Sunqua Peak

Sunqua Peak takes place in Sunqua Vale and leads up to the release of the End of Dragons expansion. Climb the mountain to bring peace to Sunqua Peak.
Sunqua Peak consists of 3 encounters and one final boss, with each encounter showcasing mechanics of the final boss.
It is recommended to bring
for this fractal.
The first thing players encounter in the fractal is the Spirit of the Mountain. After talking to them, multiple lightning strikes occur, making small orbs appear. Picking up these small orbs grants the Charged Leap buff, making you jump higher. Killing the Air Elementals will also drop these orbs.
Using the Charged Leap buff navigate a short Jumping Puzzle with Air elementals, if more Charged Leap is needed simply kill one of the air elementals
Elementals of Sunqua Peak
Voice of the Mountain
Voice of the Mountain is a straightforward mini-boss with a three-phase encounter. It has few mechanics, and once it reaches 66% and 33% health, it becomes invulnerable and starts summoning lightning strikes. These lightning strikes spawn orbs. Gathering the orbs grants players the Charged Leap buff, and once 3 stacks are reached, use the buff to jump into the lightning clouds above and destroy them. Once all 4 lightning clouds are destroyed, the boss becomes vulnerable again.
- Air Blast: A burst of small wind heavily damages nearby enemies. Avoid grouping up too close to the boss to avoid taking heavy damage.
- Call of Storms: Summons lightning to smite enemies. Keep moving to avoid being hit by the lightning.
- Fulgor Sphere: An orb of electrical energy damages anything in its path. Dodge to avoid being hit by the orb.
- Lightning Strikes: At 66% and 33% health, the Voice of the Mountain becomes invulnerable and summons lightning strikes that spawn orbs. Collect these orbs to gain the Charged Leap buff. Once three stacks are reached, use them to jump into the lightning clouds above, destroying the clouds. After all four clouds are destroyed, the boss becomes vulnerable again.
Once the Voice of the Mountain reaches 1%, it becomes invulnerable and turns into another upward wind to get to the next area.
Navigating Waterfalls
Taking the next upward wind, you’ll be introduced to some waterfalls. Wait until the flow of the waterfall has stopped for a few seconds, then move across them. Attempting to move through them while the water is flowing will result in the player being knocked off the edge.
There will be more floating platforms and ‘Frightened Water Elementals.’ Three of these water elementals will need to be spoken with in order to open the path to the next encounter. Some of these will be guarded by ‘Enraged Water Sprites.’ Progressing through, you’ll engage the next encounter.
Free the Water Elemental
Assist the trapped water elemental by destroying the boulders trapping it while avoiding telegraphed AoEs. Occasionally, a single player will be tethered by a dark orb and gain stacks of a debuff named ‘Tidal Bargain.’ You want to avoid any player having 10 stacks of this as any extra stack will deal heavy damage to the group every second. To prevent this, move the tether to another player by positioning yourself so the beam passes through them. Once the boulders are destroyed, the elemental will be free, and a new path will emerge.
Fury of the Mountain
Engage the Fury of the Mountain, a three-phase encounter.
- Phase 1 (100%-66%): DPS the boss down to 66%. Upon reaching this threshold, the boss will become invulnerable and summon two meteorites. Avoid being in the area of the meteorite impact and the shockwaves that spawn by jumping over or dodging through them. Moments after the meteorites land, players will need to hide behind any of the meteorites to avoid a powerful attack emitted from the boss.
- Phase 2 (66%-33%): At 33%, two players will be fixated with the meteorite attack. It will trace you for a few moments, then fix in place. Be sure to avoid the impact again, and then hide behind the meteorite.
- Phase 3 (33%-0%): A new pathway will open once the boss is dead.
Sorrowful Spellcaster
This boss encounter includes all the mechanics from previous minibosses, split into three distinct phases:
Air Phase (100%-66%)
The boss performs several telegraphed attacks, including a break bar that players should break to maximize DPS. The boss will also perform a bomb mechanic where players must spread out.
Air Breakbar Attacks: The boss will use powerful attacks when her break bar is active. It’s critical to break this bar as quickly as possible to prevent these attacks from devastating the group.
Air Spread AoE: During this phase, she targets players with an AoE that requires them to spread out to minimize damage.
Fire Phase (66%-33%)
- When reaching 66%, the boss will become invulnerable and channel multiple meteorite attacks in waves of 2, 2, and 4 at fixed locations. On the final summon of 4 meteorites, she will come back to the fight and channel a large, powerful AoE which requires players to stand behind 1 of the 4 meteorites.
- The boss will then dash out again and do her normal attack patterns but in a fire-theme. Avoid the attacks. She will then charge back to the middle.
- The Spellcaster will channel the same ‘bomb’ mechanic that players must spread out for as well during this phase. If you have not reached 33% by the time she dashes out from the middle, she will do her meteorite attack again.
Note: Each time the boss charges in a direction, she will knock players out of the way. Stability or Aegis will protect you from getting CC’d.
Water Phase (33%-1%)
When reaching 33%, the Spellcaster will become invulnerable again. Players will be pushed out towards the edge of the arena and be introduced to the dark blue orbs again. A maximum of 4 will spawn (one at a time) during this phase. It’s important that players, once again, share the tether so that no single player reaches 10 stacks of the ‘Tidal Bargain’ debuff. Players will additionally be tagged with green AoE attacks during this phase which require players to stack close to one another, splitting the damage across the party.
Water Split Phase: This phase introduces the Water Split mechanic, where the boss pushes players to the edge of the arena. Players must navigate back to the center while managing the Tidal Bargain mechanic and stacking to share incoming damage from green AoEs.
If the Spellcaster is not killed while in the middle, she will summon a whirlpool that sucks players in and deals heavy damage. The whirlpool also reflects projectiles, so avoid using them during this time.
Note: Groups will typically use a portal to quickly reach the center after being pushed towards the edge of the arena.