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    Tactics Warrior
    June 2024


    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Berserker Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Superior Rune of the Spellbreaker
    Relic icon
    Relic of Zakiros

    Weapons & Sigils

    Axe icon Sigil of Opportunity icon
    AxeSigil of Opportunity
    Sword icon Superior Sigil of Cleansing icon
    SwordSuperior Sigil of Cleansing
    Greatsword icon Sigil of Intelligence icon Sigil of Battle icon
    GreatswordSigil of IntelligenceSigil of Battle

    Utility Skills


    Target Stats


    Tactics warrior is a core duelist build similar to Bladesworn  that takes advantage of shouts and Relic[s] of Zakiros for self-sustain and survivability.

    Core warrior is not currently meta, but can hold many 1v1 matchups and be effective as a side-noder if played properly.

    This build is very simple to understand and execute, making it ideal for new players without access to expansions.

    Build Fundamentals

    Tactics Warrior does good damage by buffing itself with 25 might and unique modifiers like peak performance. Some of your hardest hitting abilities are your burst skills, Eviscerate and Arcing Slice , and Throw Axe which can randomly hit up to 8k.

    You can cap yourself easily with "For Great Justice!" and Forceful Greatsword , make sure to do so for large crits on your burst skills.

    Your basic combos all revolve around Bull's Charge or Rampage to hard cc a target and chain skills on them. Reference the basic  combo sections for some ideas on how to execute bursts correctly. Throw Axe is also an to set up hard cc.


    Mending is one of the strongest heals in the game, removing 5 conditions and only having a 15-second cooldown when traited with Peak Performance . Both your shouts heal you from Vigorous Shouts and pairs well with Might Makes Right and Mending Might, both of which heal you considerably over time.

    Keep in mind that you have extra endurance regeneration from Might Makes Right and Building Momentum , so you can afford to be fairly liberal with your Dodges.

    For more traditional mitigation, you have Shield Stance which is a good mobile block and Whirlwind Attack which is an evade.


    • Your shouts don’t just heal you, they heal allies! Use them in teamfights near low team members for free healing and cleanse.

    • Take advantage of Sigil of Intelligence, Throw Axe can randomly hit for up to 7k if you’re lucky.

    • Rampage can be used to revive downed teammates as well as get kills, your and extra health make it hard to interrupt!

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