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Griffon Rider Contest!

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Hello Gamers!

Hardstuck strikes again with another competition for you to sink your claws into! The griffon community will be helping us put together this competition.

Hardstuck presents the Griffon Rider Contest!

Players will compete by showcasing their flying skills and ultimate stunt game! These stunts can include going through small obstacles, sharp cave turns etc.

The details for the competition are as follows:


• No speedup or slow-motion videos. we want the real footage. This means no edits.

• No copyright music in your video. (if you would like to do so, just note that I have to mute the video on stream for DMCA purposes) • One submission per person (add your account ID into the video so that nobody can make double entries).

• The maps for this competition will be Caledon Forest & Queensdale. Note that you can submit your entry for both maps to boost your chances, however you can only win on one map.

• Upload your video to YouTube. The video must be no longer than 5 Minutes per map. You do not have to record all 5mins for a map (Quantity does not always mean Quality) Once uploaded make sure to post it on Hardstuck Competitive discord in the griffon channel!

• One take clips will be judged with higher points compared to multiple cuts.

• Max of 3 cuts per map. Showcasing your ability to stay on the mount longer and go through obstacles are what will help with your score

•Obstacles that are harder to go through will have higher points Obstacle difficulty, Ability to stay on the mount longer in the air categories will both have a score out of 10.

The judges will tally the scores with the highest overall points winning the first-place prize. The fifth-place winner will be chosen on stream voted on by the community. Here is a quick video of what awesome griffon flying skills look like!

This is what we are looking for in the competition.

The Prizes for each map are the same and they are,

1st Place: 1,000 Mystic Coins

2nd Place: 500 Mystic Coins

3rd Place: 250 Mystic Coins

4th Place: 100 Mystic Coins

5th Place: 50 Mystic Coins

We will be accepting videos for the contest up to Friday September 24.

We will be streaming on Sunday 26th of September 1pm EST to showcase The winners and some of the videos in the competition on guildmm

Once you post your video on YouTube, join the Hardstuck competitive discord and post it in the #Griffon-contest channel so we can review the video and for others to see!

IMPORTANT NOTE: for those who are not familiar with OBS here is a link below. In case you are new to the concept of griffon riding there is another link to watch a tutorial for it!

OBS Tutorial

We hope to see you in the competition, good luck to you all!

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