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    Power Herald
    June 2024


    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Berserker Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Rune of the Fighter
    Relic icon
    Relic of the Herald

    Weapons & Sigils

    Hammer icon Sigil of Battle icon Sigil of Intelligence icon
    HammerSigil of BattleSigil of Intelligence
    Staff icon Sigil of Energy icon Sigil of Cleansing icon
    StaffSigil of EnergySigil of Cleansing

    Target Stats


    Power Herald is a mobile teamfight DPS with high burst damage. it’s especially useful when there’s enemy classes that can’t survive its combo, forcing defensive play and kiting. The mobile nature of this build makes it double as a roamer. Your main weakness is being generally squishy, especially to condition damage.


    Your role is a damage dealer in a team fight. You want to be where the action is and burst vulnerable targets with your team.
    You’re squishy, with high burst. Once you used your burst, keep your distance and make sure you get out of the fight to recover. Then repeat.
    Your mobile nature allows you to get to a side node to outnumber a 1v1 if needed.

    Quick Tips

    • Refer to the “Rotation” segment for an opener.
    • Save Infuse Light for the right moment to extract maximum value.
    • Don’t stay long in the thick of the fight, you’ll run out of resources quickly. Burst and get out.
    • Utilize kiting effectively to avoid being teleported on to when vulnerable.
    • Your best defence is offense – look for an opening to turn on your aggressors.
    • The importance of Impossible Odds cannot be overstated. Make sure you utilize it in your bursts.
    • Manage your cleanses carefully. Dodge highly dangerous condition attacks.
    • Utilize Stow Weapon to cancel telegraphed skills and bait defensives.
    • Use Facet of Nature True Nature off cooldown (on targets).

    Build Specifics

    Dealing Damage

    This is a purely melee build, but we compensate by utilizing movement skills (Phase Traversal, Phantom's Onslaught) and to stick to and kill our targets.

    Legendary Assassin Stance offers reliable through Phase Traversal and legend swap with Song of the Mists, extra damage through Impossible Odds, and our best gapcloser – Phase Traversal, but its skills are also very costly.
    Therefore, it’s the stance in which we would most often want to burst and start a fight with. The Burst idea can be found in the Rotation segment.
    Using Hammer/Staff, we much rather use hammer to burst safely from range. But Staff can be used if needed and is also an option.

    What’s important to understand about the opener is applying our damage mods as well as Enchanted Daggers, which should be enough damage and resustain to always force the opponent to go defensive. The importance of Impossible Odds cannot be overstated. It brings your burst to its full potential.
    Note: Shiro burst is notoriously telegraphed, and you can expect a skilled opponent to dodge if they see the animation. Teleporting from behind a wall is preferred for this reason. Then again, also keep in mind to not throw too many skills into a dodging opponent as to not run out of damage.
    Other than the opener, when swapping to shiro and you’re already in the thick of the fight, it’s a good idea to use Facet of Nature True Nature right away. Proceed by using mostly autos with Impossible Oddssaving your energy for defensives.

    Again, do not forget about Impossible Odds. it can be deadly in combination with skills such as Eternity's Requiem. Always try to use Impossible Odds mid-cast to avoid spending energy you don’t have to.

    For followup, Legendary Dragon Stance offers good damage skills like Facet of Elements Elemental Blast and Facet of Strength Burst of Strength. The nice thing here is that Legendary Dragon Stance skills cost no energy, leaving you a lot of room to use weapon skills. You also gain great boon access and modifier access via Draconic Echo, Notoriety, Shared Empowerment and all your facet skills; Keeping up is most important. Use Facet of Chaos Chaotic Release if you need Crowd Control (recommended to deal with downed bodies), use hammer abilities and auto attack.

    When swapping to Hammer, or swapping legends with Hammer, you’ll get guaranteed 3 critical hits with Sigil[s] of Intelligence. Try to spend them on Coalescence of Ruin, Phase Smash and True Nature in that order.

    Lastly, your mobility skills (detailed in the following section) will provide you via Aggressive Agility, which lets you ignore and . Make sure you utilize this to put extra pressure against classes that rely on these effects to survive.


    We have excellent move-speed based mobility through permanent via Rapid Flow, combined with Rising Momentum and Impossible Odds.
    Additionally, we have Phase Traversal for catchup, giving the important advantage of ignoring terrain by teleporting through it – as long as there’s a target available.
    For disengage mobility, we have Riposting Shadows and Surge of the Mists.

    Every one of the aforementioned skills also grants you via Aggressive Agility, which makes you hard to pin down, as you can ignore , and .

    An important aspect to master Herald’s mobility is the “About face” keybind, turning your character in a 180° angle so you can use Riposting Shadows to disengage to any direction, as well as the “Take target” keybind to utilize Phase Traversal to its full potential.

    Sustain & Healing

    Like any revenant build, it’s important to plan out enough energy to be able to in the near future in case you get jumped. Be mindful to always be near the next Legend Swap or enough energy to use Riposting Shadows or play safe if Facet of Darkness Gaze of Darkness is on cooldown to avoid getting disabled and dealt significant damage.

    Given its role as a Damage dealer, the build has average sustain, mostly relying on actively evading enemy attacks.
    The build’s mostly relys on its strong blocks and evades, such as Warding Rift, Surge of the MistsRiposting Shadows and Phase Smash. To play this build effectively, you should utilize from Warding Rift and Gaze of Darkness.

    In passive healing, we have Rapid Flow for which you want to use an energy skill every 5 seconds to restore some HP and upkeep .

    It’s important to make sure to hit your attacks when Enchanted Daggers is active. They’re blockable and reflectable, so beware opponents with – you will be healing them.

    While the build is reasonably durable against conditions in teamfight scenarios, when alone it will struggle against a good condition build. On weapon- / legend swap proccing effects like Sigil[s] of Cleansing and Cleansing Channel are very important for managing condition pressure. It is still important to manage your cleanses carefully. The Weapon Swap to Staff and into Renewing Wave is your main go-to under condition pressure.

    Lastly, on Legendary Dragon Stance you have the infamous Facet of Light. You should upkeep the facet effect for uptime, and use Infuse Light as a last resort. It will most likely fully heal you when under severe pressure. Beware that you become a priority target once enemies know it’s on cooldown.


    Relic[s] of the Herald gives us 16.6% boon duration and is a great all-rounder, but there’s other great options:

    you can change Rune[s] of the Fighter to Rune[s] of the Dolyak for more sustain.

    Rune[s] of Vampirism is your go to swap against condition setups.

    Elevated Compassion is also an excellent option – trading more boons in glint for high uptime, better access in Legendary Assassin Stance and 20% boon duration.

    If you have no issue with conditions, and struggle against lockdown, swap Cleansing Channel for Glaring Resolve.

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