Condizerker is a tanky sidenoder build with significant condition pressure. Between Rabid Amulet and Savage Instinct
Dead or Alive
Endure Pain
Build Fundamentals
You want to spend as much time as possible in Berserk
Fatal Frenzy
Burst of Aggression
Skull Grinder
Scorched Earth
Adrenal Health
Cleansing Ire
Build Specifics
Whenever you use a burst skill, you will gain back some adrenaline from Burst Mastery
Versatile Rage
Weapon Swap
Scorched Earth
Weapon Swap
Skull Grinder
This also makes it pretty forgiving to use a level 1 burst skill outside of Berserk
Combustive Shot
Adrenal Health
Cleansing Ire
makes your Relic of Akeem
Pin Down
Scorched Earth
combo into a oneshot on most squishy classes, applying Skull Grinder
and for an Effective along with: , , , , and .
Other noteable damage options while your burst skills are on cooldown are:
On sword: Impale
On longbow: Use Combustive Shot
Pin Down
Smoldering Arrow
Arcing Arrow
Fan of Fire
Use Sundering Leap
Shattering Blow
is good for Adrenaline but also for mobility and disengage potential, it can also be used to navigate to kite spots on various maps. Sundering Leap
Sustain and healing
This build has plenty of options to survive.
Use Mending
Shattering Blow
You can use Savage Leap
Sundering Leap
Hitting someone with a burst skill will trigger Adrenal Health
Cleansing Ire
Adrenal Health
Use "Shake It Off!"
Savage Instinct
Cleansing Ire
Entering Berserk
Eternal Champion
Burst of Aggression
Savage Instinct
Dead or Alive
Eternal Champion