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    Power Bladesworn
    February 2025

    Group PvE


    Berserker's icon Superior Rune of Infiltration icon
    Berserker's HelmSuperior Rune of Infiltration
    Berserker's icon Superior Rune of Infiltration icon
    Berserker's ShouldersSuperior Rune of Infiltration
    Berserker's icon Superior Rune of Infiltration icon
    Berserker's ChestSuperior Rune of Infiltration
    Berserker's icon Superior Rune of Infiltration icon
    Berserker's GlovesSuperior Rune of Infiltration
    Berserker's icon Superior Rune of Infiltration icon
    Berserker's LegsSuperior Rune of Infiltration
    Berserker's icon Superior Rune of Infiltration icon
    Berserker's BootsSuperior Rune of Infiltration

    Weapons & Sigils

    Sword icon Superior Sigil of Force icon
    Assassin's SwordSuperior Sigil of Force
    Pistol icon Superior Sigil of Accuracy icon
    Berserker's PistolSuperior Sigil of Accuracy


    Berserker's icon
    Berserker's Backpiece
    Berserker's icon
    Berserker's Accessory
    Berserker's icon
    Berserker's Accessory
    Berserker's icon
    Berserker's Amulet
    Berserker's icon
    Berserker's Ring
    Berserker's icon
    Berserker's Ring
    Relic icon
    Relic of Peitha


    Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide Steak icon Furious Sharpening Stone icon
    Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide SteakFurious Sharpening Stone


    17 x Mighty Infusions icon 1 x Arcane Infusion icon
    17 x Mighty Infusions1 x Arcane Infusion

    Weapon Skills

    Utility Skills


    Target Stats



    Power Bladesworn is a high burst DPS build with large amounts of cleave for dealing with adds and excels in short phases. The build requires good knowledge of positioning in encounters because you cannot move during Dragon Trigger.

    Build Fundamentals

    Power Bladesworn builds Flow by being in combat and using Flow Stabilizer, which is used to enter Dragon Trigger. DT then converts Flow into charges. Once you gain 10 charges, use Dragon Slash—Force.

    Using any ammo skills increases damage for the next Dragon Trigger due to the trait Fierce as Fire.

    Build Specifics

    The build gains a massive damage increase from Overcharged Cartridges. This utility buffs the damage of Dragon Slash—Force, Dragon's Roar, and Gunsaber skills. Overcharged Cartridges should always be activated before using Dragon's Roar and entering Dragon Trigger.

    Use Flicker Step during Dragon Trigger to activate the buff from Relic of Peitha before using Dragon Slash—Force.

    After the Precast, use Flow Stabilizer off-cooldown to generate Flow.

    Use Dragonspike Mine after a Dragon Slash—Force to reset Dragon Trigger.

    Dragon Trigger skills 4 and 5 can be used to block or move away from attacks to guarantee that you never get interrupted while charging Dragon Trigger.

    Use Tactical Reload off-cooldown before Dragon Trigger to charge it more quickly.

    Crowd Control





    Superior Sigil of Accuracy can be changed to Superior Sigil of Impact or a Slaying Sigil for encounters where this increases DPS.
    To do this, make the following adjustments to your gear:

    • Assassin’s ShouldersLeggings, GlovesBoots, 2 x Accessories and 1 x Ring.
    • Berserker’s Main-Hand Sword

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