Harvest Temple (CM)

Enrage: Expanding Void AoEs. During each Dragon phase, the squad has two minutes before the platform is fully covered.
Required: A subgroup-wideor , low-cooldown boon rip, heavy crowd control This Strike Mission always takes place at
. Night
Harvest Temple’s Challenge Mode, without question, is the hardest PvE encounter in Guild Wars 2. However, if every squad member focuses on self-improvement both when tackling the encounter with their group and on their own time, almost every player can become capable enough to take on the Dragonvoid’s most powerful incarnation.
This guide, while aiming to be comprehensive within reason, is targeted at helping out groups aiming to clear Harvest Temple CM for the first time. There are many strategies, build choices, and compositions available to players when squad DPS, communication, and mechanical mastery are advanced enough, but in order to keep the guide as focused as possible, we will leave outlining those strategies to other community websites and resources.
The basic skeleton of the encounter from Normal Mode is still present, with only a single attack from NM being replaced across the entire fight. We assume some familiarity with the encounter’s base mechanics in this guide; if you need a refresher, check out our guide here.
Group and Mindset Prerequisites
A group of ten players new to the encounter can easily take over a month of progression in order to defeat the Dragonvoid; be prepared to spend at least two hours on the fight each day the group is meeting up. The social component of this encounter cannot be understated; if players in the group are at odds with each other from the start, or if players clam up when things go wrong, progression might be doomed before it even begins!
- Voice communication, through apps like Discord, is a hard requirement for progression groups. All players should have microphones and be willing to speak up, even if only rarely.
- Squad leaders should make sure expectations on how seriously progression is being taken are communicated clearly to all players.
- A half-hearted or very casual approach to progression, more than any other encounter in the game, is not conducive to getting even close to a kill, which can lead to frustration if players’ expectations are not aligned with this approach.
- Individual skill is tested heavily across the entire encounter: most mechanics will either instantly down or defeat any player that fails them, so any single player that is consistently not performing up to snuff cannot ‘hide’ like they may be able to on other encounters.
- Every player must be vocal about owning up to their mistakes, so that the group’s collective brainpower can come up with solutions and progression can actually occur. This can feel really bad in the moment, but remember that you’re all on the same team at the end of the day!
- A common progression trap is the handling of substitute players, leading to many wasted hours having to constantly rotate players and bring them up to speed. If possible, squad leaders should look for experienced players to fill any empty slots on a given day.
- Once the squad settles on which players are going where, they should do it in the same fashion every pull, especially when substitute players are added to the equation; a large amount of unnecessary tedium and frustration can be avoided if the squad tightens up the first few phases of the encounter as soon as possible!
- It can be helpful for organization to have a document or spreadsheet for your group outlining which players go where during each phase of the encounter.
Gear Prerequisites
All players in the squad should have, to the best of their abilities, optimal gear for their build. Sub-1% wipes on the final phase of the encounter are not uncommon, especially in progression groups. Gear does matter here!
- Having Ascended gear equipped in all slots is essentially a minimum requirement as (relative to HT CM) it’s not difficult to obtain from most PvE content.
- Equipping
, for DPS builds in particular, should be a serious consideration in order to maximize one’s effectiveness.stat infusions
- The
grants all classes an extra 235 Vitality; all players should have one equipped on all characters they use on this encounter, along with theJade Bot Core: Tier 10
effect from an Anvil. - Almost all builds played on this encounter will benefit greatly from some changes to traits, utility skills, and/or gear from the standard setups suggested on Hardstuck or on other community websites, most importantly
andSuperior Sigil of the Night
for DPS builds, with rune changes to match likeSuperior Sigil of Bloodlust
in order to reach crit cap.Superior Rune of the Eagle
Squad Composition and Builds
As with most instanced PvE encounters, the squad’s two subgroups should have three DPS players, one
Although most builds that are viable on other encounters will work here, the fight has some unique considerations that make certain builds shine and others falter.
For example, on this encounter, power damage is king:
- The Dragonvoid’s various incarnations all have decreased Toughness (456 less than the average boss), and therefore take about 21% more power damage,
- Many phases begin with a group of adds that should be killed quickly, favoring the bursty nature of most power builds,
- The short ‘timer’ of two minutes per boss and the many mechanical interruptions that lower damage uptime weaken builds with slow damage ramp-up.
With all of these points in mind, we do not recommend condition damage builds for any of the squad’s dedicated DPS players on this encounter. Common choices for DPS classes include Bladesworns
Furthermore, at least two non-support players, almost always Virtuosos
The strategies in this guide will assume that at least two Virtuosos are present and are bringing portals.

Low intensity
Weapon Mastery
Axe & Axe


Low intensity
Weapon Mastery

Dagger & Sword


The squad’s healers will be Kiting the Void Pools that are present through many of the encounter’s phases, so they must be able to heal players from afar and have enough Boon Duration to keep key boons active on the group while they are away. Due to these requirements and the incredible utility the build provides for key fight mechanics, Mechanist
The strategies in this guide will assume your squad is running two Heal Alacrity Mechanists, which we will abbreviate from now on as HAM.
Lastly, the boon/DPS hybrids are usually Herald
Legendary Centaur Stance
Legendary Dwarf Stance
Dragonvoid Basics
Every Elder Dragon is fought in sequence during this encounter, with the squad being given two minutes to take each out before the platform is covered entirely by the expanding AoE in the center of the arena. This AoE corrupts random boons and makes characters slowly lose their mind to the Void, rendering the fight unwinnable.
In Challenge Mode, many of the Elder Dragons’ attacks have been upgraded in deadliness, but are otherwise similar to their Normal Mode counterparts. Furthermore, like Kaineng Overlook’s Challenge Mode, falling off of the Harvest Temple will instantly kill players.
Mechanics and attacks in a given Dragon phase will always happen in the same order, and at the same time relative to the start of the phase (bugs notwithstanding); this can be helpful to keep in mind when learning to adapt your rotation or utility skills to a phase, and for group leaders when calling out mechanics.
Boss Positioning and Flanking
Every Elder Dragon’s hitbox is positioned in the southernmost portion of the platform and will never move. All of the bosses are classified as objects or structures, and are therefore fully immune to control effects and are not classified as defiant enemies for the purposes of traits like Merciless Hammer
All of the Elder Dragons are coded to be facing directly east, meaning that builds that benefit from flanking (for example due to the bonus from
Hunter's Tactics
Wherever possible, the squad should stack on the western side (or at least the center) of each boss, with the notable exception of Primordus due to the slightly lopsided nature of the Lava Slam attack, which only leaves a melee-friendly safe spot on the eastern side of the boss.
Boon Rip
In Challenge Mode, all of the Elder Dragons will spawn with
Since the timeline of attacks on each phase is static, players should be on the lookout for any mechanics that can serve as a consistent cue for the boss regaining its boons, avoiding the need to constantly watch the boss’s buff bar during every attempt.
The squad’s Virtuosos will have access to a plethora of boon rip options, most importantly Vicious Expression
Throw Mine
Each boss has up to three of the following classic squad-coordination mechanics happen throughout their respective phases.
Void Pools
Known as: Reds
The two players that are closest to the center of the arena will occasionally be targeted with a large, timed AoE indicator, which upon fully expanding will drop a red Void Pool at their current location.
In Challenge Mode, these pools are larger and do not despawn until the phase has been completed.
The pools’ damage can be evaded
Once dropped, the damage from the Reds has a short delay before activation, meaning that targeted players will need to wait a tick or two before dodging
We recommend that all players in the squad are given a chance (early in progression) to get a feel for the Reds’ dodge timing, so they can adapt if they get one by mistake.
Your HAMs
Elixir S
Elixir Gun
The optimal positioning of Reds is phase-dependent, but will always be at least a decent distance from the boss. Therefore, the HAMs need to be prepared to adapt their boon application around this mechanic, especially Crisis Zone
Over Shield
Share the Void
Known as: Greens
Three green circles will spawn in a phase-dependent pattern around the platform. Two players must be in each of these circles at detonation or the entire squad will be downed and become
The damage from a failed Green can be
The visual for the Green will indicate whether players are still required (arrows pointing inward) or if enough people are inside (a rotating wisp around the Green), but be careful about leaving too early: these visuals will often disappear slightly before the detonation actually happens! The most consistent way to know when it’s safe to go back to the boss is to listen for the audio cue of the detonation instead.
Lastly, all Greens (besides the first set) in each phase will always be at least partially covered by the central Void AoE, but never fully so. This means that Greens will ‘creep’ toward the edge of the platform as the AoE expands. In the images provided for each phase’s mechanics, we will only show the first Green’s position as a stand-in for all three possible patterns, as they only move a short distance and are always in the same spatial position relative to the other two Greens in their set.
In terms of strategy, the same players should be assigned to the same Greens across all the phases, with the notable exception of Soo-Won, which we detail in that phase’s section. Almost all the Green patterns have one circle close to the boss, and two circles farther away; most groups will assign the two HAMs
Standing Together achievement requires that the player stand in five successful Greens over the course of one pull of the encounter. If not assigned to a Green, the easiest ones to enter while keeping up boss DPS are the close greens on Jormag, Zhaitan, and Soo-Won I and II.
Targeted Expulsion
Known as: Spreads
The seven players that are closest to the center of the arena will occasionally gain a small, timed AoE indicator, which upon expanding will cause an explosion around the player. The explosion from these circles deal moderate damage on their own, but will instantly down any players that are inside two or more circles.
The damage from Spreads can be evaded
Generally speaking, Spreads aren’t too hard to deal with on their own, but they are often placed during or immediately after the most deadly or destabilizing attacks in a given phase, such as during Primordus’s Chomp, making them a much more pressing concern for players. Quick and precise communication is key for dealing with this mechanic.
Strategy-wise, the pure DPS players should avoid getting Spreads wherever possible by standing as close to the edge of the arena as is comfortable. The group can pre-assign the locations the seven affected players will go to for each Spread in order to get this mechanic sorted quickly and efficiently, but should always be prepared to play reactively (and safely) if necessary.
Encounter Tech, Quirks, & Bugs
There are a few unintended aspects of the encounter that have been discovered by players as time has gone on. Some of these make the encounter significantly more manageable and consistent, while some make the fight anything but. Phase-specific quirks will be outlined in their respective section of the guide.
Firstly, the invulnerability from Elixir S
Minions and Stealth
All of the Elder Dragons have specific types of minions associated with their respective phases; in most boss phases, these minions will spawn at the start of the phase and will not respawn once killed.
In order to remove these adds quickly and gain Bloodlust
Most groups have one of the portal Virtuosos
Mass Invisibility
When defeated, all Dragon minions will explode, similarly to the Last Laugh instability from Fractals of the Mists, which deals high damage and
There are a few weird quirks to the minions’ movement to the squad:
- If a minion’s target has a movement-altering effect like
or , or is in a movement-impairing stance like orDragon Trigger
, it may walk towards the group at that speed! The minions will generally target the player closest to them when they spawn in, but a couple will also target NPCs if they happen to be closer.Kneel
- Healers should cleanse conditions at each phase transition and all players should avoid using any skills before the minions are stacked in order to avoid a sluggish start to a phase.
- Minions, when walking to their target, will generally attempt to path to the front of the character in question.
- If all the players in the squad face toward the edge of the platform on each phase transition, even broken
can sometimes be mitigated as the minions will have to walk into the boss’s hitbox in order to reach the front side of their chosen target.
- If all the players in the squad face toward the edge of the platform on each phase transition, even broken
In addition to the above, a few actions can cause the minions to move erratically or Frost Trap
Phase Transitions
All squad-coordination mechanics will disappear if the boss dies, but only while they are active and counting down.
In order to avoid buggy phase transitions where these mechanics spawn after the boss dies, it’s often important to delay killing a boss until the moment one of them spawns. These weird interactions occur because boss attacks and animations are activated well in advance of the coordination mechanic appearing, and can’t be canceled once started.
This guide has safe timings to kill each boss and complete their phase at the very end of their respective section.
Purification I & Orb Basics
Some of the most pernicious changes to the encounter are found in the orb Purification phases, making them some of the most consistent pain points for many groups. Purification I, in particular, is notorious for its ability to punish new groups that learn how to clear it sloppily.
Firstly, essentially every player hit by the AoE attacks that the Hearts send out will be instantly downed. The single exception to this across all Purification phases are the Cracks from the Heart of Kralkatorrik, which deal only moderate damage but also apply a stack of
In Purification I, you can Dodge
In Challenge Mode, six extra Veteran Void Melters will spawn and attempt to make contact with the Heart in every Purification phase.
During Purification I, five will spawn tightly in the southeastern portion of the arena, while a single Melter will come from the opposite side.
The strategy most groups use to deal with the Melters in Purification I is to place most of their DPS players (along with some boon supports) in the southeastern portion, and have them each use a single, low-damage skill that cleaves all five mobs, such as Cyclone Trigger
Once the larger group of Melters is dead, DPS players should rotate around and try to kill as many Melters around the platform as possible to build up their stacks, as Melters will spawn in each of the Void AoEs when the Heart is pushed into the white purification circles, as usual. Players should not tunnel vision on building up stacks; fight mechanics and staying alive are always a much higher priority!
Void Repulsion
If any of the Hearts collide with a Veteran Void Melter or the edge of the arena, a shock wave will radiate outward from the Heart’s position; in Challenge Mode, this shock wave will instantly defeat the squad, with follow-up pulses after the initial blast to make sure no one survives.
The squad must focus on defeating the Melters and moving the Hearts precisely in order to avoid an untimely demise.
Void Empowerment
Every ten seconds, the various Hearts will send out an unavoidable pulse of damage to the squad and gain a stack of Void Empowerment; higher levels of Empowerment lead to higher damage from the Hearts’ pulses.
Void Empowerment is, in effect, the Purification phases’ enrage timer, as the pulsing damage will eventually down all players on the platform.
Groups aiming for the
Voidwalker achievement and title must clear all three Purification phases before any Heart is allowed to reach three stacks of
Void Empowerment, however, even if not going for the achievement, clearing these phases in this amount of time consistently is a good benchmark to aim for!
Pushing the Heart
A common strategy for pushing in Purification I is to have three players initially push the Heart: a Heal Alacrity Mechanist, a Quickness provider, and one of the DPS players.
Once the orb has enough momentum to make it to the first purification circle, these three players (after circling around the Heart), along with some of the players positioned at the SE portion already for the Melters, should push the orb toward the second and then the third circle.
The only change to the pushing physics in Challenge Mode is that the white purification circles do not dampen the Hearts’ momentum as much upon contact; care should be taken to not make the orb go too speedily through a purification circle and into a wall, and counter-pushing must be done more strongly and quickly upon purification. As in Normal Mode, the Heart has a damaging field in its hitbox, so never run inside of it.
- Attacks from pets, illusions, and skills that are not player-activated do not affect the orb’s momentum.
- No matter the type or direction of an attack, player hits will always direct the orb in the opposite direction from the player’s current position.
- Multi-hit abilities, such as Reapers’
and Virtuosos’ Soul Spiral
, are particularly potent for increasing the orb’s momentum. Bladesong Harmony
Upon contact with the third purification circle, the Heart will gain a defiance bar; all players are responsible for breaking this bar in all three Purification phases. During Purification I, HAMs should Recall their Mechs the moment the Heart touches the second circle to have access to Crash Down
As shown in the video above, a common time-saving strategy during Purification I is to have one of the squad’s
The first Elder Dragon the squad must face is Jormag. This phase features all three squad-coordination mechanics mentioned above, and its defining feature is the presence of many sources of
Stormseers will respawn periodically until the phase is complete, and will pelt the squad’s players with AoEs that
The pattern of mechanics for Jormag is as follows:
- Reds, then Breath, then Breath (
, central/circular)
- Greens, then Target Laser
- Spreads and Breath (
, linear) simultaneously - Frost Meteor
Boss Attacks
Breath of Jormag
This mechanic has a few variations, both in pattern and effect; all variations
- The first variation, a set of three linear AoEs, always immediately follows the spawn of Reds.
- The second one immediately follows the first, and is set of four
debilitating AoEs that rotate around the center of the platform. - The last one, a back-and-forth set of three
debilitating linear AoEs, coincides with the spawn of the Spreads.
As the HAMs
The Breath during Spreads should never hit players as long as they don’t leave the boss hitbox early or walk too far out with one.
The Target Laser is a similar-looking attack to the Breath of Jormag; when activated, the two closest players to the center of the arena will get a successive string of frosty AoEs at their location. Getting hit by all of these is highly damaging, so if walking back to the boss after Greens, Dodge
Frost Meteor
Before the second and third set of Reds, Jormag will spit out a Frost Meteor, which makes the entire platform icy and slippery for a few seconds.
This icy floor this mechanic leaves behind does not deal damage.
This mechanic should only affect the Red Kiters, but everyone should be careful to not slip off the platform!
Coordination Mechanics
- The Reds spawn quickly after the start of the phase, so the
should be prepared to pick them up. Take them to position 1, then dodge toward the first western Green.HAMs
- For the second set of Reds, the floor will be slippery due to Frost Meteor: don’t slip off the platform when moving to position 2.
- After both Greens, use
after moving forward a few steps to get both you and your Mech back onto the group.Shift Signet
- For the
, one should place aVirtuosos
on the boss before moving out to the eastern Green each time, then place thePortal Entre
as the Green is about to resolve. This maximizes their boon rip and DPS uptime.exit
- If the squad is using the portal at the end of Purification I, the other Virtuoso should place this portal for the first Green.
- For the two
providers, they simply need to walk to the close Green when it spawns. - Try to avoid getting fixated by the Target Laser, as you are closest to the group.
Phase Transition
Squads should be killing Jormag during the second Green or, at the latest, the second Spread. If the group isn’t meeting this DPS check, players will need to take a hard look at the numbers and problem-solve: trying to continue with progression and brute-force the fight with DPS any lower than this is not recommended.
If the boss is low on health a few seconds before the second Spread occurs, the squad must delay until the mechanic spawns, then kill and
The brawl with Primordus is where the most wipes happen for almost every group, due to the lethality of his attacks, the somewhat forced proximity to the edge of the platform during much of the phase, and the inclusion of all three squad-coordination mechanics.
Primordus’s minions are the Elite Void Warforged, which spawn all at once and won’t respawn. This group of eight Destroyers will leap on to players and apply Bloodlust
Last Laugh explosions on death, but besides that the squad should be fine to just cleave them and any remaining Stormseers down (while targeting the boss) once they’ve grouped up after
The pattern of mechanics for Primordus is as follows, although note that after Jormag dies there is a 20-second grace period before the first Bite:
- Bite and Spreads simultaneously
- Reds (during Bite windup)
- Greens (during Bite magma field)
- Three Chins in a row
Boss Attacks
Jaws of Destruction
Known as: Bite, Chomp
Primordus will pull back his head, spawning (along with the Spread mechanic) a large, timed AoE indicator that dominates the platform. When time expires, Primordus will bite the indicated area and leave a lingering magma field; both of these will instantly kill players in Challenge Mode.
Due to both the squad-coordination mechanics present and the length of time this attack has an active hitbox, there is no viable counterplay besides moving out to the safe zone; having
The magma field after the Bite has a lingering hitbox that lasts for about half a second after its visual disappears. Don’t
or move back to the boss too early! portal
As seven players will get a Spread indicator when this attack spawns, the squad must coordinate for this attack in order to not bunch up at the edge of the Bite and down to the Spreads.
Any players without a teleport (such as Blink
Shift Signet
Break Step
All players besides the HAMs
Lava Slam
Known as: Chin, Slam
Primordus will raise his head and spawn an AoE indicator that covers most of the area around his hitbox. After a few seconds, he will slam his chin down on the platform, instantly killing anyone in the indicated area.
In Challenge Mode, this attack can be evaded
There is a small safe spot from this attack on the eastern side of the boss’s hitbox that still allows melee classes to attack uninterrupted, and is the preferred spot to stack for most squads during this phase. As mentioned above, this means that players will be unable to flank the boss, but the tradeoff for the higher damage uptime is worth it in most groups. That being said, all players should watch out for animation locks when in the danger zone and should never play riskily when this mechanic is out.
Coordination Mechanics
Reds will spawn 3 seconds into the Bite’s windup, while Greens will spawn right before the Reds are dropped on the ground.
- The
should always leave the group a little early in anticipation of the Bite, then hug the central Void AoE until they get the Red.HAMs
- Both Red positions are in between the two spaced-out Greens; once placed, dodge toward the western Green.
- Don’t kill each other with your Spreads as you swing around the center of the platform.
- Once the Green has resolved, walk around the central Void AoE until you are able to use
as close to the group as possible.Shift Signet
- During the second bite, the
should leave very early as the central Void AoE’s size makes the trek to position 2 quite an adventure.HAMs
- If any non-support player gets a Red by mistake and can’t make it to the other person before it drops, they should place it in the backup (BU) position as the group will portal back to the boss and therefore won’t have to walk through it.
- Both Red positions are in between the two spaced-out Greens; once placed, dodge toward the western Green.
- Before each Bite, one of the
should place aVirtuosos
in the safe zone of the Chin attack.Portal Entre
- After the Bite’s magma field dissipates, place the
in between the two eastern Greens, then walk to and resolve the easternmost Green before taking the portal back.Portal Exeunt (exit)
- If any Stormseers are still alive, take them out from afar while waiting in the Green.
- After the Bite’s magma field dissipates, place the
- The two
providers will take the central Green. As their mobility is likely limited, they should consider leaving earlier than the DPS players on any given Bite. - They should take the portal back once the Green is resolved.
Phase Transition
As long as Primordus isn’t killed during certain portions of the second Bite, which requires very high group DPS anyway, there’s no strict timing on when it’s safe to kill to avoid bugs. On death, any active Chin slams will be canceled.
This phase is by far the easiest and is essentially identical to its Normal Mode counterpart, with the Reds being the only coordination mechanic the squad has to contend with.
The phase begins with a wave of six Elite Void Brandbombers; take them out with the Dodge
The pattern of attacks for Kralkatorrik, after a 15-second grace period, is as follows:
- 2x Beam (sides)
- Meteor
- 1x Beam (center) and Reds simultaneously
- Meteor
Boss Attacks
Branded Beam
Known as: Beam, Laser
Kralkatorrik will fire highly damaging beams that leave a lingering field behind, alternating between two along the sides of his hitbox and one straight down the middle. In Challenge Mode, the initial hit of these beams will apply Infirmity
All standard mitigation (
Players should avoid this attack entirely by standing in the safe zones, while keeping up their damage and staying inside or close to the boss’s hitbox. The fields left behind by the beams have a lingering hitbox for a few moments after their visuals disappear.
Crystal Barrage
Known as: Meteor, Rocks
Kralkatorrik will swing his head twice, sending out two Branded meteors on each swing to random locations on the field. These meteors deal large damage and will
Avoiding the
Coordination Mechanics
As the Reds are the only mechanic to contend with in this phase, as long as they are not placed directly in or around the boss’s hitbox, they can be placed anywhere.
All the players besides the HAMs
Phase Transition
Purification II
This phase can be very chaotic due to the split strategy necessary to push the Heart quickly and the presence of a very impactful random mechanic in the Bees from the Heart of Mordremoth. In addition, due to its Void Repulsion effect, the squad will have to take down the Champion Void Time Caster: if the Heart collides with the Time Caster (which guards the final purification circle), it will be reflected in the direction whence it came.
The extra Melters in this phase will spawn in a 4-1-1 arrangement around the platform when the first purification circle activates: four in the southeast, one in the northeast, and one in the northwest. Void Skullpiercers, which are Mordremoth’s minions, will also continuously spawn during this phase and the next: watch out for their kick, as it can
Time Caster
This mini-boss is rooted in place and has three main attacks of note, all of which can be mitigated by standard means (
The first and most telegraphed attack is a mobile vortex that sucks players in and deals high ticking damage.
The other two are both projectile-based attacks that
To deal with the projectile attacks, placing a persistent AoE on the Time Caster that reflects or destroys them will make this phase much more manageable. Soulbeasts, for example, can use Whirling Defense
Protective Solace
If no projectile destruction is available, avoid standing directly in the Time Caster’s hitbox so as to not get hit by all nine streams from the portals, and Dodge
For the vortex, note that the telegraph for the attack is biased toward one side of the boss. Players should go on the opposite side of the mini-boss from the telegraph, as it will travel outward in a straight line from that side. If caught in the vortex for more than a tick, Dodge
Lastly, the Time Caster will spawn with 25 stacks of
Heart Attacks
Swarm of Mordremoth
Known as: Bees
At regular intervals, the Heart of Mordremoth will send a deadly swarm of insects in a random direction away from itself. This swarm will always move in a straight path from the Heart. These insects deal extremely high ticking damage and will almost always instantly down players.
This attack cannot be dodged
The most effective counterplay for this attack is to react to the direction the Bees are being sent and sidestep out of their path. The smaller group that is responsible for counter-pushing must be prepared to respond very quickly as the area around the first purification circle is very close to the edge, leaving less space to maneuver and less time to react to the Bees overall.
Pool of Undeath
Known as: Puddle, Goop, Slime
Every few seconds, the Heart of Zhaitan will drop a deadly green puddle directly under itself; consequently, these puddles will only ever appear along the Heart’s path. These puddles deal very high ticking damage and will instantly down most players in the squad.
All standard mitigation (
Even though their damage can be actively mitigated, players should always give the Puddles a wide berth due to their slightly odd visuals and their lingering hitbox after dissipating. This attack is a bit of a silent killer during progression, don’t breathe easy during this phase until the entire squad is back together on the boss after the Heart is purified!
Pushing the Heart
In this phase, the group should adopt a split strategy in order to both clear out the southeastern group of extra Melters and make the counter-push into the second purification circle more efficient.
The pure DPS players, along with the HAMs
One Virtuoso
Once the Heart has sufficient momentum toward the first circle and after the second application of Virtuoso
The second set of Melters after the Heart connects with the first purification circle can be mostly ignored, but the two closest to the mini-boss group can be safely taken out during the wait for defiance bar to be unlocked.
time limit for
Voidwalker in this phase is relevant but not oppressively so; players should avoid taking unnecessary damage or getting one-shot for marginal time gains.
Although it is probably the most infamous part of the encounter, Mordremoth’s phase is similar to Kralkatorrik in that there are very few interruptions to damage uptime. Once players get familiar with the phase and when its safe to deal damage and burst down the boss, playing very safe and waiting until just the right moment to kill the Jungle Dragon will always be the correct strategy for progression groups.
Mordremoth’s minions are the Void Skullpiercers; during Purification II and this phase, one of these snipers will spawn every fifteen seconds. These mobs will normally pelt the squad from afar, but up close they will Kick players instead, which is a
The pattern of mechanics for Mordremoth, after a 20-second grace period, is as follows:
- Reds
- Spit (the moment the Reds drop)
- Spreads, then 3x Shock Waves (the Spreads will explode after the first Shock Wave passes)
Boss Attacks
Poison Roar
Known as: Spit
Mordremoth will rear its head back, then fire out a cascading volley of
On hit, these projectiles deal high damage and apply Infirmity
The projectiles can be reflected or destroyed; standard mitigation (
For most of the group, standing in the regular stack spot on the west side of the boss’s hitbox will be enough to avoid this attack entirely.
The HAMs
Shock Wave
Mordremoth will bash his head against the platform three times, sending out a fast-moving Shock Wave that travels outward from the point of impact each time.
On hit, the waves deal large damage, apply 30 seconds of both Infirmity
Each wave can be evaded
Each wave can (and should) be avoided entirely by jumping or using high-leaping skills
For this move, the boon supports must coordinate in order to give as much
There are very few builds that can upkeep
- The
can give a single, but long-lasting, stack ofHAMs
with ; they should save this skill for the Shock Waves whenever possible.Crisis Zone
- As
applies its boons around the Mech, theCrisis Zone
will not getHAMs
from it (nor the rest of the squad) unless they use to get back to the group after placing the Reds.Shift Signet
- Incidentally, getting into the habit of saving
instead of using it on cooldown will also pay dividends when it comes to muscle memory for Zhaitan.Crisis Zone
- As
have theHeralds
, which duration-wise covers all three shock waves, but its AoE will not cover all ten players in the squad the entire time due to the Spread.Road
This attack’s deadliness over three waves, the fact that it occurs quite late into the encounter, and its relative lack of randomness makes it the bane of progression groups; there have been groups that have disbanded because of this mechanic alone.
Even with our recommendations for
access during the Shock Waves in mind, we’re not going to sugarcoat it: if you want to clear HT CM, do not cut players any slack if they consistently fail this mechanic. If all ten players in the squad do not have the consistency to deal with this attack on most pulls past the initial progression of Mordremoth’s phase, it is imperative that the leader has players practice as much as is required on Harvest Temple’s Normal Mode to build up that muscle, as in terms of its speed and the jump timings required, the Shock Wave is identical between the Normal and Challenge Modes of the encounter. The time spent on practice will be more than made up for by the amount of time saved not wiping to this headache-inducing mechanic.
If the group tries to tough it out with regards to this and other similar mechanics, it is almost inevitable that frustration and resentment will start to build up among the players in the squad as a quarter or more of the runs that even make it to Mordremoth get thrown away to one of the most consistent attacks in the fight.
Coordination Mechanics
Reds will spawn before the Spit begins, and will be dropped as the first few Spit projectiles are sent out.
- The Red placements in the image may seem a little random, but in the actual fight, they will be very obvious as they are the same as the telegraphed safe zones for the Spit projectiles.
- The goal with these placements is to give the entire squad as much space as possible for each set of Spreads, while making the movement back to the squad for the
- The goal with these placements is to give the entire squad as much space as possible for each set of Spreads, while making the movement back to the squad for the
- After any Shock Waves, the
have until Mordremoth’s head returns to its resting position before the Reds will spawn again.HAMs
Phase Transition
This is the second-most-important phase transition in the encounter, and must be handled with a lot of care.
Firstly, Mordremoth should NOT be killed during the startup for or during the Shock Wave attack.
- When the boss is killed, his head will jump high into the sky before falling off the platform; the visuals of the Shock Waves will travel with him. However, at least one wave will still be active on the platform even though it is “invisible” as the boss plays out its dying animation, likely blindsiding and killing many players.
- The squad can bring the boss to a very low health percentage before the final set of Shock Waves, then stop attacking entirely in order to create an opportunity to burst him down immediately after the attack concludes.
- To play extra safe, the squad can wait until the final set of Reds spawn, then kill the boss in order to guarantee no mechanics will carry over into Zhaitan’s phase.
Once the boss is just about dead, the group should stack directly in the center of the hitbox,
Zhaitan is altogether one of the tougher Elder Dragons to take down, due to a combination of highly damaging attacks, myriad sources of crowd control on the squad, and the presence of all three squad coordination mechanics.
The pattern of attacks for this phase, after a 10-second grace period, is as follows, although note that the boss does not become vulnerable until the first set of Greens detonate:
- Greens
- Spit and Zhaitan’s Reaches spawn simultaneously (on Green detonation)
- Reds
- Scream, then Spreads
- Zhaitan’s Reaches despawn (during Spreads)
The Undead Dragon’s minions are the Champion Void Giants; this trio is extremely deadly and should be dispatched as quickly as possible. Fortunately, Zhaitan does not become vulnerable until a while after the phase begins, so the squad can focus on taking out the adds during this period.
All standard mitigation (
- The first attack they will use once they walk to the group is Death Scream—a large AoE that applies
and . - Players should always
this attack if in its range, even if only to avoid gettingevade
Weakened . will work to mitigate this attack’s . - Interrupting the Giants as they cast this skill will not disable its visual telegraph; players should not waste their defensive options on the first instance of this attack as the Giants’ defiance bars will almost always be broken before it goes off.
- Players should always
- The Giants’ Stomp has no AoE indicator but is still extremely important to react to visually, as it deals high damage and
knocks back players if not mitigated. - They can sometimes vomit up Rotting Bile—a green, slimy AoE attack similar to the Pool of Undeath from Purification II. This goop should be avoided entirely with movement, as it will apply
Poison and deal high ticking damage to any players caught inside it.
Boss Attacks
Zhaitan has an attack in the middle of its pattern—Ground Slam—that only affects a very small portion of the platform far from the boss and seemingly does nothing besides damage and a HAMs
Zhaitan’s Reach
Known as: Snakes
At certain intervals, Risen serpents will spawn randomly around the arena and attempt to CC players within their range.
They can either attack with Thrash, a ring-shaped AoE that will
In HT CM, these attacks deal no damage, and the best way to mitigate them is to simply move out of the telegraphs for each.
The order of the Reaches’ attacks are mostly consistent: they will begin with Ground Slam soon after they spawn, then Thrash when the Reds spawn, and lastly they will combo Thrash into Ground Slam when the Scream occurs. Phase weirdness, as with all things HT CM, can make their spawn behavior a little erratic, but even in the worst case all their attacks can be reacted to with a Dodge
If any are near the boss’s hitbox, they should be cleaved down; their health is quite low.
Putrid Deluge
Known as: Spit, Poison
Similarly to Mordremoth’s Spit, Zhaitan will send out a cascading volley of
All standard mitigation (
This mechanic mainly affects the players that are doing Greens, but the first Spit of the phase can make finishing off the Giants tricky, so all players should play carefully if necessary.
For some more phase weirdness, be aware that oftentimes the boss is unable to cast this attack on the platform for an entire pull, giving the squad much more breathing room over the course of the phase.
Scream of Zhaitan
Known as: Fear
As the Reds are being placed, Zhaitan will spawn a platform-wide telegraph on the ground that expands extremely quickly; on activation, the entire squad will be hit with a huge spike of damage and Infirmity
Unlike Normal Mode, this attack cannot be evaded
This is the only attack to be completely reworked in Challenge Mode.
This attack is a contender for the most oppressive attack in the entire encounter; it represents (in combination with the Spread immediately afterward) the ultimate test of your supports’ capabilities and will take a lot of practice to get right without downstates. The most common strategy for dealing with it leverages almost all of the utility HAMs
- In order for the entire squad to survive the damage spike (assuming your DPS players have worst-case survivability due to profession), players will require both
and some at the bare minimum, but any damage mitigation ( orRite of the Great Dwarf
are other examples) available will help out here! - Before going out with the Reds, the HAMs should use both
shield skills while near the squad to activate , then castOver Shield
while moving away.Barrier Burst
- Before going out with the Reds, the HAMs should use both
- In order to mitigate the
, a must be used the moment after the attack goes off. will also nullify the effects of the , but anomalously makes it impossible to remove said Fear with a until the boon expires, so we don’t recommend relying on it in progression groups. - The HAMs must break the habit of spamming
on cooldown simply to giveCrisis Zone
during this phase and instead save it for this exact moment. - Once the Reds are placed, the HAMs should move forward (or use
) until they are able toEnergizing Slam
directly into the center of the stack, then useShift Signet
once the Scream goes off.Crisis Zone
- Once the Reds are placed, the HAMs should move forward (or use
- The HAMs must break the habit of spamming
- The entire squad is put under the effects of
after the attack goes off, so in order to heal the group effectively before the Spreads go off, theInfirmity
Poison that also comes with the attack must be cleansed first.
Coordination Mechanics
The two far Greens are in a somewhat tricky pattern during Zhaitan’s phase, and since the squad will have to deal with three sets of them, portals
- Before the first set of Greens spawns, one of the
should place aVirtuosos
in between (and a little north of) the two far Greens.Portal Entre
- Time your
for the exact moment the next set of Greens spawn (which will be after the Spreads), but if unsure, placing it earlier is better as walking to the Greens from the portal can take a deceptively long time.Portal Exeunt
- The other Virtuoso should place their
after the second set of Greens and follow the same timing when placing the exit.Portal Entre
- Time your
- The
will be moving off and on the boss often, so make sure your Mech is actually positioned properly to give players boons even when you’re off-stack.HAMs
- Reds spawn about 8 seconds after the Greens detonate, but don’t tunnel-vision on the boss. For the first set of Reds, as the central AoE’s radius is small, we recommend that the HAMs just stick by the center.
- Watch out for the attacks from the Reaches near the center of the arena.
- The Reds should be placed so that it’s possible to reach the group with
in time for the Scream, while avoiding the Ground Slam AoE on the western edge of the platform. Many possible placements are viable here.Shift Signet
- Reds spawn about 8 seconds after the Greens detonate, but don’t tunnel-vision on the boss. For the first set of Reds, as the central AoE’s radius is small, we recommend that the HAMs just stick by the center.
- For the two
providers, they simply need to walk to the close Green when it spawns.
Phase Transition
If the squad is not able to kill Zhaitan immediately after the third set of Greens detonate, bring him to the brink of death then kill him right after the Reds spawn. Don’t wait too long, or the squad will have to deal with the Scream and Spreads for a final time!
Purification III
The final Purification phase is not quite as chaotic as Purification II, but requires something from every member of the squad to complete in a timely fashion. In this phase, the mini-boss blocks the path to the first purification circle and therefore the squad must take it out as quickly as possible in order to progress; burst damage is king!
The extra Melters in this phase will spawn in a 2-2-2 arrangement when the first purification circle activates: two close together on the first purification circle in the southeast, one each in the north and northeast, and one each in the west and southwest.
Saltspray Dragon
This mini-boss is rooted in place and has two “phases”.
It will attack freely with a variety of magical AoE attacks until it is brought under 75% HP, at which point it will start channeling a lightning storm and gain a defiance bar.
This attack, along with the Saltspray Dragon’s Aerial Defense (a 30% incoming damage decrease), will be canceled if the defiance bar is broken in time.
The Saltspray Dragon’s attacks are actually quite powerful damage-wise and apply a variety of debilitating conditions and crowd control, but are all very telegraphed and should be sidestepped or dodged
Like the Time Caster, the Saltspray Dragon will spawn with 25 stacks of
Heart Attacks
Corrupted Waters
The Heart will regularly send five jets of water away from itself in a star pattern; the directions they’re sent out in are fixed and will not change as the Heart is moved around. Each jet deals massive damage and will instantly downstate most players.
Although all standard mitigation (
While the Saltspray Dragon is still on the field, players can stand in between it and the Heart as no jet will be sent in that direction, but two of the jets will always be sent out in the two directions (namely, northwest and directly south) your squad’s pushers will be positioned in over the course of the phase.
There are two strategies to handle this attack while pushing effectively:
- Using projectile mitigation (especially
) in order to negate this attack entirely.Protective Solace
- Having the pushers split up between the two sides of the problematic jets while attacking the orb. As hit counts between the different members of the squad aren’t going to be equal, note that there will be some deviation from the perfect path when doing this method, so adjust each side’s pushing power through voice communication if needed.
Void Energy
Known as: Orbs
During Purification III, five orbs—six during both Soo-Won phases—of draconic energy will rotate around the arena. Getting hit by an orb will apply
These should be sidestepped, however there are some overlaps during some mechanics during the final boss phases, so if necessary players shouldn’t hesitate to just tank them.
Pushing the Heart
Clearing out the boss is the priority at the start of the phase, so players should avoid pushing the orb until the proper time. Be careful with your piercing skills!
The two Virtuosos
As mentioned above, a Herald using Protective Solace
Barrier Signet
This is the toughest phase to get consistently fast enough for
Voidwalker: it’s late into the fight and the phase’s speed is entirely dependent on the squad’s burst damage profile. Practice makes perfect, and remember that there’s a free toy model in the Normal Mode version of the phase. It can give the squad some early reps to get basic coordination and communication for pushing under wraps while being much faster to reset than the lengthy runback to Purification III in CM.
Soo-Won I (100%-50%)
In Challenge Mode, Soo-Won’s two phases are transformed into the most lethal in the encounter, at least going by the sheer amount of attacks and mechanics that can outright kill players and cause a wipe. As many players are going to be off and on the boss over the course of both boss phases, it may be difficult for a single player to call out stuff to watch out for at all times; a secondary caller in Discord may help for this final stretch of the encounter!
Instead of a singular type of minion, Soo-Won will continually spawn many varieties of smaller Void mobs around the platform, some of which are familiar faces from previous phases of the encounter. As usual, these mobs will explode on death: players should make sure to avoid these explosions!
Of these mobs, there is a new and unique threat in the Veteran Void Abominations, which have two AoE moves that can dodge
The Abomination’s cone attack hits from a further distance away than its telegraph implies, so be extra careful with this move.
The respawning adds during the final three phases of the encounter do have one benefit for the squad: players can rally off of them while downstate! This is especially useful while pushing the Void Amalgamate as multiple downstates, for once, do not mean the group necessarily has to wipe.
The pattern of attacks for Soo-Won, after a 15-second grace period, is as follows:
- Reds and Greens simultaneously
- Tsunami Slam (while previous mechanics are winding up)
- Swipe and Spreads simultaneously (after all previous mechanics resolve)
- Reds (at the beginning of the Tail Slam animation)
- Tail Slam (the moment the Reds drop)
- Void Beam
Compared to the previous boss phases, the quantity of Reds forced onto the group is much higher during Soo-Won’s phases; furthermore, from Soo-Won I on, Reds will not despawn until the encounter is completed or the squad wipes. It is imperative that players avoid unnecessary damage while on the boss as these two facts taken together mean that the HAMs
Boss Attacks
The final attack in the boss’s cycle, Void Beam, has Soo-Won belch Void energy across the southern half of the platform. In terms of danger to the group, it is an almost irrelevant attack outside of phase timing shenanigans; if players are positioned properly, it will never come close to hitting them. The exception to this is the lingering Virtuosos
Tsunami Slam
Known as: Paw, Slam
In tandem with the Red and Green spawns, Soo-Won will raise her right paw into the air, then slam it down on the ground, spawning a shock wave that
The orbs can be dodged
As the shock wave passes over all three of the Greens in a staggered manner, each group of players taking a Green will have to dodge
Overcoming this mechanical overlap is one of the most important things to practice and get down quickly if a player is taking the middle or far Greens in one of the boss phases; watching other players’ POVs on YouTube or elsewhere can be extremely helpful in this regard.
The HAMs
Elixir S
For both of the shock waves during this phase, the actual hitbox is front-loaded even though the wave’s visual seemingly covers a very large area, the timing for jumping or dodging is likely slightly earlier than you might think (especially going by the muscle memory gained from Mordremoth’s phase). Practice evading this move in Normal Mode in order to avoid getting psyched out!
Claw Slap
Known as: Swipe
Alongside the Spread mechanic, Soo-Won will swipe her right paw in a wide arc in front of her and send out a succession of orbs (telegraphed by arrows on the ground) that bounce across the middle of arena.
The swipe will instantly kill any entity standing in its path. Importantly, this also affects pets (including Mechs) and summons! The orbs, meanwhile, do high damage and
The swipe can be evaded
The Swipe’s actual hitbox extends very slightly past the visually-telegraphed edge along the center of the arena, so be extremely careful if near that edge. The no-go zone should be treated as the empty space between the Swipe’s arc and the arrows, and conveniently, standing on the tail end of the arrows will allow players to completely avoid the bouncing orbs as well, making for an easy visual cue for a safe spot against this attack.
This attack has a built in safe zone (that is thankfully not bugged) on the edge of the arena that can fit two players with Spreads safely. Players without a Spread AoE in this small safe zone should shimmy their way away from the Swipe while avoiding the overlap between two Spread AoEs.
For any players in the squad with easy access to Distortion
Lastly, any Mechanists
Tail Slam
Along with the second set of Reds in a cycle, Soo-Won will slowly move her body to a lower angle, then slam her tail along the center of the platform (east-to-west). After the slam, a jumpable shock wave identical to Tsunami Slam will radiate out from the impact point; players on the boss will have to turn their camera to look behind them as to not get blindsided.
All standard mitigation (
As long the HAMs
Elixir S
Coordination Mechanics
During Soo-Won I, the HAMs
- The
should be placing theirVirtuosos
on the corner of the northeastern large square pattern for the first Green. ThePortal Entre
should be placed on reaction the instant the Greens spawn in.exits
- The second
should be placed on the eastern side of the arena, on the intersection between the cross pattern and the largest central ring on the platform.Portal Entre
- One of the Virtuosos should place their entrance once the Heart’s defiance is broken at the end of Purification III. Any successive entrances should be placed after the Swipe and Spread are concluded.
- The second
- To deal with the shock wave during Greens:
- For the closest Green, which all of the DPS players can (and should) safely take during Soo-Won I, simply jump over the wave and walk in.
- For the middle Green (taken by the
providers), take the portal, toward the boss and through the wave when it passes fully over your Green, then hang inside.Dodge
- For the far Green (taken by the
towards the front side of the Green the moment the shock wave’s visual ‘touches’ the Green. Make sure you avoid walking into the central Void AoE after your dodge.dodge
For the Reds during Soo-Won I, the rule of thumb for the
is to place them counterclockwise from northeast to northwest as close to the plaform’s edge as is comfortable.HAMs
- In general, you shouldn’t be taking the portals during Soo-Won I, so make sure you walk out early in order to grab the Reds and be able to place them on the northern edge in time.
- You will have to handle the shock wave mechanic each time alongside
the two Reds’ tick of damage, either by timing a perfect dodge, double dodging, or usingdodging
. Learn the timing early in progression to avoid panic on later pulls.Elixir S
- There are two segments of downtime during each cycle: one immediately following the Spread, then a slighty longer one after the Tail Slam. Fit your biggest bursts of boons (and healing after the Spread) during these segments if possible.
Phase Transition
Although there’s no
The squad must avoid phasing the boss in the intervals before either attack that spawns shock waves: the Paw and Tail Slams. This is because of an extremely nasty animation cancel that will cause the Greens to spawn out of sync and more quickly during the final phase of the fight! These no-go zones correspond with the downtime mentioned just above for the HAMs
As long as you let the shock waves actually start to radiate outward for both attacks, you can safely kill the boss afterwards.
Any Greens that are active at the beginning of the final orb phase will not be canceled and will have to be resolved by the squad successfully.
Void Amalgamate
This phase, although it requires good coordination from the squad, is not as hard as it seems at a first glance. This is due to the fact that there is no enrage timer or similar mechanics to force the squad to progress the phase quickly; if any downstates or other destabilization occur, the squad can take the time to get back on their feet before continuing to take down the orb. Additionally, as mentioned above, players can rally off of any of the smaller mobs that continually respawn during the phase. The Abominations in particular still remain a large threat in this phase, so be on the lookout for any that spawn and quickly take them out.
As with the Hearts in the Purification phases, the Void Amalgamate gains momentum when hit by players’ attacks, will send out an shock wave that instantly kills players if it collides with the edges of of the platform and also has a highly-damaging ticking AoE inside its hitbox. However, in this phase the goal is to outright defeat the Void Amalgamate, so many more attacks will be needed over the course of the phase to take it out, increasing the chances of sending it into the wall dramatically.
As is common on this encounter, the Normal Mode version of this phase is essentially identical. The squad should practice there if they are struggling with any part of this phase!
Grasp of the Void
The Amalgamate’s only unique attack is a steady stream of Void projectiles sent out in five directions; after a short delay on phase start, these streams will begin to slowly rotate counterclockwise. Furthermore, the projectiles will further split into two streams after traveling for a short while.
The damage of each projectile is extremely high and can one-shot many players, so they must be mitigated or avoided outright.
All standard mitigation (
As is typical of the End of Dragons Strike Missions, players that have the ability to move and attack are at a significant advantage; this attack is a good example of this design as strafing counterclockwise around the orb is the simplest way to avoid damage.
Although we highly recommend that one of your Heralds uses Protective Solace
The Final Push
The orb pushing mechanics and physics remain identical in this phase, but in order to avoid the wall, you will need to redirect the Amalgamate back and forth between your two subgroups of players, ping-pong style. This arrangement is an efficient way to curb the orb’s momentum each time it starts to speed up in one direction.
A player in each subgroup should
Call Target on the orb as otherwise it can visually flicker in and out of the arena due to a culling bug. One subgroup should position themselves on one side of the orb, while the other goes to the opposite side.
The easiest ways to separate where each player should go are either going by whether they’re in the commander’s subgroup or not and following their respective herd, or going by predefined squad markers for each subgroup.
Once all players are in position, both sides should start attacking the orb and be watching it closely. Once it starts to gain momentum toward one of the two directions, the players that are on the side that is pushing it in that direction should stow their weapons or turn their character around to stop attacking completely.
The other subgroup can then lightly counter-push the orb for a few seconds before the first group gets back attacking. Although there’s no rush to complete the phase, players in the first subgroup should avoid being too sluggish on restarting their offensive after stowing their weapons as getting back on the attack more quickly will neutralize the counter-push momentum before it gets out of control. A good cue to start attacking again is when the orb’s momentum is visually zero, i.e., it looks stationary.
All of that being said, voice communication is quite important here. Players should follow their commander’s instructions closely and shouldn’t try and be a hero, as that can make things even more chaotic.
If the orb has any gained any sort of significant distance toward the wall during a given attempt, there’s been a failure in coordination that should be corrected for the next pull.
Phase Transition
The phase should end at the
Once the orb is about to die, all players should avoid use any stealth-breaking abilities, stack on the marked location (we recommend putting a permanent squad marker here), then once the phase concludes and the two Champions spawn in,
One of the
should put a Virtuosos
on the boss before the Amalgamate is defeated, for use when the Goliath is defeated to squeeze out a little more damage uptime. Portal Entre
Soo-Won II (50%-0%)
In Challenge Mode, the final phase of the encounter is transformed into all-out chaos with two major changes: Soo-Won’s health is no longer reduced to 33% after dispelling the Void Amalgamate (making for a pretty tight DPS check), and a Champion Void Goliath is spawned at the start of the phase alongside the Obliterator. These two mini-bosses are easily the most difficult adds to deal with across the entire encounter and must be focused down relentlessly by the squad’s players until they’re both taken out. As the mini-bosses have access to copious amounts of crowd control, well-timed
If both mini-bosses are defeated in a reasonable amount of time, this phase becomes almost identical to the first Soo-Won phase; don’t panic, follow the protocols you’ve practiced for many pulls, and take the Dragonvoid down!
The Goliath should be the main target for the squad’s abilities, but the Obliterator should be getting hit by most those attacks too. Players except for the HAMs should avoid being near the center of the platform to avoid picking up a Red by mistake.
Around the time the Goliath dies, the Greens and Reds will spawn in again:
- Pure DPS players, especially those playing melee builds, should make sure at least the Goliath is dead before moving back to Soo-Won.
- After giving all of their boons to the squad once
is broken, the should walk toward the center of the platform in order to pick up the Reds.HAMs
- The
, making sure they don’t pick up the Reds, should also walk to their Green for this first set; one of them can place aVirtuosos
in the usual spot from Soo-Won I once the Green resolves to make the second set easier.Portal Entre
Mini-Boss Attacks
Glacial Slam
Known as: Jump
The Goliath will jump up into the air before slamming into the ground, leaving behind a extremely dangerous frosty patch on the ground that pulses damage,
Each pulse is mitigable with the standard options (
Analogously to the Giants’ Death Scream at the beginning of Zhaitan’s phase, interrupting the Goliath while it’s mid-attack will not disable the attack’s visual telegraph; players should not waste their defensive options on the first instance of this attack as the mini-boss’s defiance bar will invariably be broken.
This attack is the reason why the Goliath needs to be dispatched quickly: if it uses this move on the boss, the pull is likely over! As such, the strategy in this phase for the most part assumes that the Goliath dies while only ever having used this attack once, which it will do immediately after it recovers from its defiance being broken.
If the mini-boss is not killed in time and a player is in range after the Jump, the Goliath will do a melee Slam with its sword that similarly Dodge
Fast reactions are needed for the Obliterator, either for dodging
Defiant Stance
Wyvern Breath
Known as: Breath, Fire
If a player is in close range after the Charge, the Obliterator will target them with a cone of flames that deal light ticking damage and apply both
Wherever possible, this attack should be turned away from the boss’s hitbox as the
Known as: Dash
The Obliterator will charge across an extremely large distance in the direction of a chosen player (telegraphed by a long red arrow originating from the mini-boss), dealing light damage but
Entities such as the myriad turrets from Supply Crate
Claw & Shock Wave
Like other boss Wyverns, the Obliterator will combo a sweeping attack with its right wing into a slam with its left, which spawns a faintly visible but still jumpable shock wave in HT CM.
All of these attacks will
The shock wave’s hitbox will linger and continue traveling outward for a while after its visual disappears, so players at range must be extremely wary whenever this attack is used.
Coordination Mechanics
Besides the above, the only other change in this phase is which players are going to which Green. The timings for jumping or
As this is the final phase, as long as any Reds that are placed do not cover up the next Green in the cycle, they can be placed quite greedily. This means that the HAMs
Standing Together achievement) should go to the close Green.
The same portal placement for the second set of Greens can be used, however the first set will not have a convenient portal, so the HAMs
The HAMs should, each time after dodging through the shock wave for the far Green, place the Red as close to the central Void AoE as possible while avoiding the boon corrupt. If placed properly, you will never block off the next far Green in the cycle with this new set of Reds.
For the Reds during the Tail Slam, the HAMs should continue placing them in the northern and western portions of the arena while avoiding being in the path of the tail.