Static Discharge Holo
Target Stats
Static Discharge
Sword/Shield is also a viable weapon choice. Use it if you don’t have Secrets of the Obscure.
For a more aggressive version of the build, see the Mortar Kit Variant.
Build Fundamentals
Exceed skills, unique to the Holosmith, gain additional effects at 50% and 100% heat. Keep your heat high for extra damage and healing!
Your biggest damage comes from
Outside of Photon Forge,
Magnet intoPry Bar for a 1200 range pull and burst of damage.
Prime Light Beam can be used to knock downed opponents out ofSignet of Mercy
Crowd Control
Your Crowd Control is probably the strongest aspect of Holosmith. You have access to the following Hard CC:
Magnetic Inversion Static Shield Throw Shield Slick Shoes Prime Light Beam Holographic Shockwave Magnet
Combo these skills together with your damage to chain-cc opponents and get easy kills. Remember to bait stunbreaks before beginning a CC chain or you’ll waste valuable cooldowns.
Static Shield has no Internal Cooldown (ICD). Classes with multihit abilities likeMesmer shatters will stun themselves repeatedly, making stunbreaks useless.
Sustain and Healing
Shield gives you access to some excellent defensive utility on Holosmith
Over 50% Heat,
Photon Wall becomes a projectile reflect.
Holosmith has great cleanse coming from
Target Stats
Static Discharge
For a more defensive version of the build, see the Tool Kit Variant.
Build Fundamentals
Exceed skills, unique to the Holosmith, gain additional effects at 50% and 100% heat. Keep your heat high for extra damage and healing!
Your biggest damage comes from
Outside of Photon Forge,
Photon Blitz combines withSurprise Shot andParticle Accelerator for excellent ranged burst.
Elite Mortar Kit can go over terrain and ledges due to its parabolic arc. Take advantage of this to land free damage in 1v1 or teamfights!
Crowd Control
Your Crowd Control is probably the strongest aspect of Holosmith. You have access to the following Hard CC:
Combo these skills together with your damage to chain-cc opponents and get easy kills. Remember to bait stunbreaks before beginning a CC chain or you’ll waste valuable cooldowns.
Static Shield has no Internal Cooldown (ICD). Classes with multihit abilities likeMesmer shatters will stun themselves repeatedly, making stunbreaks useless.
Sustain and Healing
Shield gives you access to some excellent defensive utility on Holosmith
Over 50% Heat,
Photon Wall becomes a projectile reflect.
Holosmith has great cleanse coming from