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    Power Mirage
    September 2024

    Recommended icon Recommended

    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Berserker Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Superior Rune of Infiltration
    Relic icon
    Relic of Evasion

    Weapons & Sigils

    Greatsword icon Sigil of Exploitation icon Sigil of Energy icon
    GreatswordSigil of ExploitationSigil of Energy
    Sword icon Sigil of Energy icon
    SwordSigil of Energy
    Torch icon Sigil of Cleansing icon
    TorchSigil of Cleansing

    Utility Skills



    From Long Range

    Greatsword Burst

    1. Mirror Blade
    2. Blink
    3. Mind Wrack
    4. Mind Stab
    5. Cry of Frustration

    From short range

    SwordGS Opener

    1. Phantasmal Mage
    2. Illusionary Leap
    3. Swap
    4. Weapon Swap
    5. Mirror Blade
    6. Mind Wrack
    7. Mind Stab


    Power Mirage is a powerful roamer excelling at picking up a single target because of the insane amount of you have access to. It also relies on burst windows with decent damage outside of them.

    Build Fundamentals

    Mirage gains access to Ambush Skills, transforming your auto-attack into a different skill for a short while after each dodge. On this build, you will have access to Mirage Thrust on Sword, which will be used primarily for mobility, and Split Surge while on Greatsword, used mainly for damage.

    Note: Split Surge is really good to use before a burst window as it applies and gives you .

    Use your Dodge carefully. Dodging for damage on Greatsword will expose you which is high risk but high reward, especially if you can hit a few targets with a single Split Surge. Keep in mind that Mirage Cloak persists across a weapon swap, so you can Dodge in Greatsword, Weapon Swap, and use Mirage Thrust. This lets you proc your Sigil of Energy and get a Dodge back quickly for another Mirage Thrust.

    On the other hand, Mirage Thrust can get a critical daze or simply get you out of a fight.

    It will be often a better choice to counter enemy pressure with your skills instead of Dodge. Blurred Frenzy is a low cooldown evade, it locks you in animation but you can use Jaunt, Blink, or Illusionary Leap > Swap during it in case you expect to get punished when you exit the invulnerability.


    Your Shatter skills will strip boons from enemies due to Shattered Concentration. You can use this to strip from enemies before attempting to interrupt them. Keep in mind that this is a gamble, as what boons you strip will depend on how many your target has.

    Since this is a power-based build, your main shatter skill should be Mind Wrack. Make sure you shatter with as many clones as possible close to your target.


    The main sources of interrupts you have are Diversion, Phantasmal Mage, and Mantra of Distraction. Your best targets for interrupts should be important enemy cooldowns such as heals, elites, and mobility skills. Any skill you interrupt will go on a 15-second cooldown, giving you a window of opportunity to focus the target. In higher-level play, try to coordinate with your team so they can take advantage. Using an interrupt during a burst will also greatly increase your damage thanks to Dazzling and Illusion of Vulnerability.



    Your best sources of clones are Mirror Blade and Jaunt. Note that Jaunt will only generate a clone from Self-Deception if you have at least one clone already.

    Keep in mind that phantasms from Phantasmal Berserker and Phantasmal Mage will eventually turn into clones too, you can plan the usage of your shatters around that. For example, you can useLingering Thoughts and Jaunt for a 2-clone shatter.


    Outside of the disengage potential from Mirage Thrust we mentioned earlier, Mirage has access to Distortion, a very powerful immunity ability with a longer duration for each clone you shatter for it. Each clone shattered will also spawn a mirror, similar to the one dropped by False Oasis. Walking through those mirrors with give you an evade and let you use an ambush skill.

    Note: Signet of Illusions will reset Distortion cooldown.

    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Berserker Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Rune of Infiltration
    Relic icon
    Relic of Evasion

    Weapons & Sigils

    Greatsword icon Sigil of Energy icon Sigil of Exploitation icon
    GreatswordSigil of EnergySigil of Exploitation
    Sword icon Sigil of Energy icon
    SwordSigil of Energy
    Torch icon Sigil of Cleansing icon
    TorchSigil of Cleansing

    Utility Skills



    From Long Range

    Greatsword Burst

    1. Mirror Blade
    2. Blink
    3. Mind Wrack
    4. Mind Stab
    5. Cry of Frustration

    From short range

    SwordGS Opener

    1. Phantasmal Mage
    2. Illusionary Leap
    3. Swap
    4. Weapon Swap
    5. Mirror Blade
    6. Mind Wrack
    7. Mind Stab


    Power Mirage is a powerful roamer excelling at picking up a single target because of the insane amount of you have access to. It also relies on burst windows with decent damage outside of them.
    On this Dueling version you aim to have a higher and more reliable burst but lose the possibility to have a second Mind Wrack and lower cooldown on Distortion. It is recommended for newer players to stick to the Illusions build.

    Build Fundamentals

    Mirage gains access to Ambush Skills, transforming your auto-attack into a different skill for a short while after each dodge. On this build, you will have access to Mirage Thrust on Sword, which will be used primarily for mobility, and Split Surge while on Greatsword, used mainly for damage.

    Note: Split Surge is really good to use before a burst window as it applies and gives you .

    Use your Dodge carefully. Dodging for damage on Greatsword will expose you which is high risk but high reward, especially if you can hit a few targets with a single Split Surge. Keep in mind that Mirage Cloak persists across a weapon swap, so you can Dodge in Greatsword, Weapon Swap, and use Mirage Thrust. This lets you proc your Sigil of Energy and get a Dodge back quickly for another Mirage Thrust.

    On the other hand, Mirage Thrust can get a critical daze or simply get you out of a fight.

    It will be often a better choice to counter enemy pressure with your skills instead of Dodge. Blurred Frenzy is a low cooldown evade, it locks you in animation but you can use Jaunt, Blink, or Illusionary Leap > Swap during it in case you expect to get punished when you exit the invulnerability.

    It is worth noting that on this Dueling version Phantasmal Berserker has very high damage because of the phantasm getting .


    Your Shatter skills will strip boons from enemies due to Shattered Concentration. You can use this to strip from enemies before attempting to interrupt them. Keep in mind that this is a gamble, as what boons you strip will depend on how many your target has.

    Since this is a power-based build, your main shatter skill should be Mind Wrack. Make sure you shatter with as many clones as possible close to your target.


    The main sources of interrupts you have are Diversion, Phantasmal Mage, and Mantra of Distraction. Your best targets for interrupts should be important enemy cooldowns such as heals, elites, and mobility skills. Any skill you interrupt will go on a 15-second cooldown, giving you a window of opportunity to focus the target. In higher-level play, try to coordinate with your team so they can take advantage. Using an interrupt during a burst will also greatly increase your damage thanks to Dazzling and Illusion of Vulnerability.



    Your best sources of clones are Mirror Blade and Jaunt. Note that Jaunt will only generate a clone from Self-Deception if you have at least one clone already.

    Keep in mind that phantasms from Phantasmal Berserker and Phantasmal Mage will eventually turn into clones too, you can plan the usage of your shatters around that. For example, you can useLingering Thoughts and Jaunt for a 2-clone shatter.


    Outside of the disengage potential from Mirage Thrust we mentioned earlier, Mirage has access to Distortion, a very powerful immunity ability with a longer duration for each clone you shatter for it. Each clone shattered will also spawn a mirror, similar to the one dropped by False Oasis. Walking through those mirrors with give you an evade and let you use an ambush skill.

    Note: Signet of Illusions will reset Distortion cooldown.

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