May 2023

Power Deadeye

Build guide will be available soon!

Power Alacrity Mechanist

Power Alacrity Mechanist is currently the game’s strongest and most versatile Power Alacrity Build. It provides permanent and 25 stacks of paired with any Quickness Build. Except for Mech skill usage Power Alacrity Mechanist plays the same as Power Mechanist is purely generated by your mech. This means that you have to make sure that your mech is always at least within 600 range of your party and at least within 360 range when you use Barrier Burst. While this will happen naturally in most encounters keep an eye on your mech especially on bosses with very large hitboxes like Conjured Amalgamate. generated by your mech attacking enemies, Barrier Burst and Blunderbuss. This sounds more complicated than it actually is as all you need to do is press Crisis Zone and Barrier Burst off cooldown while doing your normal rotation.…

Condition Mirage

Due to the high amount of this build can apply, its damage output is unrivaled on fast-attacking bosses such as Cairn, Soulless Horror and Largos Twins. Even in other encounters, it’s still a strong build that offers constant DPS during longer phases. Due to the slower DPS ramp up time, it’s sub-optimal for bosses that have shorter phases. It’s hard to learn and master since its damage output relies on proper clone management and a fast non-looped rotation, that has to be adapted during the encounter to maximize it’s effectiveness. Mirage uses endurance as an offensive resource. Whenever you Dodge or pick up a Mirage Mirror (can be created by Crystal Sands), you will gain Mirage Cloak which will give access to the ambush skill Imaginary Axes for you and your clones which is your most powerful ability. Because of…

Condition Alacrity Mirage

Condition Alacrity Mirage can provide permanent and 25 to the party. Along with these boons, it can also provide a small amount of via Winds of Chaos and small amounts of , and via Method of Madness. It is a build with an interesting rotation and ranged DPS capabilities. Due to the high amount of it can apply, it is especially effective at fast-attacking bosses like Cairn, Soulless Horror, and Largos Twins. Generation of in this build is tied to the usage of Chaos Vortex which only becomes available after the player gains Mirage Cloak. The amount of generated is increased by each active staff clone so that Chaos Vortex should be used with 3 staff clones active for maximum boon generation. Gaining Mirage Cloak is partly tied to dodging which makes important for this build. Luckily, the build is…

Qadim Kite Deadeye

Deadeye is the most common class for kiting on Qadim. Its high range and the spammable nature of Thief’s weapon skills makes it excellent at dealing with the Lava Elementals. Additionally, it brings utility for the team with portals and if executed well, even deals great damage to the boss during burn phases. The idea behind the Deadeye rotation relies on getting to maximum Malice stacks to gain boons and Initiative with Maleficent Seven, then using to consume all the Malice with Malicious Death's Judgment then repeating the process. You want to always Kneel, both when kiting and when DPS-ing the boss. Only un-kneel when moving in-between phases. Deadeye's Mark -> Three Round Burst deals enough damage to instantly kill a Lava Elemental. Killing an enemy refreshes the cooldown of Deadeye's Mark because of the Renewing Gaze trait, allowing you…

Handkite Soulbeast

Handkite Soulbeast build was created specifically for the Wing 4 Deimos encounter and has no use outside of it. This build has 1200 toughness. Communicate this with your tank as you can’t tank Deimos and handkite at the same time. If your tank can’t go higher than 1200 toughness check the Alternatives section. Every few seconds, the furthest player from Deimos will have five stacks of hands spawn under them at 1-second intervals. Controlling these hands is your responsibility. This means you must position yourself to be the furthest player from Deimos, and must be able to self sustain through damage from Hands, Tears, and Deimos’ Mind Crush mechanic. You want to permanently upkeep and on yourself. Both boons will help you with damage reduction and sustain. To achieve this use Moa Stance and Call of the Wild off cooldown.…