Condition Alacrity Specter
Weapons & Sigils
- Use
+Spider Venom
+Skale Venom
off-cooldown around allies.Prepare Thousand Needles
Enter Shadow Shroud
- Spam
while not inTwilight Combo
.Enter Shadow Shroud
- Fill with
Auto-attack chains - Use
for more Shadow Force.Siphon
Target Stats

Condition Alacrity Specter is a strong offensive support that provides permanent
This Build plays similarly to DPS Condition Specter.
Build Fundamentals
Provide Enter Shadow Shroud
Twilight Combo
Head Shot
Use Spider Venom
Skale Venom
Enter Shadow Shroud
Build Specifics
Remember that you trigger Superior Sigil of Doom
Quick Pockets
Weapon Swap
Remain in Shadow Shroud until you have used Grasping Shadows
Grasping Shadows
Eternal Night
Grasping Shadows
Exit Shadow Shroud
While in Shroud, use Mind Shock
Your second skill Shadow Sap
Crowd Control
Incredible crowd control when spammed!Head Shot
Basilisk Venom
Enter Shadow Shroud
Utility Skills
- Replace
with one of the following if needed:Prepare Thousand Needles
– works well for mobile foes.Devourer Venom
– for moreWell of Bounty
application and boons. – a notable replacement for CC that doesn’t require allies.Well of Silence
– for projectile destruction in niche scenarios.Smoke Screen
Elite Skills
- Swap
for:Basilisk Venom
– if no CC is needed in the encounterThieves Guild
If you want slightly more damage at the cost of Boon Duration and Vitality, you can use a Viper’s Helmet.