Twin Largos

Timer: 2 minutes per platform. If time runs out, the squad will wipe.
Enrage: Once one boss is defeated, the remaining boss will Enrage, dealing 200% more damage.
Tank: Two Toughness tanks
Requires: Glider Basics, Shifting Sands Mastery (for pre-event only)
The battle against the Twin Largos is a fast-paced encounter featuring two bosses with almost entirely unique movesets.
In this encounter, the squad will split into two groups to handle each of the Twins. This means the squad must have two groups capable of operating independently, with a tank, healing, and boon support for each group.
Neither tank is required to bring special utilities, so any class can tank. That having been said, Firebrand
Both of the bosses will frequently apply conditions such as
Many of the bosses’ mechanics deal significant damage. The squad’s healers should be alert and keep their squadmates topped off at all times, as a downstate at a bad time can easily lead to a domino effect where any attempts at revival lead to more casualties from follow-up mechanics. Experienced groups may face low healing pressure by simply avoiding the mechanics, but we recommend bringing two strong healers on this encounter.


Mace & Warhorn

When it comes to dealing damage, having access to ranged DPS is beneficial but by no means required; a good understanding of the fight’s mechanics will enable even melee players to have high damage uptime. The Twin Largos have very fast attack rates, making this encounter well suited for builds that can apply a lot of Mirage

Torch offhand

Low intensity


Sorting and Appraisal
Before they can challenge the Twin Largos, players must first traverse Sorting and Appraisal. After defeating the Conjured Amalgamate, the squad should use the Jackal Portal on the left to advance further into Zommoros’ domain.
Players should follow Skritt through Jackal Portals to face one of two minigames: Ectoplasm or Minipets. These minigames rotate weekly.
Ectoplasm: Players must kill dividing ectoplasms. The first ectoplasm will split into a group, of which one will bounce and be vulnerable and the rest will be shielding. All of the ectoplasms must be killed in order to progress.
Minipets: Minipets will spawn and must be prepared for shrinking. Players should bait or push/pull these onto platforms with symbols matching the symbol over the minipet’s head, then break their defiance bars and phase them on their respective platform. When they are ready to be shrunk, players should lure them to the shrinking beam in the center of the room.
After defeating the minigame Zomorros will bring the players to a room filled with piles of treasure.
A Dreg Shark will jump from pile to pile, showering the squad with gold that deals heavy damage. Players can pick up and use a “Dreg Shark Extractor” bomb on the Shark’s current pile to bait it into the center of the room, allowing them to damage it. Break the Shark’s defiance bar within five seconds, or it will leap back into the treasure. Once the defiance bar is broken the Shark will be vulnerable for ten seconds. If not killed, the shark will leap back into treasure forcing the squad to repeat this process.
From here players can use a Jackal Portal to enter the Fountain Room.
In this encounter, players must avoid water. The water surrounding the Twin Largos’ platforms, the Twin Largos’ attacks, and ambient mechanics on the platforms all apply stacks of Waterlogged, a debuff that will apply
Phase 1: Nikare (100%-50%)
The encounter will begin when the squad uses their mounts or the water fountain to leap onto the platform. The whole squad will encounter Nikare, the first of the Twin Largos.
Aquatic Detainment
Known as: bubbles, small AoEs
Every 23 seconds Nikare will slash the air in front of him with his two swords which will create a small orange circle under every player on the platform.
Anyone standing in these circles at detonation will be
Players will hear an audio cue when the circles first appear. These circles can be dodged, blocked, invulned or simply sidestepped. While they can be blocked by
If a player gets caught in a bubble, they can use a stun break to free themselves. They can also be assisted by a squadmate with an AoE stun break such as "Eye of the Storm!"
Crisis Zone
Known as: big AoEs
Every 10 seconds, if Nikare isn’t doing any other mechanics, large orange circles will appear under two random players on the platform.
When these detonate they will Waterlogged and potentially knock players off the platform.
These can be dodged, blocked, invulned, or sidestepped. Similarly to Aquatic Detainment, this ability can be blocked by
Tidal Pool
Known as: pool
Every 13 seconds, a random non-tank player will receive a timed tidal pool, that will drop an expanding water area of effect after 5 seconds. This damaging AoE starts small, but grows to cover a considerable portion of the platform. Standing in a tidal pool will apply Waterlogged.
Targeted players should move to one edge of the platform and wait for this pool to spawn before returning to the group.
The squad should aim to keep these pools sequestered in one area of the platform if possible. The targeted player will see a text in their chat box, receive a distinctive mark over their model, hear rushing water, and have reduced attack and movement speed. If the player leaves the platform the pool will drop on their last location.
Vapor Rush
Known as: dashes
Every 23 seconds, Nikare will chain three fast dash attacks. He will dash towards the furthest player twice, then back towards the tank. Players hit by this dash will receive heavy damage, as well as
After each dash, Nikare will briefly pause and turn to face his next target. Players can look at the arrow indicator at his feet to predict his next dash and move out of the way; if they are unable to do so in time they should Dodge
When Nikare has been brought to 50% health the north water fountain will activate, allowing the group to jump to the second platform.
Phase 2: Kenut (100%-50%)
On the second platform, players will face Kenut, Nikare’s twin. As compared to Nikare, Kenut’s attacks follow one of two consistent 20 second attack patterns and can be predicted.
She will do one of the following patterns:
- Vapor Jet 1. Vapor Jet
- Sea Swell or 2. Cyclone Burst
- Cyclone Burst 3. Sea Swell
Additionally, Kenut’s platform will have three water tornadoes. These will path from corner to corner, moving approximately clockwise. Standing in these tornadoes will apply damage, Waterlogged: players should avoid standing in these tornadoes. To give the group the most room to maneuver, the tank should ideally hold the boss in the middle and slightly step out or use a channeled block when the tornadoes come in to the middle of the platform. While doing this, the tank should be careful not to face the boss towards the group.
Vapor Jet
Known as: steal
Every 20 seconds Kenut will
Players should of course aim to avoid getting hit by this attack, but bringing boon strip or boon corrupt skills in case they get caught by it is a good idea.
One player can “Kite” Kenut’s steal attack to make the fight more predictable. Every 20 seconds they should aim to be the furthest player from the boss, and quickly Dodge
Sea Swell
Known as: shockwave
Kenut will pulse an orange circle, then blast a water swell across the platform. This attack deals heavy damage and
Players should Dodge
If the group is stacked on Kenut they can jump just after the orange circle, hopping over this attack.
Cyclone Burst
Water will flow from Kenut, forming various circles on the platform. The damage of this attack is very minor, but Kenut will gain
Players should aim to sidestep this attack if possible, but save their dodges, blocks and other defensive tools for less forgiving attacks.
When Kenut has been brought to 50% health the northeast and northwest water fountains will activate, allowing you to jump to the third platforms.
Phase 3: Split Platform 1 (50%-25%)
The squad should split, sending a subgroup to the left and right platforms. Here players will face Nikare and Kenut respectively. Each boss will have the same mechanics as before with one additional mechanic: Aquatic Barrage.
Aquatic Barrage
Known as: CC
Nikare and Kenut will gain defiance bars and begin to spin in the center of the platform, shooting out water bolts that deal moderate damage. The bosses will also gain a massive amount of
This attack becomes more powerful in the final 25%-0% phase. In addition to the above effects, the bosses will also throw projectiles across the room while spinning, pelting the other platform with small AoEs. Any player who gets hit by this will be
Players must quickly break these defiance bars, and can mitigate the water bolts by using projectile destruction skills such as Sublime Conversion
Each group can advance to the final platform once they have brought their respective boss to 25% health.
Phase 4: Split Platform 2 (25%-0%)
The squad will face one final mechanic on the final platform: Aquatic Aura. This stacking debuff will increase players’ incoming damage by 2% every three seconds. In addition, Aquatic Barrage is more powerful during this phase as mentioned above.
Finally, once one of the Twins has been defeated the other Twin will Enrage. The Enraged Twin will deal extremely heavy damage; players should attempt to DPS the Twins down evenly to reduce the amount of time they have to spend fighting an Enraged Twin. Nikare is considered especially dangerous while Enraged; Vapor Rush will easily one-shot most players if it connects.
The group that kills their Twin first can use the large water fountain to join the rest of their squad on the other platform and help them finish the other Twin.
Challenge Mode
In Challenge Mode, the HP of the Twin Largos is increased by 10%.
Additionally, they will perform one more deadly mechanic: Aquatic Domain. The bosses will use this attack upon reaching 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% health remaining. The mechanic is simple, but can prove lethal when combined with other of the bosses’ attacks.
Aquatic Domain
Known as: jump off
The Largos will start spinning in the center of the platform and gain a massive amount of
This attack can not be blocked or invulned; players must jump off the platform and then glide into one of the water fountains to get back onto the arena.
While this mechanic is easy to handle, all players should keep an eye on the boss’s health percentage and be ready to move out ahead of time. The orange circle grows quickly, and if a player uses a skill with an animation lock at an inopportune time, they may be unable to make it off the platform before it erupts.
During the later phases, players should be careful not to glide into the large water fountain during this mechanic; this will send them across the room to the other boss platform.