Heal Alacrity Willbender
3 months ago
Heal Alacrity Willbender offers plenty of utilities, CC, and boons, similar to its brother Heal Quickness Firebrand. It provides permanent , , , , and 25 stacks of . On demand and in rotation you can provide , and for your squad. You have access to all the Guardian utility skills, which make you able to choose what would be best in any fight. It’s important to remember that this build has a lot of movement skills and animation locks, so it’s less recommended for tanking roles, unless you’re very experienced with the fight. This build’s loop is quite simple. Start in Spear in order to start giving alongside with , , and , then swap to Staff to give additional and . Below is what specifically generates the boons, starting with Spear: Flowing Resolve and Rushing Justice -> to…