Silent Surf

Silent Surf is a fractal that takes place in Cantha’s past. You will assist Captain Thess and his Serpent Clan crew in their search for fellow Luxon survivors. This quest will lead you to encounter a growing evil waiting in the depths of the petrified sea. The fractal is divided into two main sections: a jumping puzzle and a boss encounter.
Jumping Puzzle
At the start, Captain Thess provides you with Survey Gear, necessary for traversing the map. This gear, accessible via your Special Action Skill, includes the following abilities:
- Grappling Hook: Pull yourself towards a targeted wall.
- Parachute: Slow your descent to prevent fall damage.
- Black Powder Charge: Provide an extra boost mid-air, acting like a double jump.
- Flare: Shoot a light source at the target location to mark spots for your allies.
Each ability uses ammo, which can be refilled at checkpoints provided by Captain Thess.
First Section
- Initial Descent: Use your Parachute to descend to where Captain Thess is located.
- Crossing the Gap: Use the Grappling Hook on a wall ahead to cross the gap, followed by using Zip Lines and the Parachute to safely reach the platform.
- Checkpoint: Position on the white circle to unlock the checkpoint. Defeat the spawned enemies to proceed.
Second Section
- Bouncing Mushrooms: Jump down and land on the Bouncing Mushrooms. Use the Grappling Hook on the jade pillar to gain momentum.
- Wind Cannon: Interact with the Wind Cannon to go through the jade wall. Unlock the new checkpoint by standing on the white circle and defeating the spawned enemies.
Third Section
- Combining Mechanics: Take the Wind Cannon, land on a Zip Line, and use the Grappling Hook on the jade pillar to land on Bouncing Mushrooms.
- Multiple Grappling Hooks: Use the Grappling Hook twice on the jade pillars, followed by the Parachute to land on the Bouncing Mushrooms, and then use the Wind Cannon.
- Final Platform: Use the Zip Line and Parachute to land safely. Unlock the checkpoint, defeat the enemies, and prepare for the final descent.
Corrupted First Mate Dolus
After completing the jumping puzzle, you will encounter Corrupted First Mate Dolus. This mini-boss introduces you to some mechanics that will reappear during the final boss fight.
- Frightening Speed: Players receive a Roman numeral and AoE mark above their heads. Dolus shadowsteps to each player in order, leaving damaging vortices.
- Dread Visage: Dolus occasionally casts Dread Visage, an attack that deals significant damage if you are looking at him. This attack also applies
, , and 3 stacks of . To avoid the effects, make sure to turn your character away from Dolus when you see the bright eye icon above him.
Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus
The final boss battle occurs on a large circular platform surrounded by smaller floating platforms. The fight is divided into three phases, with an intermission at 66% and 33% health.
Initial Mechanics
- Dread Visage: Kanaxai and the Aspects cast Dread Visage, which deals significant damage if you are looking at them. This attack also applies
, , and 3 stacks of . Turn away from Kanaxai and the Aspects when you see the bright eye icon above them.
- Rending Storm: Kanaxai throws axes at players, creating damaging AoEs that apply
. Place these AoEs towards the edge of the arena to avoid cluttering the central area.
- Roman Numerals Mechanic: Players are marked with numerals, and Kanaxai attacks in sequence. Spread out to avoid overlapping AoEs. If you get hit by another player’s AoE, it deals increased damage to you, so it’s crucial to avoid other players’ marked areas.
Break Bar Mechanics
- Gathering Shadows: Every 10% health lost, Kanaxai gains a break bar. Break it to prevent additional Aspects from spawning and to briefly stun him.
Phantasmagoria Mechanic
- Beam Targeting: An Aspect targets a player with a beam, making it visible and vulnerable only to that player. Use the Grappling Hook to reach and kill the Aspect.
Phase Transition (66% and 33%)
- World Cleaver: Kanaxai becomes invulnerable and charges an arena-wide attack. To prevent a wipe, each player must kill their visible Aspect, revealed by a tether from a small add at the arena’s edge. Each player sees a different Aspect, which has very low health. Defeat all Aspects to avoid the World Cleaver.