Stream Team

I stream Guild Wars 2 mostly every weekday at 8:30am EST (gmt-4).From new players to veterans, I've got something for everyone! So gear up your characters, bring your hot takes, and most importantly, HAVE FUN.Business email:[email protected]

ArenaNet Partner | The ultimate community for all things Guild Wars 2 and more!

Hi, I'm Sneb! #1 Guild Wars 1/2 Fan (seriously). Sometimes you'll see my wife ("Banana"), dog (Obi), and daughters (Goose/Duck). I like laughing. I also like crying from laughing too hard. Be good. Be kind. Stay classy. For business inquiries: snebzor(at)

i like video games, cats, and making people happy!

Welcome to the Zerg! ???? I’m Rediche, a Guild Wars 2 veteran, God of WvW, creator of, ArenaNet Partner, and your friendly neighborhood World vs. World player. Enjoy your stay! If you're lucky, you might catch me streaming, but that's like dropping a legendary item.

Teapots have an interesting shape.

No bio specified.

Guild Wars 1 enjoyer that streams whenever he feels like it and does admin duties for Hardstuck organised events!

Nike of Death of Taxes [DnT]

Expert in ordering food. Real life Iron Man. Streams every Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. 9PM GST. Saturday's TBD Business Email: [email protected]

A Czech streamer who loves space, fantasy and alternate history. Founding guild member of Mystic Builds [SALT] (RIP) & Hardstuck [Hs] in Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 end-gamer but loving many other games as well. Twitch and an ArenaNet Partner.

I used to stream

Center of amphibian attention.

No bio specified.

Mentoring Streamers, teaching the Game and helping Players overcome their Anxiety. A Veteran GW and GW2 Player who found his way to Twitch. Started as the first Support Guardian and now "in charge" of all of Support.

GW2 & WoW Enthusiast! BNet: Souls#11487 | GW2: Sim Souls.5723 (Previously known as Blood.5607)

Guild Wars 2 multi world champion. Currently playing Guild Wars 2. [email protected]

PMA Gamer, Certified Zoomer

Mota Champion | Team USA | Worlds first all 12 gizmos

Gw2 PvE Raid boss and more... | [email protected]

Guild Wars 2 Trading and Raids

GW2 Mota 1 Champion | Team 55 Dragons | 12/12 Gizmos

Dedicated to coverage of Magic the Gathering in the Wisconsin area! Brought to you by TalonSong Gaming... with your host, Xandrii!

Hey hello, my name's Lara! I focus on doing comfy cozy streams where everyone feels welcome~ I'm a huge Guild Wars 2 fan, but I stream other games too. IRL I am an indie game developer: when I'm not streaming, I'm working on my own RPG!

My name is Jake. I used to game a lot more, but now I mostly watch and talk about Anime