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    June 2024


    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Avatar Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Rune of the Monk
    Relic icon
    Relic of the Trooper

    Weapons & Sigils

    Sword icon Sigil of Energy icon
    SwordSigil of Energy
    Warhorn icon Sigil of Transference icon
    WarhornSigil of Transference
    Staff icon Sigil of Energy icon Sigil of Transference icon
    StaffSigil of EnergySigil of Transference

    Utility Skills


    Healbreaker is a variation of support warrior that combines instantcast healing from Vigorous Shouts with the utility of the Spellbreaker profession. Healbreaker is overshadowed by Support Chrono and Support Guardian in the current meta, but it provides unique advantages and buffs that can make it situationally useful.

    Healing and Cleanse

    Your main source of healing comes from Vigorous Shouts , which is an instant heal on each shout use. Healbreaker has access to four shouts – "For Great Justice!" , "On My Mark!" , and "Shake It Off!" are all instant cast, while "To the Limit!" has a cast time.

    Staff gives you access to great healing and cleanse: Valiant Leap, Line Breaker, Defiant Roar, and Path to Victory all grant healing and boons to allies. In teamfights, you can engage with Valiant Leap and Path to Victory, reset it with Full Counter, and Path to Victory again while spamming your shouts for extra heals.

    Most of your value is going to come from using shouts for their AOE support to keep your team healthy over longer teamfights, but you can also take advantage of your shouts being instant cast to quickly re-sustain allies by combining skills like Call of Valor , "Shake It Off!" , "On My Mark!" , and "For Great Justice!" at the same time for a burst of healing and cleanse.

    Similar to support guardian, healbreaker’s personal sustain scales with the number of allies nearby since you’ll continually be healing from Mending Might for each ally you give to with Mending Might and "For Great Justice!" . Since the buff, Charge now grants allies in addition to the extra damage and cleanse. Try to use this either to help cleave a down or when your team is focusing a target. share is especially powerful for classes like Willbender that lack access on their own.


    Unlike other supports, healbreaker has excellent offensive CC and utility options. Because you don’t have to channel your healing like Tempest overloads or Guardian heals, healbreaker can take advantage of its weapon skills and profession mechanics to pump out cc and boonrip.

    Since this build runs Slow Counter and Revenge Counter, you’re going to be applying several debilitating conditions every time you use Full Counter ; this, along with the proc, can be particularly valuable into classes like Harbinger  that spam and .

    Disrupting Stab and Full Counter both act as effective stuns, meaning they daze and apply from No EscapeShield Bash is an excellent stun, and all of your cc is removing boons because of Dispelling Force and Sigil of Absorption . Your burst skills are also quite useful; Breaching Strike is unblockable and removes 2 boons, and Flurry is a fairly long .

    Healbreaker has a few good mobility skills. Sword has Savage Leap and Staff has Valiant Leap and Line Breaker.

    For a more offensive version of the build, see the Hammer Variation.


    Battle Standard is distinct from other revive utilities due to its flexibility and dual purpose. Instead of only reviving downed allies, it also finishes downed enemies within the radius. Battle Standard can be used to shift a teamfight in either way, and can even be precast to revive you if you’re going to go down.

    Remember that the stomp and revive radii for the banner are different, the outer radius is the revive and the inner radius is the stomp.

    Battle Standard has become a more competitive choice since the nerfs to other revive utilities and the buff that gave it share. Try to use Charge for the   before you start casting Battle Standard; it has a two-second cast time and is easily interrupted by a Thief or Mesmer .

    PvP Amulet & Rune

    PvP amulet icon
    Avatar Amulet
    PvP rune icon
    Rune of the Monk
    Relic icon
    Relic of the Trooper

    Weapons & Sigils

    Hammer icon Sigil of Savagery icon Sigil of Transference icon
    HammerSigil of SavagerySigil of Transference
    Staff icon Sigil of Energy icon Sigil of Transference icon
    StaffSigil of EnergySigil of Transference

    Utility Skills


    Healbreaker is a variation of support warrior that combines instantcast healing from Vigorous Shouts with the utility of the Spellbreaker profession. Healbreaker is overshadowed by Heal Tempest and Support Guardian in the current meta, but it provides unique advantages and buffs that can make it situationally useful.

    Healing and Cleanse

    Your main source of healing comes from Vigorous Shouts , which is an instant heal on each shout use. Healbreaker has access to four shouts – "For Great Justice!" , "On My Mark!" , and "Shake It Off!" are all instant cast, while "To the Limit!" has a cast time.

    Most of your value is going to come from using shouts for their AOE support to keep your team healthy over longer teamfights, but you can also take advantage of your shouts being instant cast to quickly re-sustain allies by combining skills like Call of Valor , "Shake It Off!" , "On My Mark!" , and "For Great Justice!" at the same time for a burst of healing and cleanse.

    Similar to support guardian, healbreaker’s personal sustain scales with the number of allies nearby since you’ll continually be healing from Mending Might for each ally you give to with Mending Might and "For Great Justice!" . Since the buff, Charge now grants allies in addition to the extra damage and cleanse. Try to use this either to help cleave a down or when your team is focusing a target. share is especially powerful for classes like Willbender that lack access on their own.


    Unlike other supports, healbreaker has excellent offensive CC and utility options. Because you don’t have to channel your healing like Tempest overloads or Guardian heals, healbreaker can take advantage of its weapon skills and profession mechanics to pump out cc and boonrip.

    Since this build runs Slow Counter , you’re going to be applying several debilitating conditions every time you use Full Counter .

    In your Hammer set, you have 4 forms of hard cc: daze, stun, knockdown, and knockback. A common way to sequence your ccs is Staggering Blow Earthshaker Fierce Blow  Backbreaker . Executing this combo properly should keep someone locked down for at least 5 seconds, depending on if you land the . All of these ccs are also removing boons thanks to Dispelling Force.

    Remember that Full Counter resets your Earthshaker and Flurry. Hitting a foe with a burst chains them to you with Magebane Tether , which pulls them back if they get too far from you. You can use this either to keep someone in a teamfight so they can be focused, or actively run away from them for the cc, either to pull them into your team or start a cc chain.

    Healbreaker has a few good mobility skills. The most important one is Savage Leap but Earthshaker can also be used to cover a good amount of distance, especially with the Full Counter reset.

    For a more defensive version of the build, see the Dagger/Shield Variation.


    Battle Standard is distinct from other revive utilities due to its flexibility and dual purpose. Instead of only reviving downed allies, it also finishes downed enemies within the radius. Battle Standard can be used to shift a teamfight in either way, and can even be precast to revive you if you’re going to go down.

    Remember that the stomp and revive radii for the banner are different, the outer radius is the revive and the inner radius is the stomp.

    Battle Standard has become a more competitive choice since the nerfs to other revive utilities and the buff that gave it share. Try to use Charge for the   before you start casting Battle Standard; it has a two-second cast time and is easily interrupted by a Thief or Mesmer .

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