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Annual Raid Training Day

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Hello Guild Wars 2 Community!

Have you ever looked at Raid LFG? Almost all listings have something in common. They ask for KP (Kill Proof) or LI (Legendary Insights). You’re new to raids so how are you supposed to do raids if you need raid experience?

This event is dedicated for people like you but not only.

On 19th December [UAW] is organising the Annual Raid Training Day, dedicated to training as many gamers as possible in one of the hardest end game contents. Take a break from your Christmas preparations and have some fun while learning new encounters, bosses and more about your class. And don’t forget to spread the word about this event to your friends, family and your cat if it plays GW2.

The day will include many different activities suited for EVERYONE. Those will include Standard Raid Trainings, Class tutoring, Commander Tutoring, Raid related information lfg and even Advanced Raid Trainings for people who want to try things like Middle Tanking Vale Guardian or Throne Strat Dhuum.

What can you do to help or participate? Look out for another post closer to the day which will include a Discord Link and show up on the day! Our aim is to run trainings and information for the Whole Day, so no matter which timezone you’re from, you’ll be able to join.

If you’re a commander or experienced player, feel free to message me on Discord at TheGlobalLegend#9999 and I can slot you in whenever you have time. We also need people who could upkeep certain LFGs and provide advice for other fellow gamers. For general inquiries also feel free to message me on Discord.

This event is EU only. Depending on the support we get in this one, I might organize something for NA next year 😉

To join the event, join the discord with this link: discord

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