Hardstuck Team
We call ourselves hard-stuck because we cannot escape the tight grasp of Guild Wars 2, but we don’t really want to anyway.
We are actually a persevering, driven bunch of like-minded players that all share the same passion and engagement for the game. We wish for our presence to inspire others and spread an Epidemic
Our team is represented by the most proactive and dynamic people in the community. We all come from different backgrounds and bring different skills to the table, but share the same vision for a thriving Guild Wars 2. We have created a rich and still-expanding network of artists, content creators, developers and organizers that contribute daily to keeping the scene exciting!
Do you want to become a part of the force that drives this relentless BEAST? A form to apply will be made available in the near future, so stay tuned & check this page!

- Development
- Moderators
- Content

- Content

- Social Media
- Design & Art
- Content

- Content
- Organizers

- Organizers
- Development

- Development
- Website Development
- Content
- Finances

- Moderators
- Content

- Organizers

- Organizers

- Organizers

- Development
- Website Development

- Content

- Finances

- Content

- Content

- Finances
- Content

- Content


- Design & Art

- Organizers

Video Team

- Content
Design & Art


- Website Development

Past Contributions

- Moderators
- Organizers

- Website Development

- Content

- Website Development

- Organizers

- Content

- Organizers

- Content

- Content

- Leadership
- Moderators

- Organizers

- Content

- Organizers

- Content

- Content
- Design & Art

- Moderators

- Content

- Content

- Content
- Organizers
- Moderators

- Video Team
- Design & Art