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    Heal Quickness Berserker
    February 2025

    Group PvE
    Defensive Support


    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Water icon
    Harrier's HelmSuperior Rune of the Water
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Water icon
    Harrier's ShouldersSuperior Rune of the Water
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Water icon
    Harrier's ChestSuperior Rune of the Water
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Water icon
    Harrier's GlovesSuperior Rune of the Water
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Water icon
    Harrier's LegsSuperior Rune of the Water
    Harrier's icon Superior Rune of the Water icon
    Harrier's BootsSuperior Rune of the Water

    Weapons & Sigils

    Mace icon Superior Sigil of Renewal icon
    Harrier's MaceSuperior Sigil of Renewal
    Warhorn icon Superior Sigil of Concentration icon
    Harrier's WarhornSuperior Sigil of Concentration
    Staff icon Superior Sigil of Concentration icon Superior Sigil of Transference icon
    Harrier's StaffSuperior Sigil of ConcentrationSuperior Sigil of Transference


    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Backpiece
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Accessory
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Accessory
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Amulet
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Ring
    Harrier's icon
    Harrier's Ring
    Relic icon
    Relic of Karakosa


    Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint Garnish icon Bountiful Maintenance Oil icon
    Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint GarnishBountiful Maintenance Oil


    20 x Healing Infusions icon
    20 x Healing Infusions

    Utility Skills


    Target Stats



    Heal Quickness Berserker provides strong healing, , , , , , and has access to on-demand utility such as , , and crowd control (CC).

    Build Fundamentals

    is applied to allies around you whenever you use a Burst skill due to the trait Heat the Soul.

    Boon Application and Healing comes from using a variety of Weapon, Utility and Burst skills. Below is a list of skills that heal allies and also grant other effects:

    When dropping out of Berserk, use Head Butt or other Adrenaline skills to re-enter Berserk as soon as possible.

    Build Specifics


    Use Head Butt Outrage to gain Adrenaline and enter Berserk.

    As a Healer you don’t have a specific rotation. However, this simple loop will provide your group with passive healing and boons activated through traits.

    1. Rampart Splitter Valiant Leap Rampart Splitter
    2. Weapon Swap
    3. Skull Grinder Counterblow Adrenaline Rush
    4. Weapon Swap

    Fill with auto-attacks to gain Adrenaline.

    Use this combo for burst healing: Rampart Splitter  Blood Reckoning Rampart Splitter

    Use "For Great Justice!", Charge and Call of Valor off-cooldown. Alternatively, you can save Call of Valor for some Barrier to mitigate damage.

    Crowd Control


    Utility Skills

    The order for swapping skills will somewhat depend on the encounter and what utility is required but in general the order is the following:

    1. Outrage
    2. Banner of Tactics
    3. For Great Justice only if Might is covered.

    You can swap those out for many skills depending on what you need:


    Vigorous Shouts can be changed to Martial Cadence for more passive , this comes at a cost to overall healing.


    You can tank on this build effectively by swapping Harrier’s gear for Giver’s gear instead. Celestial gear will also work just fine.

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