff, Putrid Mark deals a lot of damage as well as transferring conditions. Leaving Reaper's Shroud will also cleanse 2 conditions from you.
    Path of Gluttony is very good to use for mobility, rarely to engage but rather to disengage or get to a kiting spot.
    Spectral Walk is your best kiting option as it stunbreaks and lets you port back to the location you first used it at (up to 10 seconds). is also a stunbreak and will port you where you set up Summon Flesh Wurm. You can use it as a basic panic button but be careful to not isolate yourself from your team trying to survive, especially if facing burst based classes.

    This is a rather aggressive build so if you have a support such as Supprt Chrono or Core Guardian, make sure to always play with it.

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