The Legendary Treasure Has Been Found!
3 years ago
9 days after the initial announcement, on June 11th, a secret password was inserted in an even more secret field, and after 162 tries from multiple users, the treasure hunt was conquered! It was a fun project, we released 21 letters, and 8 of them were repetitions. Our evil plan even included releasing red herring in the code and in form of letters H, A, R, S, T, U, and C in the beginning, to make you think the password has something to do with "Hardstuck". In reality, it was nothing like that, the password was: "i am echo of scarlet briar" That's not all! We know how hard the hunt was, 2nd (and only other) person to guess the correct phrase, a treasure hunter named Los, will be rewarded with 250 . We received some good feedback about this contest, and we hope you…