March 2024

Power Catalyst

Power Weaver

Condition Daredevil

Condition Daredevil build offers visually dynamic gameplay due to constant usage of movement skills like Death Blossom, Steal, Heartseeker, Unstable Artifact, and Dodge. The ramp-up of your condition damage is carried with burst skills like Venoms, paired with spamming of Death Blossom. Always ensure to use Venoms after the boon strip that happens when you enter combat with the boss and don’t steal from Invulnerable enemies, as using Steal will result in stealing nothing. Be aware of range of your Venoms (240 units around you) when applying them to your allies. Always position yourself, so you cover every one of them within the range of the aforementioned skills. Maintain Lotus Training uptime as highest as possible, and keep in mind that the buff does not stack. If you’re unable to hit your target, make sure to look at the trait…

Core Ranger

Core ranger is and for a very long time has been a good 1v1 build with decent team fight pressure and good survivability when outnumbered. Your main damage comes from your pet and Maul, but generally, you would want to keep your distance while using Ricochet and Winter's Bite until you have an opportunity to swap to a greatsword. When you are able to get closer to perform your damage combo from greatsword, you should use Maul followed by Hilt Bash (preferably from behind as it will stun rather than daze) and use Maul again. The main combos you can use with this build are Smokescale’s Smoke Cloud and Swoop for . Instead of Swoop you can also swap pets to use Lesser Call of the Wild through Clarion Bond. It can allow you to either get a good Maul…

Condition Soulbeast

Condition Soulbeast is a durable DPS build that is relatively easy to pick up due to its simple rotation. It has great self-sustain capabilities thanks to Predator's Cunning and Rugged Growth. The build can also offer group support by combining Leader of the Pack with stances such as Moa Stance or Dolyak Stance. A significant part of the DPS of the build will come from your allies applying due to sharing Vulture Stance. Optimized variant of this build is built around using Superior Rune[s] of Thorns which focuses on boosting the application of this build. This will make the build a bit more reliant on your allies proccing Vulture Stance as often as they can while they have this buff. Always stay merged with your Pet Beastmode and flank enemies to benefit from Hunter's Tactics and the enhanced versions of…