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    Handkite Soulbeast
    May 2023

    Group PvE


    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's HelmSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's ShouldersSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's ChestSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's GlovesSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's LegsSuperior Rune of the Monk
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Monk icon
    Harrier's BootsSuperior Rune of the Monk

    Weapons & Sigils

    Greatsword icon Superior Sigil of Concentration icon Superior Sigil of Renewal icon
    Harrier's GreatswordSuperior Sigil of ConcentrationSuperior Sigil of Renewal
    Axe icon Superior Sigil of Transference icon
    Harrier's AxeSuperior Sigil of Transference
    Warhorn icon Superior Sigil of Concentration icon
    Harrier's WarhornSuperior Sigil of Concentration


    Magi's icon
    Magi's Backpiece
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Accessory
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Accessory
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Amulet
    Magi's icon
    Magi's Ring
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Ring


    Bowl of Spiced Fruit Salad icon Bountiful Maintenance Oil icon
    Bowl of Spiced Fruit SaladBountiful Maintenance Oil


    20 x Healing Infusions icon
    20 x Healing Infusions

    Utility Skills


    Black Bear icon Brown Bear icon
    Black BearBrown Bear

    Target Stats


    Handkite Soulbeast build was created specifically for the Wing 4 Deimos encounter and has no use outside of it.

    Build Fundamentals

    This build has 1200 toughness. Communicate this with your tank as you can’t tank Deimos and handkite at the same time. If your tank can’t go higher than 1200 toughness check the Alternatives section.

    Every few seconds, the furthest player from Deimos will have five stacks of hands spawn under them at 1-second intervals. Controlling these hands is your responsibility. This means you must position yourself to be the furthest player from Deimos, and must be able to self sustain through damage from Hands, Tears, and Deimos’ Mind Crush mechanic.

    Self Sustain And Dealing With Hands

    You want to permanently upkeep and on yourself. Both boons will help you with damage reduction and sustain. To achieve this use Moa Stance and Call of the Wild off cooldown.

    You have a lot of passive sustain through , Rugged Growth, and Signet of Renewal. For immediate healing use "We Heal As One!".

    Counterattack is your main way to handle Deimos’ Hands – you can block every other set of Hands with it. If Counterattack is on cooldown count the stacks of Hands as they spawn and dodge as the fifth Hand spawns. Be careful and don’t dodge off the platform. If you struggle to stack hands that way you can either not stack all 5 hands or use one of your defensive skills:

    Your main method for handling Mind Crush is Unflinching Fortitude. This skill makes you take zero damage from all incoming strike damage for four seconds – use it as Deimos swings his hammers to mitigate his otherwise lethal attack. If things have gone wrong and Unflinching Fortitude is on cooldown you can also use Counterattack, Defy Pain, or go into the bubble to avoid Mind Crush. Weak Minded is applied to you after mitigating Mind Crush which will deal an additional 70% of your total hp over 10 seconds. Dolyak Stance can help to mitigate it. Mind Crush and Unflinching Fortitude share the same cooldown which ensures that it is up for every time Deimos uses it.


    • Try to stay in Saul’s Banner to get extra healing.
    • All Hands will travel to Deimos every the group comes back after a green. Be careful when that happens and don’t be in their path.
    • Oils spawn under the closest non-tank player to Deimos. When the group is handling Sauls this can often be you.
    • You can use Entangle and Winter's Bite to slow down Prides.
    • Leader of the Pack lets you share the benefits of Moa Stance and Dolyak Stance with your squad. This is especially useful in the last 10% of the fight since the can prevent knockbacks off the arena and mitigate some damage with the -33% incoming damage buff.




    • You can replace Entangle with Spirit of Nature for clutch squad revives or extra passive healing if prides are being handled by your group.


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