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2022 Community Events Roadmap

It's been a long road to get here but our website has finally arrived - mostly. It's been a gargantuan effort and I'm pretty sure Czokalapik and Sognus don't even remember what outside looks like because of how many hours they have been putting in! We hope you will enjoy the content and features the team has been working hard on over the past months. We've taken massive strides in our organization and are confident we'll be able to continue to deliver even more quality content and community events going forward into 2022! What's described here is just what we have confirmed for now because we want to make sure that we don't make plans that can't be followed through with. There are several projects in the works that although they are very likely to happen, are not at a…
  • competitive
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Champions of the Mists

Greetings gamers, as some of you saw in our previous post we are launching a GvG tournament to find out who is the best of the best. Well today, today is the start of the Champions of the Mists. A quick recap of the tournament: 22 EU guilds and 12 NA guilds are battling it out from today, May 30th to June 19th The top 8 EU and top 4 NA guilds will fight to be the best of their region from June 19th to June 24th The Top EU and NA guilds will battle in the global finals on June 27th Prizepool:Currently the gold pool is at around 130k Gold. This will be split amongst the top 8 guilds (4 from each region). Donations are certainly welcome, and can be sent in game to: guild mm.4269 MightyTeapot.2093 Roy.5639 PLEASE SEND ITEMS NOT…
  • competitive
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GvG Tournament, This June!

Greetings Gamers! I am very pleased to announce that Guild MM, partnering with Hardstuck and Mightyteapot, will be hosting a GvG (Guild vs Guild) Tournament, and it will be starting in just about a month! But Roy, there's no such thing as GvG in GW2! Fear not, for that has never stopped us even a little bit in the last 8 years, and it certainly won't be stopping us now! OVERVIEW We've put on Tournaments in the past, but never with the same ambition as this! Starting May 31st Guilds on both regions, EU and NA, will be split up into groups, and will GvG within their groups for 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, on June 19/20th each region will have a Final, consisting of the top guilds from each group. Finally, on June 27th we will hold a Global Finals for the top guild from each region. For the first…