June 2024

Confusion Virtuoso

This Confusion Virtuoso is a great setup made for World vs World roaming. Unlike common Condition Virtuoso builds, this one does not rely on Jagged Mind to apply . Instead, you apply and with your Shatters, Scepter, Pistol, and Axe. Your sources of will be Bladesong Sorrow, Confusing Images, Magic Bullet and Axes of Symmetry. The build sustains itself through blocking with Echo of Memory, Illusionary Counter, and when you use a Shatter thanks to Bladeturn Refrain and your Relic of the Defender. Additionally, your Shatters provide important boons with Bountiful Disillusionment. Stock up Blades by blocking or evading through Psychic Riposte, summoning clones, and Blade Renewal. Use your Superior Sigil of Celerity to gain by doing a Magic Bullet into Confusing Images combo. Bladesong Sorrow inflicts additional stacks through Cry of Pain and all your Shatters inflict additional through…

Condition Herald

Condition Herald is a tanky teamfight DPS that focuses on burst and damage. This build is sturdy, so don’t be afraid to follow the teamfight target and pressuring it as hard as you can as long as you’re not focused by damage dealers. Combo with Embrace the Darkness when sticking to targets to deal significant condition damage and utilize Legend Swapping trait procs to help your bursts. The damage this build does can be boiled down to a rotation more easily than most PvP builds. You want to try and execute this rotation or something close to it on the teamfight target. this is usually most effective against a support. There’s seveal things to understand about the rotation and how this build deals its damage: Legendary Demon Stance is where you can deal significantly more damage, but are more vulnerable.…

Condition Willbender

Condition Willbender is a damage build that focuses on applying to the enemies while being relatively simple to play due to the skill-priority-based rotation. It can provide decent CC through Heaven's Palm and can bring core guardian utility such as "Stand Your Ground!" or "Advance!" as needed. Your main damage source will be your auto attacks with constant Rushing Justice upkeep. You absolutely need to use Rushing Justice off cooldown and prioritize it over any other skill. Don’t get too used to the cooldown of it, as it can be reduced with Renewed Justice. Dealing damage with Condition Willbender revolves around rapidly using all the different damaging abilities at hand: Weapon Skills, Virtues, Purging Flames, Whirling Light. Heaven's Palm Skills Heaven's Palm can be replaced by "Feel My Wrath!" if in desperate need of more Signet of Wrath can optionally be…

Power Herald

Power Herald is a mobile teamfight DPS with high burst damage. it’s especially useful when there’s enemy classes that can’t survive its combo, forcing defensive play and kiting. The mobile nature of this build makes it double as a roamer. Your main weakness is being generally squishy, especially to condition damage. Your role is a damage dealer in a team fight. You want to be where the action is and burst vulnerable targets with your team. You’re squishy, with high burst. Once you used your burst, keep your distance and make sure you get out of the fight to recover. Then repeat. Your mobile nature allows you to get to a side node to outnumber a 1v1 if needed. Refer to the “Rotation” segment for an opener. Save Infuse Light for the right moment to extract maximum value. Don’t stay…

Power Dragonhunter

Power Dragonhunter is a powerful DPS build with high burst damage, access to , and multiple options to mitigate incoming damage. Learning encounter mechanics helps players use burst windows properly to reach the build’s maximum potential. While the Virtues variant deals more damage, it requires permanent uptime which may or may not be realistic depending on the encounter and your group. Keep this in mind when choosing between Radiance and Virtues. Use damaging skills on both weapon sets in conjunction with Spear of Justice to increase your burst damage via Big Game Hunter. High uptime is crucial to get a 25% critical chance from Righteous Instincts. Having multiple Power Dragonhunters in the same party is ideal as they will benefit from from Symbol of Resolution. If you don’t have other DHs in your group, make sure you are in the…