Condition Mirage
Weapons & Sigils
Phantasmal Mage
Imaginary Axes
The Prestige
Weapon Swap
Phantasmal Duelist
Signet of the Ether
intoLingering Thoughts
to animation cancelJaunt
during animationDodge
Imaginary Axes
Lingering Thoughts
Cry of Frustration
Mind Wrack
Crystal Sands
Magic Bullet
Phantasmal Duelist
from theImaginary Axes
left behind, not yourMirage Mirror
Axes of Symmetry
1x AutochainImaginary Axes
Imaginary Axes
- 1 auto attack into
(your chain carries over onto the next weapon set here finish the chain with 2 more attacksWeapon Swap
Imaginary Axes
Phantasmal Mage
Axes of Symmetry
You don’t have a perfect loop like most builds, so follow this priority list:
Cry of Frustration
build up 3 clones by usingMind Wrack
Lingering Thoughts
Crystal Sands
- Keep your stamina below 50% by using
off cooldownImaginary Axes
off cooldownAxes of Symmetry
- Keep your offhand skills (4&5) off cooldown
off cooldownWeapon Swap
2xSignet of the Ether
during the ethereal field you created, while still following the priority listLingering Thoughts
- Finish your auto attack chain as much as possible
Target Stats

Due to the high amount of
Build Fundamentals
Ambush and Endurance Management
Mirage uses endurance as an offensive resource. Whenever you Dodge
Mirage Mirror
Crystal Sands
Mirage Cloak
Imaginary Axes
Superior Sigil of Energy
It’s very important to have Illusionary Membrane
Chaotic Persistence
Defensive Options
Since you’ll be mostly using your dodges offensively, you should try to learn certain boss patterns and timings of harder hitting attacks that you will need to play around. The most obvious choice is to just not use up a dodge whenever you know there is an attack incoming. Your other defensive options include:
to triggerWeapon Swap
to gain an additional dodge.Superior Sigil of Energy
- Using
Cry of Frustration
instead ofDistortion
Cry of Frustration
to gain some invulnerability frames, this is kind of hard to pull off, but can be very worth it, you can also just useMind Wrack
as a panic button, but it comes with a DPS loss if not used withDistortion
first.Cry of Frustration
gives you some dodge frames as well, try to combine this with dodging attacks to be as efficient as possible.Axes of Symmetry
Clones use your Imaginary Axes
Mirage Cloak
Axes of Symmetry
Cry of Frustration
You can summon clones in the following ways:
generates a clone after a short delayLingering Thoughts
- Using a deception skill when you have at least one clone (
,Crystal Sands
andPhantasmal Mage
both generate a clone once the phantasm is done castingPhantasmal Duelist
Note: that summoning a new clone while already having 3 clones will destroy the oldest one.
Clones don’t have Imaginary Axes
Axes of Symmetry
Imaginary Axes
Axes of Symmetry
For that reason, avoid the following skill sequences:
Imaginary Axes
Axes of Symmetry
Imaginary Axes
- Using
Axes of Symmetry
Rotation Tips
- Using
,Lingering Thoughts
orPhantasmal Duelist
while inside an ethereal field will apply confusion through swirl and projectile finishers resulting in more DPS.Magic Bullet
- Using
at the very end of a fight results in a slight DPS increase due to the blind applying confusion for a final burst tick.Signet of Midnight
- Using
while a boss is casting an ability counts as interrupting them, decreasing your cooldowns throughMagic Bullet
which results in an earlier usage ofChaotic Interruption
orAxes of Symmetry
Phantasmal Duelist
Crowd Control
= 250 defiance break to the primary target, 200 to the first bounce.Magic Bullet
Phantasmal Mage
= 100-400 defiance break depending on the amount of clones, you always count as a single “clone” yourself.Diversion
= huge DPS loss, only use it as a last ditch effort.Signet of Domination